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Ruby and Rack based api for meal planner application.


This is a pet project that will serve as a smaller piece to a larger meal planning application which demonstrates the use of Sinatra as a Rack based micro service. The service uses Active Record and Postgres for data persistence, but does not have much of the "Rails magic," at least not setup by default. See below for the api documentation.

Getting started

To run locally,

bundle install
bundle exec puma --config config/puma.rb

You can test that the server is working by hitting the health endpoint,

curl -D - -X GET --url http://localhost:4000/healthz

Docker for local dependencies

If you want to use Docker to setup a Postgres database locally, you can do so via Rake task,

bundle exec rake docker:db:start

This will start a Postgres database using env variables for the hosted port, database name, username and password. To tear this db down, run

bundle exec rake docker:db:stop


Environment variables used for configuration,

Var Default Setting
MEAL_PLANNER_API_DB_HOST localhost Tcp address of the database
MEAL_PLANNER_API_DB_PORT 15400 Tcp port of the database
DATABASE_URL - Postgres url (with username, password, host and port) - overwrites all above
SINATRA_ENV development Environment to run in
RACK_ENV - Environment to run Rack server in
PORT 4000 Port to host Rack server on
RUN_COVERAGE Set to "true" to get SimpleCov coverage report

Running with Docker

There is a Dockerfile for this project. To build it,

docker build --tag meal-planner-api .

Then to run via container,

docker run --rm --detatch --port 4000:4000 --name meal-planner-api meal-planner-api:latest

To set configuration options, use the docker run --env option to pass in environment variables as in the above configuration section.

API Documentation

WIP - to come. This section will contain api docs for available HTTP routes.


Tests are written using the MiniTest framework. To run tests,

bundle exec rake test

Linting is done by Rubocop and can be run with,

bundle exec rubocop -D


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