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1.1 A Right to Commit Mass Murders, Question Mark

Before we continue into the gritty details of this exposé, the most important thing the readers of this material need to understand, is the following:

genocidal activities committed by military personnel or by any other state-sponsored agents, with immunity and secrecy offered to them via pretexts of sovereignty or national security, does not make those people any less responsible for their actions, nor does it make their genocidal activities any less of a crime against humanity.

Consider this, if there were such a thing called, "The Ranking of Sovereign States and Sovereign Rulers," would any entity on that list, upon achieving the status of being more genocidal, consequently become 'the more righteously sovereign being' with a better standing in the world and in its history?

Any example set forth by those who claim to be sovereign and self-governing, is bound to be copied and eventually surpassed by others in this world who can make similar claims about being 'rightfully sovereign.' So what is to stop arbitrary people from claiming sovereignty that can provide a cover of immunity, and universal protection, from the crimes they've committed? Honesty? Humility?

Obviously no type of intrinsic quality, or some kind of a 'moral fiber,' is going to prevent hereditary rulers, dictators, drug lords, and war-criminals from generating or participating in a coup, in order to take over a region of the world, which they can then call their sovereign nation-state. And then within their nation-state, as its ruler, they and their sectarian views can naturally become 'the law.' However, one does not need to be a marshal lord, or even a commissioned officer or an enlisted soldier to commit war crimes via engineered and automated weapons of mass destruction. Civilian engineers, scientists, researchers, and contractors have all the opportunity and the ability to program methods of committing mass murders using: remotely operated or supervised, autonomous and semi-autonomous military platforms that constitute kinetic, bio-chemical, and other cybernetic weapons systems.

Now, is the concept of sovereign protection to be extended to all such state-sponsored agents like R&D engineers and contractors who aren't active duty soldiers in a battlefield? Moreover, isn't the state liable and culpable for its sponsored and regulated entities, including field operatives, R&D workers, financiers, professional consultants, and logistical supply chain crew members? Especially for their industrially coordinated crimes against humanity, scapegoating a few members of the overall genocidal apparatus, does not change the genocidal pretexts and designs of the state-sponsored apparatus.

More specifically, if the argument for "immunity and protection from prosecutions," even in the context of people who have participated in facilitating genocides as well as those who are responsible for systematically directing genocidal activities, were to be extended to all agents and agencies of a nation-state that is at war, then obviously such legal arguments would also apply to Russia and all Russian agencies that have been involved in battles around Eastern Europe, Eur-Asia, and in the Middle-East. Furthermore, the argument would also hold and become applicable to China-Taiwan relationships. Additionally, any privateer companies, mercenary outfits, militia groups, terrorist organizations, and pirates would also be able to claim self-governing sovereign immunity, and authority, especially for their activities conducted within international waters and in outer space.

So, if the reader can comprehend and estimate the consequences of the wrongful precedent set by the premise of,

"a state and its governing entities have 'sovereign rights' to commit or orchestrate mass killings with mass casualties and ecological destruction, in lieu of furthering the state's interests;"

and, especially if the reader can contemplate the negative consequences posed by the above premise to people of countries like: Mexico, Brazil, Sweden, Angola, Morocco, Vatican, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, China, Tibet, South Korea and Polynesia, then, the reader can continue to peruse through this material, in order to become better informed about genocidal activities carried out by American-led agents and agencies.

Hence, are you able to comprehensively agree that a genocidal being with its predatory motives and actions — is simply ignoble — and absolutely cannot claim to possess any legitimate forms of sovereignty?

Do you then agree, that even the act of producing a facade, or propping up a superficial outlook, by agents and agencies of nation-states to appear blameless or naive, does not absolve them of their factual deeds involving omissions, or commissions, that have led to injuries, damages, deaths, or destruction? Particularly when such ongoing deaths and destruction are on a massive international-scale, how can they be simply ignored and allowed to continue, by the international community?

R&D  - Research and Development