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Jack-o-Lantern 2015

I have four bright neo-pixel plates and a couple of smaller LED grids. I might as well put them to work in a Jack-O-Lantern this year.

As seen on Youtube

LED Grid:

NeoPixel Plate:

Here is the hardware and pumpkin:

The plan is to use the two smaller displays for eyes. Three of the plates will make a mouth. I'll offset them to better allow a smile. I'll use the center stripe of the fourth for a nose.

I already have the propeller software going. I was planning a Circuit Cellar article (of course) on the grid mapping. This project will be a good addition to the article.

Here is another project using LED grids for eyes:


The Jack Language

I create a DSL (domain specific language) for the project. I wrote a compiler for it in Java. The compiler outputs Propeller DAT sections for compiling into the propeller. Have a look at "nose.txt" and "mouth.txt" to see the language in action. The "Jack2015.spin" contains the interpreter and the compiled scripts.

The code launches 3 copies of the Jack interpreter -- one for the eyes, one for the nose, and one for the mouth. They run independently of one another.
