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☣️ Spanner Hacken Machine ☣️


⚒️ My||Hacking||Environment|||Openbox||Based ⚒️

Important for You

This repo is in Constant Development and Updates

Future changes will be applied both to Appearance/Custom and to further /Automate the Hacking and Development work, will include tools and scripts for:

* targets/
* dirs/
* reports/
* binary/
* reversing/
* malware/
* threathunting/
* investigation tools/
* osint/
* checking reputation/
* sandboxs/
* vunlerabilty DBS/
* cheat sheets/

* and more, stay ⚔️ Hacken ⚔️!
  • 🗿 My custom of what y use every day for 💉 hacking and threat hunting 🔫 is based on Debian/Parrot Os ↪️ Openbox tilling window*

↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️Why openbox↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️↘️

🕶️ Openbox is the most lightweight tilling window [openbox offers you the freedom 🕶️ to work with shortcuts or mouse, your choice is your choice 🏆

          ☢️ Never automate these types of customs they are easily broken according to dependencies and system requirements ☢️

⚒️ Instalation proceed ⚒️

sudo apt update
sudo parrot-upgrade
sudo apt install openbox
sudo apt install obconf lxinput
sudo apt install snapd (snap discontinued)
sudo apt install mpd
sudo apt install flameshot
sudo apt install fonts-material-design-icons-iconfont
sudo apt install fonts-materialdesignicons-webfont

📑 Fonts 📑 [very important]

1.) Download some Nerd Fonts

2.) We need the fonts to be available system-wide, you'll need to copy them to /usr/local/share/fonts and reboot / or manually rebuild the font cache with fc-cache -fv

3.) Run the command fc-cache -fv to manually rebuild the font cache.

  • Is very important to have Iosevka Nerd Font or Hack Nerd Font this are polybar dependencies, after that choose a font as your liking.

🗿 Wallpaper manager 🗿

sudo apt install nitrogen

Manager for Menu/Custom Themes and Icons

sudo apt install lxappearance lxappearance-obconf

Wallpapers for Hacken Machine [Nitrogen]

Hacken Machine Nord Pallete Wallpapers ☬ NoRD Pallete ßÿ тм¢увєя ☬

Important Step! we are going to create the autostart , so that everything starts at startup.

If just in case some of the directories you have, then go to the next level.
cd /home/tmcyber/.config
mkdir openbox
cd openbox
touch autostart 
geany autostart

Example, will add more later.

# Launch nitrogen
nitrogen --restore &

# Set keyboard to ES or US
setxkbmap us
#Launch Picom
picom &
## Launch Polybar 
bash ~/.config/polybar/ --forest 
  • In this folder you must also find the rc.xml file, which is the shortcuts file that we are going to tune with our personal shortcuts later on

This # is a comment, into autostart

Rofi Launcher

sudo apt install rofi

Ok now restart, you can do it simply like this kill -9 -1 now everything is black don't be scared, don't worry open a terminal with the right click terminal emulater, type nitrogen and upload to nitrogen the wallapers that you downloaded the pallete nordfrom this repo or others as your choice.

💊 Polybar TUN!!nG! 💊


git clone --depth=1
cd polybar-themes
chmod +x

Run and select a style

[*] Installing Polybar Themes...

[*] Choose Style -
[1] Simple
[2] Bitmap

[?] Select Option : 1

[*] Installing fonts...
[*] Creating a backup of your polybar configs...
[*] Successfully Installed.

Launch the bar

To launch the bar with the selected theme, Just...

Open the terminal and enter the following command

bash ~/.config/polybar/

Usage : --theme

Available Themes : --blocks --colorblocks --cuts --docky --forest --grayblocks --hack --material --panels --pwidgets --shades --shapes

Now, select your theme and launch the bar

bash ~/.config/polybar/ --hack

Im using --forest as theme

**Paste this comand into autostart that we have create at the start.

💊 Kitty TUN!!nG! 💊


In case that you don't see this / simply create then*

cd .config
cd kitty
touch kitty.conf
geany kitty.conf
  • paste this into kitty.conf
include myconf.conf
touch myconf.conf

Atom theme (

background_opacity    0.9
foreground            #c4c8c5
cursor                #d0d0d0
selection_background  #444444
color0                #000000
color8                #000000
color1                #fc5ef0
color9                #fc5ef0
color2                #86c38a
color10               #94f936
color3                #ffd6b1
color11               #f5ffa7
color4                #85befd
color12               #95cbfe
color5                #b9b5fc
color13               #b9b5fc
color6                #85befd
color14               #85befd
color7                #dfdfdf
color15               #dfdfdf
selection_foreground #161718

🏹 Zsh || Powerlevel10k for kitty 🏹

Installl zsh

sudo apt-get install zsh

Put ZSH as default shell

chsh -s $(which zsh)

We close and reopen the terminal to verify that ZSH is the default (sometimes the system may have to be restarted)

❯ echo $SHELL


We execute the following command to download and install oh-my-zsh

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" 

Once installed we access the oh-my-zsh configuration

geany ~/.zshrc

A document will open that we must edit by adding the following line

  • In this case we add: ZSH_THEME=”powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k”

More themes available for oh-my-zsh in the following link ohmyzsh-themes


To install powerlevel10k we must execute the following command

git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k 

Once we execute it, we close the terminal and open it again and follow the configuration steps that we like the most

[!] The installation and configuration has to be done twice, for the user without permissions and for the root user.



zsh-syntax-highlighting (It checks which commands are well written or if they exist and also which ones are misspelled or do not exist)

git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

zsh-autosuggestions (View suggestions and predict the tasks you want to perform based on the most used commands)

git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

Paste this into ~/.zhsrc

  geany ~/.zshrc

🔱 Picom transparency TUN!!nG! 🔱

cd .config
mkdir picom
touch picom.conf
geany picom.conf
  • Into picom.conf just paste my conf, and modelling to your liking.

  • Sample here: picom sample

Update 2023

I only use background_opacity 0.9 in Kitty. Picom is Disabled

💻 Mosaic Windows Tilling [CTRL+1,2,3,4,45,5,6,7,8,9] 💻

  • Open rc.xml , and just paste this code, save it, and then do right click and ReConfigure openbox.

<keybind key="C-1">
 <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
 <action name="MoveResizeTo">
   <keybind key="C-2">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
   <keybind key="C-3">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
   <keybind key="C-4">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
   <keybind key="C-5">
     <action name="MaximizeFull"/>
   <keybind key="C-6">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
   <keybind key="C-7">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
   <keybind key="C-8">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
   <keybind key="C-9">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
   <keybind key="W-Right">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MaximizeVert"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
     <action name="MoveToEdgeEast"/>
   <keybind key="W-Left">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MaximizeVert"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
     <action name="MoveToEdgeWest"/>
   <keybind key="W-Up">
     <action name="MaximizeFull"/>
   <keybind key="W-Down">
     <action name="UnmaximizeFull"/>
     <action name="MoveResizeTo">
     <action name="MoveToCenter"/>

Open some window or terminal and try it.

How does this work?

Hold down the super key or Win key in windows is usually called like this, and with the right and left arrows play with the window to your liking

🕶️ Custom Shortcuts 🕶️

  • rc.xml

  • Example 📖

     <keybind key="W-t">
      <action name="Execute">
  • Im saying to openbox that i will open kitty with Superkey/Winkey Windows and key t [ custom as your choice]

  • Im using custom shortcuts to open every applicaccion, and tilling it.

For the Flameshot shortcut Is Having an issue. But calling flameshot gui like this, as it shows.

  • Flameshot 📗 is the best tool for reports/write ups 📗

🎨 Shell TUN!!nG!+Extra! 🎨


  • Ubuntu/Debian based distro
use sudo dpkg -i lsd_0.23.1_amd64.deb and get .deb file from release page 

lsd releases



sudo apt install bat   


💎 Opcional Things for TUN!!nG! 💎



Optional [Conky Themes]


Start conky on startup echo this into autostart

conky &

Panel tint2

Some dependencies in case you miss something

sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libimlib2-dev libgtk-3-dev libxinerama-dev libx11-dev libxdamage-dev libxcomposite-dev libxrender-dev libxrandr-dev librsvg2-dev libstartup-notification0-dev
sudo apt install tint2

**Start tint2 on startup echo this/into autostart

tint2 &
  • tint2 is the lightest bar that there is / is more lightwey than polybar and 100% customizable. [Your choice is all up to you]

Best Themes for tint2

  • Create a directory inside in your home folder
mkdir -p ~/.config/tint2

Then just clone the repository, which I separated all previously, and move to ~/.config/tint2/

git clone
cd tint2-themes
mv * ~/.config/tint2/

To test use the tint2 command with the -c parameter and the path of the Tint2 configuration file(tint2rc), example:

tint2 -c ~/.config/tint2/livia/livia.tint2rc

If you want to enable(make your life easier!) for every time you log into Openbox, add to your ~/.config/openbox/autostart the line:

tint2 -c ~/.config/tint2/livia/livia.tint2rc 
  • Im using polybar now-days, but i have used tint2 because consumes very few resources[less than polybar] / so your choice is fully your.

⌨️ Shortcuts (Some of it) ⌨️

 ⌨️ Aplicaccion shortcuts launchers ⌨️
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + t = kitty
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + p = brave browser
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + o = caja
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + i = flameshot
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + u = geany
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + y = vscode
⌨️ System Launcher ⌨️
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + m = rofi
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + n = rofi show window
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + b = rofi-ssh
⌨️ Desktops ⌨️
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + 1 = Desktop 1
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + 2 = Desktop 2
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + 3 = Desktop 3
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + 4 = Desktop 4
⌨️ Window Tilling ⌨️
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + ➡️ = till windows to right
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + ⬅️ = till window to left
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + ↗️ = till to bellow boottom dektop aslo full screen of the window
  • (W) Super-key/Win-key + ↘️ = till to down of the desktop (floating window)
*rc.xml is the shortcut/master of all unity system

Typing SVG