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Releases: tmck-code/pokesay


04 Apr 20:17
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What's Changed

  • fix the width detection for nidoran ♀/♂ by @tmck-code in #63

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1


19 Mar 13:28
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.12.2...0.13.0

This release includes breaking changes to the CLI args! I'm deploying this as a pre-release so that I can test it before releasing to everyone.

Breaking Changes

All args now have two dashes at the beginning instead of one! e.g.

# before
echo w | pokesay -name pikachu

# after
echo w | pokesay --name pikachu

(See this PR for more details: #58)

New CLI Usage

Usage: pokesay [-bCfhjLlsuvW] [-c value] [-n value] [-t value] [-w value] [parameters ...]
 -b, --info-border  draw a border around the info box
 -c, --category=value
                    choose a pokemon from a specific category
 -C, --no-category-info
                    do not print pokemon category information in the info box
 -f, --fastest      run with the fastest possible configuration (--nowrap &
 -h, --help         display this help message
 -j, --japanese-name
                    print the japanese name in the info box
 -L, --list-categories
                    list all available categories
 -l, --list-names   list all available names
 -n, --name=value   choose a pokemon from a specific name
 -s, --no-tab-spaces
                    do not replace tab characters (fastest)
 -t, --tab-width=value
                    replace any tab characters with N spaces [4]
 -u, --unicode-borders
                    use unicode characters to draw the border around the speech
                    box (and info box if --info-border is enabled)
 -v, --verbose      print verbose output
 -W, --no-wrap      disable text wrapping (fastest)
 -w, --width=value  the max speech bubble width [80]


12 Mar 12:40
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What's Changed

  • Support filtering by both name and category by @tmck-code in #57

Full Changelog: v0.12.1...v0.12.2


11 Nov 13:34
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What's Changed

Enable it with -info-border!

ascii command result result
-info-border -no-category-info image image
-info-border image image
-info-border -japanese-name -no-category-info image image
-info-border -japanese-name image image

Full Changelog: v0.12.0...v0.12.1


27 Sep 08:13
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What's Changed

Use sexy unicode box characters with the -unicode-box flag!


Full Changelog: v0.11.3...v0.12.0


17 Mar 13:20
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What's Changed

The pokesay tool uses a trie struct that contains all of the pokemon for each category.
For any modes that use this trie (e.g. -name and -category), >75% of the execution time is spent loading this trie, before searching and eventually printing the pokemon.
This implements a new way of storing and searching the categories, resulting in performance increases when using the name/category modes 🚀

Full Changelog: v0.11.2...v0.11.3


08 Feb 01:30
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Smaller and better! File size reduction of 10%, and better random selection behaviour

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.11.1...v0.11.2


30 Jan 12:31
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  1. Converted all flags to "kebab-case"

    • -nowrap -> -no-wrap
    • -tabwidth -> -tab-width
    • -notabspaces -> -no-tab-spaces
  2. Added a new flag, -no-category-info.
    This disables printing the category info of the pokemon, saving on a nice amount of width

    # without `-no-category-info` flag
    > pikachu-alola-cap | ピカチュウ (pikachuu) | small/gen8/regular/female
    # with `-no-category-info` flag
    > pikachu-alola-cap | ピカチュウ (pikachuu)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.11.1


30 Jan 11:56
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Testing and refactoring woohoo! This probably doesn't warrant a full minor version bump as none of these changes affect the user, however it's a nice chunk of work on the dev side that makes future development easier.

What's Changed

  • Testing by @tmck-code in #49
  • Removed an accidental debug log included in the last release

Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.11.0


18 Jan 06:12
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1