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ggplot2 3.3.4

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@thomasp85 thomasp85 released this 17 Jun 06:35

This is a larger patch release fixing a huge number of bugs and introduces a
small selection of feature refinements.


  • Alt-text can now be added to a plot using the alt label, i.e
    + labs(alt = ...). Currently this alt text is not automatically propagated,
    but we plan to integrate into Shiny, RMarkdown, and other tools in the future.
    (@thomasp85, #4477)

  • Add support for the BrailleR package for creating descriptions of the plot
    when rendered (@thomasp85, #4459)

  • coord_sf() now has an argument default_crs that specifies the coordinate
    reference system (CRS) for non-sf layers and scale/coord limits. This argument
    defaults to NULL, which means non-sf layers are assumed to be in projected
    coordinates, as in prior ggplot2 versions. Setting default_crs = sf::st_crs(4326)
    provides a simple way to interpret x and y positions as longitude and latitude,
    regardless of the CRS used by coord_sf(). Authors of extension packages
    implementing stat_sf()-like functionality are encouraged to look at the source
    code of stat_sf()'s compute_group() function to see how to provide scale-limit
    hints to coord_sf() (@clauswilke, #3659).

  • ggsave() now uses ragg to render raster output if ragg is available. It also
    handles custom devices that sets a default unit (e.g. ragg::agg_png)
    correctly (@thomasp85, #4388)

  • ggsave() now returns the saved file location invisibly (#3379, @eliocamp).

  • The scale arguments limits, breaks, minor_breaks, labels, rescaler
    and oob now accept purrr style lambda notation (@teunbrand, #4427). The same
    is true for as_labeller() (and therefore also labeller())
    (@netique, #4188).

  • Manual scales now allow named vectors passed to values to contain fewer
    elements than existing in the data. Elements not present in values will be set
    to NA (@thomasp85, #3451)

  • Date and datetime position scales support out-of-bounds (oob) arguments to
    control how limits affect data outside those limits (@teunbrand, #4199).


  • Fix a bug that after_stat() and after_scale() cannot refer to aesthetics
    if it's specified in the plot-global mapping (@yutannihilation, #4260).

  • Fix bug in annotate_logticks() that would cause an error when used together
    with coord_flip() (@thomasp85, #3954)

  • Fix a bug in geom_abline() that resulted in intercept not being subjected
    to the transformation of the y scale (@thomasp85, #3741)

  • Extent the range of the line created by geom_abline() so that line ending
    is not visible for large linewidths (@thomasp85, #4024)

  • Fix bug in geom_dotplot() where dots would be positioned wrong with
    stackgroups = TRUE (@thomasp85, #1745)

  • Fix calculation of confidence interval for locfit smoothing in geom_smooth()
    (@topepo, #3806)

  • Fix bug in geom_text() where "outward" and "inward" justification for
    some angle values was reversed (@aphalo, #4169, #4447)

  • ggsave() now sets the default background to match the fill value of the
    plot.background theme element (@karawoo, #4057)

  • It is now deprecated to specify guides(<scale> = FALSE) or
    scale_*(guide = FALSE) to remove a guide. Please use
    guides(<scale> = "none") or scale_*(guide = "none") instead
    (@yutannihilation, #4094).

  • Fix a bug in guide_bins() where keys would disappear if the guide was
    reversed (@thomasp85, #4210)

  • Fix bug in guide_coloursteps() that would repeat the terminal bins if the
    breaks coincided with the limits of the scale (@thomasp85, #4019)

  • Make sure that default labels from default mappings doesn't overwrite default
    labels from explicit mappings (@thomasp85, #2406)

  • Fix bug in labeller() where parsing was turned off if .multiline = FALSE
    (@thomasp85, #4084)

  • Make sure label_bquote() has access to the calling environment when
    evaluating the labels (@thomasp85, #4141)

  • Fix a bug in the layer implementation that introduced a new state after the
    first render which could lead to a different look when rendered the second
    time (@thomasp85, #4204)

  • Fix a bug in legend justification where justification was lost of the legend
    dimensions exceeded the available size (@thomasp85, #3635)

  • Fix a bug in position_dodge2() where NA values in thee data would cause an
    error (@thomasp85, #2905)

  • Make sure position_jitter() creates the same jittering independent of
    whether it is called by name or with constructor (@thomasp85, #2507)

  • Fix a bug in position_jitter() where different jitters would be applied to
    different position aesthetics of the same axis (@thomasp85, #2941)

  • Fix a bug in qplot() when supplying c(NA, NA) as axis limits
    (@thomasp85, #4027)

  • Remove cross-inheritance of default discrete colour/fill scales and check the
    type and aesthetic of function output if type is a function
    (@thomasp85, #4149)

  • Fix bug in scale_[x|y]_date() where custom breaks functions that resulted in
    fracional dates would get misaligned (@thomasp85, #3965)

  • Fix bug in scale_[x|y]_datetime() where a specified timezone would be
    ignored by the scale (@thomasp85, #4007)

  • Fix issue in sec_axis() that would throw warnings in the absence of any
    secondary breaks (@thomasp85, #4368)

  • stat_bin()'s computed variable width is now documented (#3522).

  • stat_count() now computes width based on the full dataset instead of per
    group (@thomasp85, #2047)

  • Extended stat_ecdf() to calculate the cdf from either x or y instead from y
    only (@jgjl, #4005)

  • Fix a bug in stat_summary_bin() where one more than the requested number of
    bins would be created (@thomasp85, #3824)

  • Only drop groups in stat_ydensity() when there are fewer than two data
    points and throw a warning (@andrewwbutler, #4111).

  • Fixed a bug in strip assembly when theme has strip.text = element_blank()
    and plots are faceted with multi-layered strips (@teunbrand, #4384).

  • Using theme(aspect.ratio = ...) together with free space in facet_grid()
    now crrectly throws an error (@thomasp85, #3834)

  • Fixed a bug in labeller() so that .default is passed to as_labeller()
    when labellers are specified by naming faceting variables. (@waltersom, #4031)

  • Updated style for example code (@rjake, #4092)

  • ggplot2 now requires R >= 3.3 (#4247).

  • ggplot2 now uses rlang::check_installed() to check if a suggested package is
    installed, which will offer to install the package before continuing (#4375,

  • Improved error with hint when piping a ggplot object into a facet function
    (#4379, @mitchelloharawild).