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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 10, 2018. It is now read-only.


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Table of Contents

  1. Installing
  2. Management
  3. React
  4. Maintaining
  5. Testing


  1. npm (or yarn) install
  2. npm run start:ipad to launch a packaging server and open a debugger instance on
  • Alternatively run npm run start to just start the packing server
  • For Nuclide just run Nuclide React Native: Start Packager in the command palette.
  1. Edit the src folder only.


  • The master branch is only to be used for working code. This branch should reflect a state which at any time could be used to demo a working version of the project.
  • Use the develop branch for in-progress builds. Don't directly commit stuff in except when it's: a hotfix or a dependency modification (eg. upgrade) or config file edit.
  • Use feature branches for merging new features and more extensive fixes into develop. Prefix feature branches with your initials (eg. tm-homepage)
    • Delete these once merged in, no dead branches pls 💀
  • Never merge in branches failing on CI.
  • Please sign-off commits (preferably with a GPG signature, otherwise with git commit -S)
  • Preferably use Nuclide as an IDE for React Native. Xcode works too, but Nuclide has first-class support for launching a packaging service and debugging inside Atom.


  • Write a component with props on 1 line if:
    • …the props are within 100 chars line-length
    • …callbacks are lambdas/immediate returns
  • For each new component put the component itself in src/containers or src/components and its style in src/assets/styles/containers or src/assets/styles/components, avoid inline styles.
  • For imports:
    • Only absolute imports
    • Import style objects/StyleSheets as s: import s from 'src/assets/styles/components/Navigation'
    • Order:
      import react
      import react native
      import 3rd party libs
      import components
      import config
      import helpers,…
      import styles
      import assets
  • When creating a style object or StyleSheet, put your related styles on 1 line (if eslint allows it) when having multiple styling rules:
  // Order: positional(flex, width & height, margin, padding), fonts, colors, rest…
  flexDirection: 'row', flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center',
  margin: 30,
  padding: 3,
  fontSize: 20, textAlign: 'center',
  backgroundColor: 'black', color: 'white',
  • For text, spread on the provided globalStyle:
  color: 'pink',

Be sure to import it after positional styling and before all other styling so it overwrites the properties from globalStyle.

  • Use ternary expressions for your conditions as much as possible
  • Use lambda's as much as possible.


  • Use gitmoji for each commit. Install gitmoji-cli and create a git hook inside the root project (gitmoji -i).
  • PR reviews are required to be marked OK by everyone before merging. Only use admin merge when discussed with everyone.
  • Use issue & PR labels.
    • Multiple words should be chained with a dash (eg. wont-fix)
    • Use GitScout for issue tracking & project boards
  • Clean up unused deps. Preferably keep using the currently integrated Greenkeeper.
  • Tag release new master builds.


  • Run jest with coverage. npm t does this automatically.
    • Update your snapshots if needed with npm run test:update
    • Mock third party modules
    • It's ok to skip a test if that means investing time to mock third party libs
  • Use flow where suited. Don't check 3rd party stuff but focus on pure functions etc.
  • When a PR fails due to a regression, check the Travis logs, find the issue and discuss it in the PR.