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A helm chart to deploy qbittorrent and plex.

⚠️ This helm chart assumes that you have configured traefik[1] in your cluster.

How to use

$ helm repo add qbittorent-plex

Chart name is qbittorent-plex. Enjoy ! 🚀

Why deploy this in a kubernetes cluster ? 😎

Why not ? Plex is more for running on a server in a living room, but it works great in kubernetes too. The main limitation is storage, it's not possible to store all the downloaded media (or it will cost you a lot of money). My usage is simply to download, watch, then delete once the movie is watched. In this case, deploying to here works well (even if it's totally over-engineered, but hey, it's cool kubernetes).

You should also pay attention to the requested cpu value if you want to transcode your media.

Why qbittorent and plex are in the same pod ? 🕵️‍♂️

In order for plex to access the media uploaded by qbittorent, they must share a pv. However, despite the fact that kubernetes specifies multiple access to a pv[1], Ovh does not implement multiple mounting on multiple nodes[2].

Register plex server 🔗

There is two ways of doing it :

  • Use a claim (/!\ A claim is only valid during 4 minutes)[1].
  • Go to your plex host and login[2].

If you use the second option, the configuration of the server claim token in the table is not necessary.

Value 📔


Value Definition Default
qbittorent.image Qbittorent server docker image linuxserver/qbittorent:4.5.1
qbittorent.config_folder.size Size of the qbittorent config folder 3Gi
qbittorent.downloads_folder.size Size of the qbittorent download folder 3Gi Host of your qbittorent server ~
qbittorent.resources.requests.memory Qbittorent container memory request 100Mi
qbittorent.resources.requests.cpu Qbittorent container cpu request 50m
qbittorent.resources.limits.memory Qbittorent container memory limit 150Mi
qbittorent.resources.limits.cpu Qbittorent container cpu limit 250m
qbittorent.secrets Variables to be injected into the container env {}
qbittorent.mmiddlewares List of traefik middlewares to use []


Value Definition Default
plex.image Plex server docker image linuxserver/plex:1.30.2
plex.config_folder.size Size of the plex config folder 10Gi Host of your plex server ~
plex.resources.requests.memory Plex container memory request 150Mi
plex.resources.requests.cpu Plex container cpu request 50m
plex.resources.limits.memory Plex container memory limit 250Mi
plex.resources.limits.cpu Plex container cpu limit 250m
plex.secrets Variables to be injected into the container env {}
plex.secrets.PLEX_CLAIM Plex server claim ""
plex.mmiddlewares List of traefik middlewares to use []