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Project1: SUSE CloudNative Scholarship at Udacity


This project was submitted as project1 (named: TechTrends) for the SUSE CloudNative Nano Degree at Udacity. Aim of this project was to implement all the different CloudNative tools taught in the first lesson: CloudNative Fundamentals.

Link of the Course

This project uses latest CloudNative tools for deploying a blogging app: TechTrends

👨‍💻 Tools used in this project: 👨‍💻

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • ArgoCD
  • Helm
  • Vagrant

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repo onto your machine.

  2. Install Docker.

  3. Install Kind. Kind is a Kubernetes bootstrapping tool that would run kubernetes clusters for you in Docker container.

  4. To start kubernester cluster:

kind create cluster

  1. For checking the running nodes:
kubectl get no

  1. For running the app:


    kubect apply -f kubernetes/namespace.yaml


    kubect apply -f kubernetes/service.yaml


    kubect apply -f kubernetes/deploy.yaml

For checking the running application:

kubectl get all -n=sandbox

  1. For viewing the application in your browser:
kubectl port-fowrard service/techtrends 3111:4111 -n=sandbox

Note: In place of 3111 your can give any port of your choice. Read more about it at:


kubectl port-fowrard service/techtrends <your-desired-port>:4111 -n=sandbox
  1. Type: localhost:3111 or localhost:<your-desired-port> in your browser and your should be able to access the application.

Thats all!! 😁 🙌

Note: In place of kind your can use any other bootstrapping tools like minikube, k3d, Vagrant with Virtual Box, etc. But the setup instructions would be same from step 5.

Developed by Pranav Singh ❤️ 👨‍💻