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DF Svelte Template

Adapted from The Pudding's starter template.


  • Feather Icons for simple/easy svg icons
  • ArchieML for micro-CMS powered by Google Docs
  • Includes csv, json, and svg imports by default
  • Configured to make easy deployment to Github Pages
  • Tailwind (WIP)


Click the Use this template button above, then run:

npm install
npm run build


To start the dev server:

npm run dev

It takes a sec to get started. Working on that.

Modify content in src and public/assets.


If deploying to github pages, set up GH pages to run from the main branch on /docs and then:

make github


We use Tailwind.css with some custom theme settings set up in tailwind.config.js. This means that all the default classes from Tailwind are available within our template, and we only compile what we use. Dive into the Tailwind docs to learn more about using responsive classes, hover and focus states, dark mode, and more.

I'd suggest using the Tailwind VS Code extension to help you get started.

We use the Tailwind typography plugin to automatically create beautiful typestacks. To use it, simply add the prose class to any element with text.

Update theme options like fonts, colour palettes, default font sizes, and screensizes in tailwind.config.js. See here for more.


Add google fonts and weights by editing config.json and then rerunning npm run build and npm run dev.

You can also activate Font Awesome and Typekit kits by adding the kit ID and turning active to true in config.json.

Google Docs

  • Create a Google Doc
  • Click Share button -> advanced -> Change... -> to "Anyone with this link"
  • In the address bar, grab the ID - eg.
  • paste in the ID above into config.json

Running npm run fetch:doc at any point (even in new tab while server is running) will pull down the latest, and output a file to src/assets/copy/markup.json (or customize in the config file).

Google Sheets

  • Create a Google Sheet
  • Click Share button -> advanced -> Change... -> to "Anyone with this link"
  • In the address bar, grab the ID - eg.
  • paste in the ID above into config.json

Running npm run fetch:sheet at any point (even in new tab while server is running) will pull down the latest, and output a file to src/data/sheet.json (or customize in the config file).


We've included some basic utilities in src/utils, like camelize, random, move, and screenSize. Import them into your svelte files to use them and feel free to add more.


Any @html tags, e.g., {@html user} must be the child of a dom element so they can be properly hydrated.

To do

  • SCSS
  • Add in basic DF css and clean up globals for water
  • Google Fonts script
  • Makefile
  • Tailwind
  • Live reload
  • Add VS Code setup to Readme


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