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Popover API and Anchor Positioning

Popover API and Anchor Positioning demo

Project goals

  • Popover API : allows any element and itsdescendants to be rendered on top of all other content only with HTML and CSS. Setup popovertarget="foo" to make a triggerer, must be on a button to work. The popover is simply an attribute in the wanted element. Style in CSS with [popover]
  • Anchor CSS positioning allows to avoid position absolute : begin by declaring all in CSS an anchor [popovertarget=foo] {anchor-name: --context;}. Specifies spacing properties in order to make the anchored element refers to it : bottom: calc(anchor(--context top) + 1rem); top: auto; left: calc(anchor(--context right) - 1.3rem);
  • Span and Icon styling with tints and shades


VanillaJS, CSS, HTML