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Ignite Timer ⏳

An application of pomodoro counter using ReactJS and TypeScript.
Project developed during Module 2 of ReactJS Formation Course from Rocketseat.

Technologies   |    Features   |    What I Learned

Captura de tela 2024-04-13 161514 Captura de tela 2024-04-13 161541

📦 Technologies

Vite ReactJS TypeScript Styled Components Phosphor Icons Zod date-fns Immer

💻 Features

  • Create a timer

  • Interrupt timer

  • Log timer history

  • Persist data in local storage

🔖 What I Learned

In this module I have learned to build a complete application with routing and important concepts from the React.

React Router React Hook Form ContextAPI Local Storage useReducer

Made with ♥ by Tayná Sousa 👋