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Generate PDFs in real-time:

Core functionlaity

  1. Elements can be added to a webpage and can. The webpage can be converted to a PDF.
  2. List of Elements that can be added as of now:
    1. Heading.
    2. Paragraphs.
    3. Images.
    4. Tables.
    5. Ordered/Un-ordered lists.
    6. Horizontal break.
  3. Edit the elements indivisually (for ex image size or font color).

Planned features

  1. Being able to reorder elements by dragging.
  2. Resuable element styles:- Save element stylings and choost between different saved styles to not update each element manually.
  3. Mutliple elements in one row.
  4. Change PDF fonts.
  5. Authentication and saving mutliple PDFs for a user.

UI features

  1. Dark/Light mode toggle.
  2. Change accent color of the app.