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Docker Selenium

A small prototype running a Selenium Grid inside docker container to parallelize tests.

Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid is a way to run tests scenarios against a cluster of browser instances. Its based on a master slave architecture. First the hub (master) needs to be started. Then you can register as many browser instances (nodes) as needed.

Selenium + Docker

The selenium community provides a set of standalone and grid Docker images. The idea behind this prototype is to use docker-compose to start a combination of a Selenium hub instance and multiple browser nodes.


Convenience scripts are available inside the bin folder.

  • ./bin/run <number_of_nodes> - Starts the hub and instances of Chrome and Firefox (default: 5)
  • ./bin/debug <number_of_nodes> - Starts the hub and instances of debug Chrome and Firefox (default: 5)
  • ./bin/stop - Stops the stack
  • ./bin/vnc <container_name> - Starts the VNC viewer

For anything more complex use docker-compose commands


It's possible to debug the browsers nodes using VNC.

First you need to determine the port use to connect to the VNC server by running: docker port dockerselenium_chrome_<instance_number> 5900

Then using a VNC viewer you can connect to the node by using the URL<port> and the password secret.

Client connection

Once everything is launched you can access an overview of the nodes cluster at: http://localhost:4444/grid/console. For more informations on how to run tests on the cluster please take a look at the Selenium Grid documentation.


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