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Open API (Swagger) Plugin for Ktor

This plugin implements a plug and play solution to support OpenAPI (Swagger) for Ktor server with minimal effort. Annotate your route(s) definition with @KtorDocs and openapi.yaml will be generated at build time.

Take a look at use-plugin module to reference the plugin setup and StabilityTests to see all supported features.

How to apply the plugin

plugins {
    id("io.github.tabilzad.ktor-docs-plugin-gradle") version "0.5.4-alpha"

swagger {

    documentation {
        docsTitle = "Ktor Server Title"
        docsDescription = "Ktor Server Description"
        docsVersion = "1.0"
        generateRequestSchemas = true
        hideTransientFields = true
        hidePrivateAndInternalFields = true

    pluginOptions {
        enabled = true // true by default
        saveInBuild = true// false by default
        format = "yaml" // or json

Supported Features

Feature isSupported type
Path/Endpoint definitions Automatic
Request Schemas Automatic
Response Schemas Explicit
Endpoint/Scheme Descriptions Explicit
Endpoint Tagging Explicit

Plugin Configuration

Option Default Value Explanation
documentation.docsTitle "Open API Specification" Title for the API specification that is generated
documentation.docsDescription "Generated using Ktor Docs Plugin" A brief description for the generated API specification
documentation.docsVersion "1.0.0" Specifies the version for the generated API specification
documentation.generateRequestSchemas true Determines if request body schemas should
be automatically resolved and included
documentation.hideTransientFields true Controls whether fields marked with @Transient
are omitted in schema outputs
documentation.hidePrivateAndInternalFields true Opts to exclude fields labeled as private or internal from schema outputs
pluginOptions.enabled true Enable/Disables the plugin
pluginOptions.saveInBuild false Decides if the generated specification file should
be saved in the build/ directory
pluginOptions.format yaml The chosen format for the OpenAPI specification
(options: json/yaml)
pluginOptions.filePath $modulePath/src/main/resources/openapi/ The designated absolute path for saving
the generated specification file

How to use the plugin

Generating endpoint specifications

Annotate the specific route definitions you want the OpenAPI specification to be generated for.

fun Route.ordersRouting() {
    route("/v1") {
        post("/order1") {

You could also annotate the entire Application module with multiple/nested route definitions. The plugin will recursively visit each Route. extension and generate its documentation.

fun Application.ordersModule() {
    routing {

fun Route.routeOne() {
    route("/v1") { /*...*/ }

fun Route.routeTwo() {
    route("/v2") { /*...*/ }

Endpoint and field descriptions

Annotate the HTTP methods or class fields with @KtorDescription.

import io.github.tabilzad.ktor.KtorDocs

data class RequestSample(
    @KtorDescription("this is a string")
    val string: String,
    val int: Int,
    val double: Double,
    val obj: More,
    val collection: List<More>,

data class More(
    val nested: List<List<String>>

fun Route.ordersRouting() {
    route("/v1") {
            summary = "Create Order",
            description = "This endpoint will create an order",
        post("/create") {

        route("/orders") {
                summary = "All Orders",
                description = "This endpoint will return a list of all orders"
            get {


Defining response schemas and their corresponding HTTP status codes are done via @KtorResponds annotation on an endpoint.

fun Route.ordersRouting() {
    route("/v1") {
                   ResponseEntry("200", Order::class, description = "Created order"),
                   ResponseEntry("400", ErrorResponseSample::class, description = "Invalid order payload")
        post("/create") { /*...*/ }
        @KtorResponds([ResponseEntry("200", Order::class, isCollection=true, description = "All orders")])
        get("/orders") { /*...*/ }


Using tags enables the categorization of individual endpoints into designated groups. When tags are defined within the @KtorDocs annotation, these tags apply to every endpoint contained within it.

fun Route.ordersRouting() {
    route("/v1") {
        post("/create") { /*...*/ }
        get("/orders") { /*...*/ }
    route("/v2") {
        post("/create") { /*...*/ }
        get("/orders") { /*...*/ }

On the other hand, if the tags are specified within the @KtorDescription annotation, they are associated exclusively with that particular endpoint.

fun Route.ordersRouting() {
    route("/v1") {
        @KtorDescription(tags = ["Order Operations"])
        post("/order") { /*...*/ }
        @KtorDescription(tags = ["Cart Operations"])
        get("/cart") { /*...*/ }

Planned Features

  • Automatic Response resolution
  • Support for polymorphic types
  • Option for an automatic tag resolution from module/route function declaration
  • Introduce a separate @KtorTag annotation that is applicable to module/route/endpoint
  • Tag descriptions

Sample Specification
