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t9md edited this page Oct 11, 2016 · 11 revisions


For macOS user, cmd-enter maximize current focused pane.


vim-mode-plus supports lots of string transformation operator.
But remembering all of its keymap is diffcult.
transform-string-by-select-list allow user to choose operator to use from select-list.

Incremental search

You can move between match with tab and shift-tab.

Motion move-up-to-edge, move-down-to-edge

Like j and k but only stop at edge only.
By default [ and ] is mapped to these motion.

Motion move-to-next-fold-start, move-to-previous-fold-start

Move around fold startRow or endRow.
Also end version is available(move-to-next-fold-end, move-to-previous-fold-end).

Flash on undo and redo

Red for deletion, green for addition and put cursor on start of change(atom's default is end of change)

Surround builtin

Off course, you can repeat with ..


Apply surround to each word in target(TextObject/Motion/Visual selection).

Visual block mode builtin.

AnyPair TextObject

Auto detect inner and a Pair, and expandable.

AnyPairAllowForwarding TextObject

Auto detect inner and a Pair with allowing forwarding range.

Flash on operate

Hover icon

Hover emoji

ChangeSurroundAnyPair Operator

Auto detect pair, and pre-select target range and show pair char which will be changed on hover.

Flash matched word on SearchCurrentWord

When search with #, *, show 'current/total' match on hover, and flash word under cursor.

Submode shift in Visual mode.

With showing cursor appropriately in charcterwise and blockwise mode(still cursor hidden in linewise).

increase/decrease number in visual-mode.

g v to re-select previous visual area.