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Thin Hook Preprocessor (experimental)


old name new name feature
method oldMethod script.js,Class,method
cachedMethod method script.js,Class,method including computed property names
  • [Hook Callback Compatibility] Since 0.0.149 with #123, the hook callback function has to support new operators for hooking in strict mode. See below for the updated hook callback function hook.__hook__. hook.hookCallbackCompatibilityTest() can detect if the target hook callback function is compatible or not.
  • [Opaque URL Authorization] Since 0.0.178 with #178, all opaque content URLs must be authorized via hook.parameters.opaque = [ 'opaque_url', ..., (url) => url.match(/opaque_url_pattern/), ... ] configuration.

Native API Access Graph generated via hook callback function (view2 of thin-hook/demo/)

Demo on GitHub Pages


  class C {
    add(a = 1, b = 2) {
      let plus = (x, y) => x + y;
      return plus(a, b);

Hooked Output

  const __context_mapper__ = $hook$.$(__hook__, [
  $hook$.global(__hook__, __context_mapper__[0], 'C', 'class')[__context_mapper__[1]] = class C {
    add(a, b) {
      return __hook__((a = 1, b = 2) => {
        let plus = (...args) => __hook__((x, y) => x + y, null, args, __context_mapper__[3]);
        return __hook__(plus, null, [
        ], __context_mapper__[2], 0);
      }, null, arguments, __context_mapper__[2]);


  const hook = require('thin-hook/hook.js');
  let code = fs.readFileSync('src/target.js', 'UTF-8');
  let initialContext = [['src/target.js', {}]];
  let gen = hook(code, '__hook__', initialContext, 'hash');
  fs.writeFileSync('hooked/target.js', gen);
  fs.writeFileSync('hooked/target.js.contexts.json', JSON.stringify(contexts, null, 2));

Context Generator Function (customizable)

  // Built-in Context Generator Function
  hook.contextGenerators.method = function generateMethodContext(astPath) {
    return[ path, node ], index) => node && node.type
      ? ( && ? : (node.key &&
        ? (node.kind === 'get' || node.kind === 'set' ? node.kind + ' ' : node.static ? 'static ' : '') + : ''))
      : index === 0 ? path : '').filter(p => p).join(',');
  // Example Custom Context Generator Function with Hashing
  const hashSalt = '__hash_salt__';
  let contexts = {};

  hook.contextGenerators.hash = function generateHashContext(astPath) {
    const hash = hook.utils.createHash('sha256');
    let hashedInitialContext = astPath[0][0];
    astPath[0][0] = contexts[hashedInitialContext] || astPath[0][0];
    let methodContext = hook.contextGenerators.method(astPath);
    astPath[0][0] = hashedInitialContext;
    hash.update(hashSalt + methodContext);
    let hashContext = hash.digest('hex');
    contexts[hashContext] = methodContext;
    return hashContext;
  // Authorization Tickets for no-hook scripts
  // Ticket for this script itself is specified in URL of script tag as
  // hook.min.js?no-hook-authorization={ticket}
  // Note: no-hook-authorization must not exist in learning mode
  let noHookAuthorization = {
    // '*' is for learning mode to detect authorization tickets in 
    //   hook.parameters.noHookAuthorizationPassed,
    //   hook.parameters.noHookAuthorizationFailed
    // JSONs are output to console in the learning mode
    //'*': true,
    "35ae97a3305b863af7eb0ac75c8679233a2a7550e4c3046507fc9ea182c03615": true,
    "16afd3d5aa90cbd026eabcc4f09b1e4207a7042bc1e9be3b36d94415513683ed": true,
    "ae11a06c0ddec9f5b75de82a40745d6d1f92aea1459e8680171c405a5497d1c8": true,
    "5b7ebf7b0b2977d44f47ffa4b19907abbc443feb31c343a6cbbbb033c8deb01a": true,
    "c714633723320be54f106de0c50933c0aeda8ac3fba7c41c97a815ed0e71594c": true,
    "2f43d927664bdfcbcb2cc4e3743652c7eb070057efe7eaf43910426c6eae7e45": true,
    "b397e7c81cca74075d2934070cbbe58f345d3c00ff0bc04dc30b5c67715a572f": true,
    "02c107ea633ed697acc12e1b3de1bcf2f0ef7cafe4f048e29553c224656ecd7a": true,
    "aebb23ce36eb6f7d597d37727b4e6ee5a57aafc564af2d65309a9597bfd86625": true
  let hidden;
  const passcode = 'XX02c107ea633ed697acc12e1b3de1bcf2f0ef7cafe4f048e29553c224656ecd7a';
  if (typeof self === 'object' && === 'ServiceWorkerGlobalScope') {
    // Service Worker
    let reconfigure = false;
    if (hook.parameters.noHookAuthorization) {
      if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(hook.parameters, 'noHookAuthorization').configurable) {
        reconfigure = true;
    else {
      reconfigure = true;
    if (reconfigure) {
      Object.defineProperty(hook.parameters, 'noHookAuthorization', {
        configurable: false,
        enumerable: true,
        get() {
          return hidden;
        set(value) {
          if (value && value.passcode === passcode) {
            delete value.passcode;
            hidden = value;
    noHookAuthorization.passcode = passcode;
    hook.parameters.noHookAuthorization = noHookAuthorization;
  else {
    // Browser Document
    Object.defineProperty(hook.parameters, 'noHookAuthorization', {
      configurable: false,
      enumerable: true,
      writable: false,
      value: Object.freeze(noHookAuthorization)
  if (!noHookAuthorization['*']) {
  // source map target filters
  hook.parameters.sourceMap = [
    url => location.origin === url.origin && url.pathname.match(/^\/components\/thin-hook\/demo\//)
  // hook worker script URL
  hook.parameters.hookWorker = `hook-worker.js?no-hook=true`;
// Hook worker script (demo/hook-worker.js)
// Configuration:
//   hook.parameters.hookWorker = `hook-worker.js?no-hook=true`;
importScripts('../hook.min.js?no-hook=true', 'context-generator.js?no-hook=true', 'bootstrap.js?no-hook=true');
onmessage = hook.hookWorkerHandler;
  <!-- Example Custom Context Generator for Service Worker and Browser Document -->
  <script src="bower_components/thin-hook/hook.min.js?version=1&no-hook=true&hook-name=__hook__&context-generator-name=method2&fallback-page=index-fb.html&service-worker-ready=true"></script>
  <script context-generator src="custom-context-generator.js?no-hook=true"></script>
  <script context-generator no-hook>
    hook.contextGenerators.method2 = function generateMethodContext2(astPath) {
      return[ path, node ], index) => node && node.type
        ? ( && ? : (node.key &&
          ? (node.kind === 'get' || node.kind === 'set' ? node.kind + ' ' : node.static ? 'static ' : '') + : ''))
        : index === 0 ? path : '').filter(p => p).join(',') +
          (astPath[astPath.length - 1][1].range ? ':' + astPath[astPath.length - 1][1].range[0] + '-' + astPath[astPath.length - 1][1].range[1] : '');
    // CORS script list
    hook.parameters.cors = [
      (url) => { let _url = new URL(url); return _url.hostname !== location.hostname && [''].indexOf(_url.hostname) < 0; }
    // Authorized opaque URL list
    hook.parameters.opaque = [
      (url) => {
        let _url = new URL(url);
        return _url.hostname !== location.hostname &&

Hook Callback Function (customizable)

  // Built-in Minimal Hook Callback Function without hooking properties (hook-property=false)
  hook.__hook_except_properties__ = function __hook_except_properties__(f, thisArg, args, context, newTarget) {
    return newTarget
      ? Reflect.construct(f, args)
      : thisArg
        ? f.apply(thisArg, args)
        : f(...args);
  // the global object
  const _global = (new Function('return this'))();

  // helper for strict mode
  class StrictModeWrapper {
    static ['#.'](o, p) { return o[p]; }
    static ['#[]'](o, p) { return o[p]; }
    static ['#*'](o) { return o; }
    static ['#in'](o, p) { return p in o; }
    static ['#()'](o, p, a) { return o[p](...a); }
    static ['#p++'](o, p) { return o[p]++; }
    static ['#++p'](o, p) { return ++o[p]; }
    static ['#p--'](o, p) { return o[p]--; }
    static ['#--p'](o, p) { return --o[p]; }
    static ['#delete'](o, p) { return delete o[p]; }
    static ['#='](o, p, v) { return o[p] = v; }
    static ['#+='](o, p, v) { return o[p] += v; }
    static ['#-='](o, p, v) { return o[p] -= v; }
    static ['#*='](o, p, v) { return o[p] *= v; }
    static ['#/='](o, p, v) { return o[p] /= v; }
    static ['#%='](o, p, v) { return o[p] %= v; }
    static ['#**='](o, p, v) { return o[p] **= v; }
    static ['#<<='](o, p, v) { return o[p] <<= v; }
    static ['#>>='](o, p, v) { return o[p] >>= v; }
    static ['#>>>='](o, p, v) { return o[p] >>>= v; }
    static ['#&='](o, p, v) { return o[p] &= v; }
    static ['#^='](o, p, v) { return o[p] ^= v; }
    static ['#|='](o, p, v) { return o[p] |= v; }
    static ['#.='](o, p) { return { set ['='](v) { o[p] = v; }, get ['=']() { return o[p]; } }; }

  // Built-in Minimal Hook Callback Function with hooking properties (hook-property=true) - default
  function __hook__(f, thisArg, args, context, newTarget) {
    let normalizedThisArg = thisArg;
    if (newTarget === false) { // resolve the scope in 'with' statement body
      let varName = args[0];
      let __with__ = thisArg;
      let scope = _global;
      let _scope;
      let i;
      for (i = 0; i < __with__.length; i++) {
        _scope = __with__[i];
        if (Reflect.has(_scope, varName)) {
          if (_scope[Symbol.unscopables] && _scope[Symbol.unscopables][varName]) {
          else {
            scope = _scope;
      thisArg = normalizedThisArg = scope;
    let result;
    let args1 = args[1]; // for '()'
    function * gen() {}
    let GeneratorFunction = gen.constructor;
    switch (f) {
    case Function:
      args = hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args);
    case GeneratorFunction:
      args = hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args, true);
    case '()':
    case '#()':
      switch (thisArg) {
      case Reflect:
        switch (args[0]) {
        case 'construct':
          if (args[1]) {
            switch (args[1][0]) {
            case Function:
              args1 = [args[1][0], hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1][1])];
              if (args[1][2]) {
              if (args[1][0].prototype instanceof Function) {
                args1 = [args[1][0], hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1][1], args[1][0].prototype instanceof GeneratorFunction)];
                if (args[1][2]) {
        case 'apply':
          if (args[1]) {
            switch (args[1][0]) {
            case Function:
              args1 = [args[1][0], args[1][1], hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1][2])];
            case GeneratorFunction:
              args1 = [args[1][0], args[1][1], hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1][2], true)];
              if (args[1][0].prototype instanceof Function) {
                args1 = [args[1][0], args[1][1], hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1][2], args[1][0].prototype instanceof GeneratorFunction)];
      case Function:
        switch (args[0]) {
        case 'apply':
          args1 = [args[1][0], hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1][1])];
        case 'call':
          args1 = [args[1][0], ...hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1].slice(1))];
      case GeneratorFunction:
        switch (args[0]) {
        case 'apply':
          args1 = [args[1][0], hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1][1], true)];
        case 'call':
          args1 = [args[1][0], ...hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1].slice(1), true)];
        if (thisArg instanceof GeneratorFunction && args[0] === 'constructor') {
          args1 = hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1], true);
        else if (thisArg instanceof Function && args[0] === 'constructor') {
          args1 = hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args[1]);
      if (typeof f === 'function') {
        if (f.prototype instanceof Function && newTarget) {
          args = hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args, f.prototype instanceof GeneratorFunction);
        else if (newTarget === '') {
          if (args[0] && Object.getPrototypeOf(args[0]) === Function) {
            args = [ args[0], ...hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [[context, {}]], 'method', args.slice(1)) ];
    if (typeof f !== 'string') {
      result = newTarget
        ? Reflect.construct(f, args)
        : thisArg
          ? f.apply(thisArg, args)
          : f(...args);
    else {
      // property access
      switch (f) {
      // getter
      case '.':
      case '[]':
        result = thisArg[args[0]];
      // enumeration
      case '*':
        result = thisArg;
      // property existence
      case 'in':
        result = args[0] in thisArg;
      // funcation call
      case '()':
        result = thisArg[args[0]](...args1);
      // unary operators
      case 'p++':
        result = thisArg[args[0]]++;
      case '++p':
        result = ++thisArg[args[0]];
      case 'p--':
        result = thisArg[args[0]]--;
      case '--p':
        result = --thisArg[args[0]];
      case 'delete':
        result = delete thisArg[args[0]];
      // assignment operators
      case '=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] = args[1];
      case '+=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] += args[1];
      case '-=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] -= args[1];
      case '*=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] *= args[1];
      case '/=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] /= args[1];
      case '%=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] %= args[1];
      case '**=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] **= args[1];
      case '<<=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] <<= args[1];
      case '>>=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] >>= args[1];
      case '>>>=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] >>>= args[1];
      case '&=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] &= args[1];
      case '^=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] ^= args[1];
      case '|=':
        result = thisArg[args[0]] |= args[1];
      // LHS property access
      case '.=':
        result = { set ['='](v) { thisArg[args[0]] = v; }, get ['=']() { return thisArg[args[0]]; } };
      // strict mode operators prefixed with '#'
      // getter
      case '#.':
      case '#[]':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#.'](thisArg, args[0]);
      // enumeration
      case '#*':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#*'](thisArg);
      // property existence
      case '#in':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#in'](thisArg, args[0]);
      // funcation call
      case '#()':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#()'](thisArg, args[0], args1);
      // unary operators
      case '#p++':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#p++'](thisArg, args[0]);
      case '#++p':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#++p'](thisArg, args[0]);
      case '#p--':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#p--'](thisArg, args[0]);
      case '#--p':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#--p'](thisArg, args[0]);
      case '#delete':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#delete'](thisArg, args[0]);
      // assignment operators
      case '#=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#+=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#+='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#-=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#-='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#*=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#*='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#/=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#/='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#%=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#%='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#**=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#**='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#<<=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#<<='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#>>=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#>>='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#>>>=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#>>>='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#&=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#&='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#^=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#^='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      case '#|=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#|='](thisArg, args[0], args[1]);
      // LHS property access
      case '#.=':
        result = StrictModeWrapper['#.='](thisArg, args[0]);
      // getter for super
      case 's.':
      case 's[]':
        result = args[1](args[0]);
      // super method call
      case 's()':
        result = args[2](args[0]).apply(thisArg, args[1]);
      // unary operators for super
      case 's++':
      case '++s':
      case 's--':
      case '--s':
        result = args[1].apply(thisArg, args);
      // assignment operators for super
      case 's=':
      case 's+=':
      case 's-=':
      case 's*=':
      case 's/=':
      case 's%=':
      case 's**=':
      case 's<<=':
      case 's>>=':
      case 's>>>=':
      case 's&=':
      case 's^=':
      case 's|=':
        result = args[2].apply(thisArg, args);
      // getter in 'with' statement body
      case 'w.':
      case 'w[]':
        result = args[1]();
      // function call in 'with' statement body
      case 'w()':
        result = args[2](...args[1]);
      // constructor call in 'with' statement body
      case 'wnew':
        result = args[2](...args[1]);
      // unary operators in 'with' statement body
      case 'w++':
      case '++w':
      case 'w--':
      case '--w':
        result = args[1]();
      // unary operators in 'with' statement body
      case 'wtypeof':
      case 'wdelete':
        result = args[1]();
      // LHS value in 'with' statement body (__hook__('w.=', __with__, ['p', { set ['='](v) { p = v } } ], 'context', false)['='])
      case 'w.=':
        result = args[1];
      // assignment operators in 'with' statement body
      case 'w=':
      case 'w+=':
      case 'w-=':
      case 'w*=':
      case 'w/=':
      case 'w%=':
      case 'w**=':
      case 'w<<=':
      case 'w>>=':
      case 'w>>>=':
      case 'w&=':
      case 'w^=':
      case 'w|=':
        result = args[2](args[1]);
      // default (invalid operator)
        f(); // throw TypeError: f is not a function
        result = null;
    return result;
  // Example Hook Callback Function with Primitive Access Control
  hashContext = { 'hash': 'context', ... }; // Generated from hook.preprocess initialContext[0][1]
  trustedContext = { 'context': /trustedModules/, ... }; // Access Policies

  window.__hook__ = function __hook__(f, thisArg, args, context, newTarget) {
    console.log('hook:', context, args);
    if (!hashContext[context] ||
        !trustedContext[hashContext[context]] ||
        !(new Error('').stack.match(trustedContext[hashContext[context]]))) {
      // plus check thisArg, args, etc.
      throw new Error('Permission Denied');
    return newTarget
      ? Reflect.construct(f, args)
      : thisArg
        ? f.apply(thisArg, args)
        : f(...args);

Entry HTML with Service Worker

If hooking is performed run-time in Service Worker, the entry HTML page must be loaded via Service Worker so that no hook-targeted scripts are evaluated without hooking.

To achieve this, the static entry HTML has to be Encoded at build time by hook.serviceWorkerTransformers.encodeHTML(html).

Hook CLI to encode the entry HTML

  # encode src/index.html to dist/index.html
  hook --out dist/index.html src/index.html

Decoded/Original HTML (source code)

    <script src="../thin-hook/hook.min.js?version=1&no-hook=true&hook-name=__hook__&fallback-page=index-no-sw.html&hook-property=false&service-worker-ready=true"></script>
    <!-- Hook Callback Function witout hooking properties -->
    <script no-hook>
      window.__hook__ = function __hook__(f, thisArg, args, context, newTarget) {
        return newTarget
          ? Reflect.construct(f, args)
          : thisArg
            ? f.apply(thisArg, args)
            : f(...args);
    </script><!-- end of mandatory no-hook scripts -->
    <!-- comment --->
    <script src="..."></script>

Encoded HTML (Service Worker converts it to Decoded HTML)

    <script src="../thin-hook/hook.min.js?version=1&no-hook=true&hook-name=__hook__&fallback-page=index-no-sw.html&hook-property=false&service-worker-ready=false"></script></head></html>
    <!-- Hook Callback Function without hooking properties -->
    <script no-hook>
      window.__hook__ = function __hook__(f, thisArg, args, context, newTarget) {
        return newTarget
          ? Reflect.construct(f, args)
          : thisArg
            ? f.apply(thisArg, args)
            : f(...args);
    </script><!--<C!-- end of mandatory no-hook scripts --C>
    <C!-- comment --C>
    <script src="..."></script>
  • </head></html> is inserted between the first hook.min.js script and the second no-hook script, which looks strange but is required for correct execution of no-hook scripts.
    • If </head></html> is inserted at the end of mandatory no-hook scripts according to the normal HTML format, the page encounters the unexpected "hook is not defined" error, whose root cause is under investigation.

Supported Syntax

  • Functions
  • Object Shorthand Methods ({ m() {} })
  • ES6 Classes (constructor, super, this, new)
  • ES6 Modules (import, export);
  • Expressions in Template Literals(`${(v => v * v)(x)}`)
  • Generator Functions (function *g() { yield X })
  • Arrow Functions (a => a, a => { return a; }, a => ({ p: a }))
  • Async Functions (async function f() {}, async method() {}, async () => {})
  • Default Parameters for Functions/Methods/Arrow Functions
  • Default Parameters with Destructuring (function f([ a = 1 ], { b = 2, x: c = 3 }) {})
  • Property Accessors (o.p, o['p'], o.p())



  bower install --save thin-hook


  npm install --save thin-hook



  <!-- browserified along with espree and escodegen; minified -->
  <script src="path/to/bower_components/thin-hook/hook.min.js"></script>


  const hook = require('thin-hook/hook.js');

API (Tentative)

  • hook(code: string, hookName: string = '__hook__', initialContext: Array = [], contextGeneratorName: string = 'method', metaHooking: boolean = true, hookProperty: boolean = true, sourceMap: object = null, asynchronous: boolean = false, compact: boolean = false, hookGlobal: boolean = true, hookPrefix: string = '_p_', initialScope: object = null)
    • code: input JavaScript as string
    • hookName: name of hook callback function
    • initialContext: typically [ ['script.js', {}] ]
    • contextGeneratorName: function property name in hook.contextGenerators
      • argument astPath = [ ['script.js', {}], ['root', rootAst], ['body', bodyAst], ..., [0, FunctionExpressionAst] ]
    • metaHooking: Enable meta hooking (run-time hooking of metaprogramming) if true
    • hookProperty: Enable hooking of object property accessors and new operators if true
    • sourceMap: Source map parameter in an object. { pathname: 'path/to/script_source.js'} Default: null
    • asynchronous: Return a Promise if true. Default: false
    • compact: Generate compact code if true. Default: false
      • Note: sourceMap is disabled when compact is true
    • hookGlobal: Hook global variable access. Must be enabled with hookProperty. Default: true
    • hookPrefix: Prefix for proxy accessors. Default: _p_
      • Note: return the global object with get/set accessors for the prefixed name
    • initialScope: Initial scope object ({ vname: true, ... }) for hooked eval scripts. Default: null
  • $hook$: $hook$ === hook. Alias of hook in hooked scripts
  • hook.hookHtml(html: string, hookName, url, cors, contextGenerator, contextGeneratorScripts, isDecoded, metaHooking = true, scriptOffset = 0, _hookProperty = true, asynchronous = false)
  • hook.__hook__(f: function or string, thisArg: object, args: Array, context: string, newTarget: meta property)
    • minimal hook callback function with property hooking
    • f:
      • function: target function to hook
      • string: property operation to hook
        • .: get property (o.prop)
        • *: iterate over (for (p in o), for (p of o))
        • in: property existence ('p' in o)
        • (): function call (o.func())
        • =, +=, ...: assignment operation (o.prop = value)
        • p++, ++p, p--, --p: postfixed/prefixed increment/decrement operation (o.prop++)
        • delete: delete operation (delete o.prop)
        • s.: get property of super (super.prop)
        • s(): call super method (super.method())
        • s=, s+=, ...: assignment operation for super (super.prop = value)
        • s++, ++s, s--, --s: postfixed/prefixed increment/decrement operation for super (super.prop++)
        • w., w=, w(), w++, ...: operations on variables in within with statements
    • thisArg: this object for the function or the operation
    • args:
      • arguments for the function
      • [ property ] for property access operations
      • [ property, value ] for property assignment operations
      • [ property, [...args] ] for function call operations
    • context: context in the script
    • newTarget: meta property for constructor calls;
      • true for new calls
      • Falsy values for non-new operations for faster detection of the operations
        • false for with statement calls
        • 0 for function calls
        • undefined for other calls
  • hook.__hook_except_properties__(f, thisArg, args, context, newTarget)
    • minimal hook callback function without property hooking
  • hook.hookCallbackCompatibilityTest(__hook__ = window[hookName], throwError = true, checkTypeError = true)
    • run-time test suite for hook callback function
    • Usage: window.__hook__ = function __hook__ (...) {}; hook.hookCallbackCompatibilityTest();
    • An error is thrown on compatibility test failure.
    • false is returned on a test failure if throwError = false
    • tests on non-callable object's function call are skipped if checkTypeError = false
  • hook.contextGenerators: object. Context Generator Functions
    • null(): context as ''
    • astPath(astPath: Array): context as 'script.js,[root]Program,body,astType,...'
    • method(astPath: Array): context as 'script.js,Class,Method' with caching, including computed method variable name
    • cachedMethod(astPath: Array): alias for method
    • cachedMethodDebug(astPath: Array): context as 'script.js,Class,Method', comparing contexts with those by "oldMethod" in console.warn() messages
    • oldMethod(astPath: Array): context as 'script.js,Class,Method' for compatibility
    • custom context generator function has to be added to this object with its unique contextGeneratorName
  • hook.$(symbolToContext = __hook__, contexts): context symbol generator function used in hooked scripts to generate symbols corresponding to given contexts
    • Example call inserted at the beginning of a hooked script: const __context_mapper__ = $hook$.$(__hook__, [ 'examples/example2.js,C', ... ]);
    • __context_mapper__: Array of symbol contexts
      • In a hooked script, __context_mapper__ is actually __ + hex(sha256(topContextOfScript + code)) + __
        • Note: Due to this specification, the same script in the same URL cannot be loaded to a single document multiple times
      • __context_mapper__[N]: the symbol context corresponding to the string context contexts[N]
      • __hook__[__context_mapper__[N]] is set as contexts[N] so that __hook__ can convert symbol contexts to their corresponding string contexts
  • Hooked Native APIs: Automatically applied in hook() preprocessing
    • function = hookName, context: string, name: string, type: string)._p_name: hooked global variable accessor when hookGlobal is true
      • type: one of 'var', 'function', 'let', 'const', 'class', 'get', 'set', 'delete', 'typeof'
    • hook.Function(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['Function', {}]], contextGeneratorName): hooked Function constructor for use in hook callback function __hook__
      • Usage: (new (hook.Function('__hook__', [['window,Function', {}]], 'method'))('return function f() {}'))()
      • Notes:
        • Avoid replacing the native API window.Function for better transparency (now commented out in the demo/hook-native-api.js)
        • NOT automatically applied in the hooking
        • Applied in the hook callback function (__hook__) instead
    • hook.FunctionArguments(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['Function', {}]], contextGeneratorName = 'method', args, isGenerator = false): generate hooked Function arguments to hand to Function constructor for use in hook callback function __hook__
      • Usage: hook.FunctionArguments('__hook__', [['window,Function', {}]], 'method', ['return function f() {}'])
      • Returns hooked args in a cloned Array
    • hook.eval(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['eval', {}]], contextGeneratorName): hooked eval function
      • Usage: hook.eval('__hook__', [['eval', {}]], 'method'))('1 + 2', (script, eval) => eval(script))
      • Note: In no-hook scripts with the hooked global eval function via hook.hook(hook.eval(...)), the evaluation is bound to the global scope unless the wrapper arrow function (script, eval) => eval(script) is defined in the local scope and specifed as the second argument of each eval() call
    • hook.setTimeout(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['setTimeout', {}]], contextGeneratorName): hooked setTimeout function
      • Note: Not automatically applied if the first argument is an (arrow) function expression
    • hook.setInterval(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['setInterval', {}]], contextGeneratorName): hooked setInterval function
      • Note: Not automatically applied if the first argument is an (arrow) function expression
    • hook.Node(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['Node', {}]], contextGeneratorName): hook textContent property
      • set textContent: hooked with context 'ClassName,set textContent'
    • hook.Element(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['Element', {}]], contextGeneratorName): hook setAttribute function
      • setAttribute('onXX', '{script in attribute}'): Script in onXX handler attribute is hooked
      • setAttribute('href', 'javascript:{script in URL}'): Script in URL "javascript:{script in URL}" is hooked
    • hook.HTMLScriptElement(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['HTMLScriptElement', {}]], contextGeneratorName): HTMLScriptElement with hooked properties
      • Note: Applied only at run time. Not applied in preprocessing. HTMLScriptElement class is the same object as the native one. hook.Node and hook.Element are called internally.
      • set textContent: Script in textContent is hooked if type is a JavaScript MIME type. Node.textContent is hooked as well.
        • Note: Scripts set by innerHTML/outerHTML/text properties are NOT executed, while text should be executed according to the standards.
      • set type: Script in this.textContent is hooked if type is a JavaScript MIME type.
      • setAttribute('type', mimeType): Script in this.textContent is hooked if mimeType is a JavaScript MIME type. Element.setAttribute is hooked as well.
    • hook.HTMLAnchorElement(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['HTMLAnchorElement', {}]]), contextGeneratorName): HTMLAnchorElement with hooked href property
      • set href: Script in URL "javascript:{script in URL}" is hooked
    • hook.HTMLAreaElement(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['HTMLAreaElement', {}]]), contextGeneratorName): HTMLAreaElement with hooked href property
      • set href: Script in URL "javascript:{script in URL}" is hooked
    • hook.Document(hookName, initialContext: Array = [['Document', {}]], contextGeneratorName): hook write function
      • write('<sc' + 'ript>{script in string}</sc' + 'ript>'): Script in HTML fragment is hooked
    • hook.with(scope: Object, ...scopes: Array of Object): Hook with statement scope object
      • with (hook.with(obj, { v1: true, v2: true, ...})) {}
    • hook.importScripts(): return hooked importScripts function for Workers, invalidating extensions other than .js and .mjs
      • Note: No arguments to pass
  • hook.hook(target: Class, ...): hook platform global object with target
    • Usage: ['Function','setTimeout','setInterval',...].forEach(name => hook.hook(hook.Function('__hook__', [[name, {}]], 'method'))
  • hook.serviceWorkerHandlers: Service Worker event handlers
    • install: 'install' event handler. Set version from the version parameter
    • activate: 'activate' event handler. Clear caches of old versions.
    • message: 'message' event handler.
      • INTERNAL 'channel' message: Transfer MessageChannel port objects for hook workers from the main document to the Service Worker at initialization
      • INTERNAL 'unload' message: Trigger unloading of hook workers
      • INTERNAL 'coverage' message: Transfer __coverage__ instanbul coverage object for the Service Worker to the main document to collect code coverage in test/hook.min.js
      • ['plugin', 'pluginId', ...params ] message: Transfer a message to the target plugin identified by 'pluginId'. The target plugin must add its own event listener to handle the message.
        • ['plugin', 'pluginId:enqueue', ...params ]: When the pluginId ends with :enqueue, events with posted messages are enqueued to hook.parameters.messageQueues['pluginId:enqueue'] = [] even before plugins are loaded into the Service Worker
          • Each enqueued message is immediately responded via event.ports[0].postMessage() with a dummy response message generated by cloning the posted message and appending ':enqueued' such as ['plugin', 'pluginId:enqueue', ...params, ':enqueued' ]
          • The target plugin must dequeue the enqueued events and append ':dequeued' to the queue to stop further enqueueing. For example, the queue [] changes as follows:
            • An event is enqueued: [ event1 ]
            • The plugin append ':dequeued': [ event1, ':dequeued' ]
            • The plugin dequeues and processes the event(s): [ ':dequeued' ]
          • Enqueued messages are likely to be one-way messages as the main document is about to reload itself
          • hook.parameters.messageQueues['pluginId:enqueue'] may NOT exist when the plugin is loaded. So the plugin must create its own queue if it has not been created.
    • fetch: 'fetch' event handler. Cache hooked JavaScripts and HTMLs except for the main page loading hook.min.js
      • <script src="thin-hook/hook.min.js?version=1&sw-root=/&no-hook=true&hook-name=__hook__&discard-hook-errors=true&fallback-page=index-no-sw.html&hook-property=true&service-worker-ready=true"></script>: arguments from the page
        • version: default 1. Service Worker cache version. Old caches are flushed when the version is changed in the main page and reloaded. Service Worker is updated when the controlled page is detached after the reloading.
        • sw-root: optional. Set Service Worker scope
        • hook-name: default __hook__. hook callback function name
        • context-generator-name: default method. context generator callback function name
        • discard-hook-errors: true if errors in hooking are ignored and the original contents are provided. Default: true
        • fallback-page: fallback page to land if Service Worker is not available in the browser
        • no-hook-authorization: Optional. CSV of no-hook authorization tickets for no-hook scripts. Typically for ticket of no-hook authorization script itself.
          • The values are stored in hook.parameters.noHookAuthorizationPreValidated object in Service Worker
          • Add the value log-no-hook-authorization to log authorization in console
          • Note: no-hook-authorization must not exist in learning mode with hook.parameters.noHookAuthorization['*'] === true
            • Steps to update authorized no-hook scripts:
                1. Let no-hook be "learning mode" by truthy hook.parameters.noHookAuthorization['*']
                1. Remove (or temporarily rename) no-hook-authorization parameter from hook.min.js
                1. Update no-hook script(s)
                1. Clear Service Worker(s)
                1. Update version parameter for hook.min.js
                1. Check "Preserve Logs" option in debugger console
                1. Reload the page(s) with no-hook script(s)
                1. Copy and Paste values of hook.parameters.noHookAuthorizationPassed from both browser document and Service Worker to no-hook authorization script
                1. Disable "learning mode"
                1. Enable (or revive) no-hook-authorization parameter for hook.min.js with a dummy value
                1. Clear Service Worker(s)
                1. Update version parameter for hook.min.js
                1. Reload the page(s) with no-hook scripts(s)
                1. Copy and Paste the ticket for the no-hook authorization script into the no-hook-authorization parameter
                1. Update version parameter for hook.min.js
                1. Clear Service Worker(s)
                1. Reload the page(s) with no-hook script(s)
                1. Check if there are no unauthorized no-hook scripts
        • hook-property: hookProperty parameter. true if property accessors are hooked. The value affects the default value of the hookProperty parameter for hook()
        • hook-global: hookGlobal parameter. true if global variables are hooked. The value affects the default value of the hookGlobal parameter for hook()
        • hook-prefix: hookPrefix parameter. Prefix accessor names of with the value. Default: _p_
        • compact: compact parameter. Generate compact code if true. The value affects the default value of the compact parameter for hook()
        • service-worker-ready: true if the entry HTML page is decoded; false if encoded. This parameter must be at the end of the URL
      • <script src="script.js?no-hook=true"></script>: skip hooking for the source script
      • <script no-hook>...</script>: skip hooking for the embedded script
      • <script context-generator>: register a custom context generator for both Service Worker and browser document
        • <script context-generator no-hook>hook.contextGenerators.custom = function (astPath) {...}</script>: embedded script
        • <script context-generator src="custom-context-generator.js?no-hook=true"></script>: with src URL
        • Valid only in the main entry document with hook.min.js for Service Worker
        • Must be runnable in both Service Worker and browser document
        • Defined variables for context generator scripts in Service Worker
          • version variable: cache name as a string version_{version number}
            • Note: In Service Worker, 'version_' + new URL(location.href).searchParams.get('version') might be incorrect since Service Worker for the old version before version upgrading might still be running for the new version. In contrast, 'version_' + new URL(document.querySelector('script').src).searchParams.get('version') in the main document is always up-to-date.
        • Extensions other than context generators:
          • Set Service Worker parameters:
            • hook.parameters.cors = [ 'cors_url_1', 'cors_url_2', ... ]: specify CORS script URLs
            • hook.parameters.cors = [ (url) => url.match(/cors_url_pattern/), ... ]: specify CORS script URL detector function(s)
            • hook.parameters.opaque = [ 'opaque_url_1', 'opaque_url_2', ... ]: specify authorized opaque URLs
            • hook.parameters.opaque = [ (url) => url.match(/opaque_url_pattern/), ... ]: specify authorized opaque URL detector function(s)
          • Set no-hook Authorization Tickets:
            • hook.parameters.noHookAuthorization = { '{sha-256 hex hash for authorized no-hook script}': true, ... }: Set keys from hook.parameters.noHookAuthorizationPassed in both Document and Service Worker threads
            • hook.parameters.noHookAuthorization = { '*': true }: learning mode to detect authorization tickets
          • Specify URL patterns for no-hook scripts:
            • hook.parameters.noHook = [ 'no_hook_url_1', 'no_hook_url_2', ... ]: specify no-hook script URLs
            • hook.parameters.noHook = [ (url: URL) => !!url.href.match(/{no-hook URL pattern}/), ... ]: specify no-hook script URL detector function(s)
          • Specify URL patterns for source map target scripts:
            • hook.parameters.sourceMap = [ 'source_map_target_url_1', 'source_map_target_url_2', ... ]: specify source map target script URLs
            • hook.parameters.sourceMap = [ (url: URL) => !!url.href.match(/{source map target URL pattern}/), ... ]: specify source map target script URL detector function(s)
          • Specify URL for hook worker script:
            • hook.parameters.hookWorker = 'hook-worker.js?no-hook=true': specify hook worker script URL
          • Register Custom Event Handler:
            • if (typeof self === 'object' && self instanceof 'ServiceWorkerGlobalScope') { self.addEventListener('{event_type}', function handler(event) {...})}
          • URL for the entry page
            • hook.parameters.baseURI: Set in demo/bootstrap.js
          • Empty Document URL
            • hook.parameters.emptyDocumentUrl = new URL('./empty-document.html', baseURI);: Set in demo/bootstrap.js.
            • <iframe src="empty-document.html?url=https://host/path.html,iframe"> to specify context in iframe document
          • Bootstrap Script Tag
            • hook.parameters.bootstrap = "<script>frameElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('srcdoc-load'))</script>";: Set in demo/bootstrap.js
            • Append to the hooked srcdoc to dispatch srcdoc-load event to onload handler
          • Onload Wrapper Script
            • hook.parameters.onloadWrapper = "'srcdoc-load', () => { $onload$ })";: Set in demo/bootstrap.js
            • Receive srcdoc-load event and trigger the original onload script
              • Note: addEventListener('load', handler) is currently called BEFORE the document from srcdoc is loaded and srcdoc-load event is fired.
          • Virtual Blob URL (disabled by default)
            • hook.parameters.virtualBlobUrlTargetType = new Map([['text/html', 'file.html'],['text/javascript', 'file.js'],['image/svg+xml', 'file.svg']]);: Set in demo/bootstrap.js to specify target MIME types and their corresponding virtual Blob URL file names
            • hook.parameters.virtualBlobBaseUrl = null;//new URL('blob/', hook.parameters.baseURI).href;: Set in demo/bootstrap.js to specify the base URL for virtual Blob URLs
            • Convert Blob URLs to Virtual Blob URLs in https so that they can be preprocessed in Service Worker and set in attributes
              • Original Blob URL: blob: for text/html Blob object
              • Virtual Blob URL:
            • If these parameters are not configured (which is default), no conversion will be performed on Blob URLs
          • Flag to block <embed> and <object> elements
            • hook.parameters.hangUpOnEmbedAndObjectElement = false;: Set in demo/bootstrap.js
            • If the flag is set as true, the application hangs up on encountering activities by <object> and <embed> elements
              • To use this flag, hook.parameters.mutationObserver and hook.parameters.mutationObserverConfig must be set in demo/hook-callback.js
          • Empty SVG to load the target URL
            • hook.parameters.emptySvg = '<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="1px" height="1px"><script>location = "$location$";</script></svg>';
              • If hook.parameters.hangUpOnEmbedAndObjectElement = true, the SVG loads about:blank
          • Bootstrap Scripts for SVG
            • hook.parameters.bootstrapSvgScripts = '<script xlink:href="URL?params"></script>...'
          • Flag to omit superfluous closing tags
            • hook.parameters.omitSuperfluousClosingHtmlTags = true: true to omit superfluous closing tags; Set in demo/bootstrap.js
              • false to be compatible with old versions
              • In SVG, tag names and attribute names are case-sensitive. If the flag is false, SVG images with case-sensitive tags and attributes can be broken.
              • If the flag is set as true, the output should have minimal required changes from the original HTML or SVG
              • Note on Side-Effects: Policy contexts for inline scripts can contain /path/script.js,script@{pos}, which can vary with this flag set as true
          • Check Request callback on Fetch at Service Worker
            • hook.parameters.checkRequest = async function (event, response, cache) { /* check request */ return response ; }: response - cached response if exists; See demo/disable-devtools.js
          • Check Response callback on Fetch at Service Worker
            • hook.parameters.checkResponse = async function (event, request, response, cache) { /* check response */ return response ; }: response - just fetched response; Not called if a cache response exists
          • List of Asynchronous Tasks before Service Worker registration
            • hook.parameters.preServiceWorkerTasks: The first task is checked after DOMContentLoaded event; Therefore, the first task Promise must be pushed before DOMContentLoaded event
              • If the last task resolves to a constant string "skipServiceWorkerRegistration", the default Service Worker registration processes are skipped and the last task takes the responsiblity of the Service Worker registration and reloading the entry page. Even after the Service Worker registration completed and the page is reloaded, this "skipServiceWorkerRegistration" value is effective for the task so that hook.min.js can complete remaining tasks such as starting the ping service and the hook workers.
              • 3 Acceptable Data Types
                • Promise: A single Promise object; Equivalent to [ Promise ];
                • [ Promise, Promise, ...]: Array of Promise objects
                • Async Iterable: Async Iterator implementing tasks[Symbol.asyncIterator] protocol
          • Callback on Errors from hook.parameters.preServiceWorkerTasks
            • hook.parameters.onPreServiceWorkerTasksError = async function onError(exception) {}: Asynchronous function to handle the exception
              • Default: window.location = 'about:blank';
          • Callback to Decode Entry HTML in a plugin
            • hook.parameters.decodeEntryHtml = async function decodeEntryHtml(event, request, response, cache, original, decoded)
              • event: FetchEvent: Event for the fetch request
              • request: Request: Request object that fetched the content
              • response: Response: Response object of the fetch
              • cache: Cache: Cache object for the current version
              • original: String : original entry page HTML
              • decoded: String : = hook.serviceWorkerTransformers.decodeHtml(original)
              • return value: String decoded entry page HTML to respond to the document
                • The function can just return original or decoded while it can also modify the content depending on the situation.
          • Optional headers to include in cache response headers
            • hook.parameters.significantHeaders = { "Header-Name": true }
          • Additional Cacheable Content-Types
            • hook.parameters.cacheableContentTypes = { "text/css": true, "image/png": true, ... }
              • Note: text/html, text/javascript, image/svg+xml must not be included here
          • Callback to Validate Cacheable URL
            • hook.parameters.validateCacheableUrl = function (url, contentType)
              • url: String: target URL to validate
              • contentType: String: normalized Content-Type without charset
              • return a truthy value if url with contentType is cacheable
              • If the callback function is undefined, any contentType values within hook.parameters.cacheableContentTypes are cacheable
          • Root of Application Path
            • hook.parameters.appPathRoot = '/'; - The app assets are under location.origin + hook.parameters.appPathRoot
          • Script Hashes
            • hook.parameters.scriptHashes = { "SHA256(authorized inline script)": "context", ... } - List of hashes for authorized inline scripts
          • Integrity
            • hook.parameters.integrity = { "URL path": "base64(SHA256(response data))", ... } - List of integrity for static contents
          • MutationObserver
            • hook.parameters.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(observerCallback); - MutationObserver object set in demo/hook-callback.js
            • hook.parameters.mutationObserverConfig = { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, characterData: true, characterDataOldValue: true, }; - Configuration options for hook.parameters.mutationObserver.observe(options) set in demo/hook-callback.js
              • Note: They are used in the wrapped Node.attachShadow() to track mutations in every shadow DOM as well as for all document objects of windows and frames
          • Tracker Callback
            • hook.parameters.innerHTMLTracker = function (node, value, processed) {}: Set in demo/hook-callback.js for mutation detection
            • Track each Element.innerHTML operation before performing it
          • Import Maps
            • hook.parameters.importMapsJson = "{ JSON string for Import Maps }": Optional import maps object in JSON string.
            • hook.parameters.importMapper(specifier, scriptURL): Wrapper function for import maps. Resolve module specifier from scriptURL
              • Resolution of bare specifiers for ES modules can be disabled by setting this function as hook.parameters.importMapper = null
            • hook.parameters.moduleDependencies = {}: Optional object to dump module dependencies for hooked modules
      • register as Service Worker
        • Service-Worker-Allowed HTTP response header must have an appropriate scope for the target application
      • cors=true parameter: CORS script, e.g., <script src=""></script>
  • hook.serviceWorkerTransformers:
    • encodeHtml(html: string): encode HTML for Service Worker
      • <!-- end of mandatory no-hook scripts -->: insert this exact marker as a comment so that all mandatory no-hook scripts before the marker in the HTML of the entry document can be executed even at the first load without Service Worker
        • Note: no-hook-authorization hashes are NOT effective at the first load
    • decodeHtml(html: string): decode encoded HTML for Service Worker
  • hook.hookWorkerHandler(event): onmessage handler for Hook Workers
    • Usage: onmessage = hook.hookWorkerHandler in Hook Worker script
  • hook.registerServiceWorker(fallbackUrl: string = './index-no-service-worker.html', reloadTimeout: number = 500, inactiveReloadTimeout: number = 1000):
    • Automatically called on loading hook.min.js on browsers
    • fallbackUrl: fallback URL for browsers without Service Worker
    • reloadTimeout: default: 500 (ms). Timeout to reload the page when no Service Worker is detected
    • inactiveReloadTimeout: default: 1000 (ms). Timeout to reload the page when inactive (waiting, installing) Service Worker is detected. When a state change of the Service Worker instance is detected, the page is reloaded immediately even before the timeout.
  • utils: Utilities
    • createHash: Synchronous SHA hash generator collections from sha.js
    • HTMLParser: HTML parser from htmlparser2
    • importMaps: Forked reference implementation of Import maps
      • parseFromString(importMapsJsonString, baseURL): Parser of import maps JSON string at baseURL. Return parsedImportMap object for resolve()
      • resolve(specifier, parsedImportMap, scriptURL): Resolver of specifier for scriptURL based on parsedImportMap


  • Plugins are no-hook scripts for enhancements
    • Currently, they are configured for the demo application under demo/, but fully customizable for any target applications

<script context-generator src="no-hook-authorization.js?no-hook=true"></script>

  • Configurations
    • hook.parameters.noHookAuthorization = { "hex sha256 digest for no-hook script": true, ... }
      • Hex sha256 digests have to be updated in the build process
        • See update-no-hook-authorization gulp task
      • Hex sha256 digest of the no-hook-authorization.js script itself has to be set as a parameter for hook.min.js
        • <script src="../../thin-hook/hook.min.js?version=496&no-hook-authorization=6a83335a7630118516213f52715a24520efc7030b3562291e92a06482894b95e&service-worker-ready=false"></script>
        • See update-no-hook-authorization-in-html gulp task
    • hook.parameters.sourceMap = [...]
    • hook.parameters.hookWorker = 'hook-worker.js?no-hook=true';

<script context-generator src="integrity.js?no-hook=true"></script>

  • Features
    • Check integrity of the browser agent
    • Check integrity of the loaded scripts
    • Establish and update secure connection to integrityService.js
    • Check integrity of requests and responses
    • Encrypt request body data
    • Decrypt response body data
    • Check integrity of Service Worker cache contents by appending and verifying x-cache-* headers
    • TBD
  • Configurations
    • TBD

<script context-generator src="disable-devtools.js?no-hook=true"></script>

  • Features
    • Force redirection to about:blank when the user tries to open Developer Tools
    • Force redirection to about:blank when the user tries to inspect a source code of the pages
  • Configurations
    • const devtoolsDisabled = true: Use false and rebuild with gulp demo to enable Dev Tools
      • Configurable at targetConfig.mode.devtoolsDisabled in demo-config/config.js

<script context-generator src="context-generator.js?no-hook=true"></script>

  • Configurations
    • hook.contextGenerators.hash: an example custom context generator (not used for demo)
    • hook.contextGenerators.method2: an example custom context generator (not used for demo)
    • Object.freeze(hook.contextGenerators)

<script context-generator src='bootstrap.js?no-hook=true'></script>

  • Configurations
    • hook.parameters.emptyDocumentUrl
    • hook.parameters.bootstrap
    • hook.parameters.onloadWrapper
    • hook.parameters.virtualBlobUrlTargetType
    • hook.parameters.virtualBlobBaseUrl
    • hook.parameters.hangUpOnEmbedAndObjectElement
    • hook.parameters.emptySvg
    • hook.parameters.bootstrapSvgScripts
    • hook.parameters.noHookAuthorizationParameter: Value of hook.min.js?no-hook-authorization parameter used in hook-callback.js
    • hook.parameters.noHookAuthorizationFailed = {}
    • hook.parameters.noHookAuthorizationPassed = {}

<script context-generator no-hook>hook.parameters.* ...</script>

  • Configurations
    • hook.parameters.cors
    • hook.parameters.opaque
    • hook.parameters.worker (Ineffective and unused for now)

<script context-generator src="cache-bundle.js?no-hook=true&authorization=..."></script>

  • Features

    • Fetch cache-bundle.json and store the contents into caches
      • Format: { "version": "version_XXX", "same origin URL path (absolute)": "text data", ..., "absolute URL": "text data", ... }
      • Basic MIME types:
        • .js: application/json
        • .html: text/html
        • .json: application/json
        • .svg: image/svg+xml
      • Extended Metadata Format: See demo/cache-bundle.json
        • key: "url?param=2": Object
          • property: "Location": "url?param=1" - link to the other content to eliminate redundant identical body data for multiple URLs
            • Note: If Non-dataURI "Location" exists, other metadata entries are ignored
          • property: "Location": "data:image/jpeg;base64,..." - encoded body data for non-textual contents
            • Note: "Location" appears only once in a metadata object, of course
          • property: "Content-Type": "text/xml" - MIME type
          • property: "body": "body in string" - content body
          • property: "Other-Headers": "header value" - additional significant HTTP headers specified in hook.parameters.significantHeaders
    • Generate cache-bundle.json from caches and upload the data to saveURL (errorReport.json) if the entry page is invoked with ?cache-bundle=save parameter
      • The server must be npm run upload with cacheBundleUploadService.js to receive and save cache-bundle.json
      • Parameters: { "type": "cache-bundle.json", "data": "stringified cache-bundle.json" }
    • Automate generation of cache-bundle.json
      • Trigger automation by cacheBundleGeneration.js via puppeteer
        • Invoked via cache-bundle gulp task
      • Fetch a special cache-bundle.json at build time
        • Generated by cache-bundle-automation-json gulp task
        • Format:
          • "version": "version_123": version obtained via get-version gulp task
          • "https://thin-hook.localhost.localdomain/automation.json":: JSON.stringify() with the object with the following properties
            • "state": "init": update state in the script to perform operations including reloading
            • "serverSecret": serverSecret: one-time build-time-only secret for validating cache-automation.js script
            • "script": cacheAutomationScript: contents of cache-automation.js script
      • cache-automation.js: script for collecting caches by automatically navigating the target application
        • cache-automation.js script is hooked with the context https://thin-hook.localhost.localdomain/automation.json,*
          • ACL has to be defined for cache-automation.js
        • Cache cleanup and page reload are done before cache-automation.js execution
        • Cache bundle generation is performed after cache-automation.js execution
          • Metadata are processed and redundant body data are converted to links to other contents with the same body data within cache-bundle.json
  • Configurations

    • const enableCacheBundle = true: Use false and rebuild with gulp demo to disable cache-bundle
    • For extended metadata for cache-bundle.json
      • hook.parameters.significantHeaders = { "Header-Name": true }: optional
      • hook.parameters.cacheableContentTypes = { "text/css": true, "image/png": true, ... }: optional
      • hook.parameters.validateCacheableUrl = function (url, contentType): optional
    • For Service Worker
      • const cacheBundleURL = new URL('cache-bundle.json', hook.parameters.baseURI);
      • const saveURL = new URL('errorReport.json', hook.parameters.baseURI);
    • ?authorization=: hex(sha256(serverSecret + cache-automation.js script))
      • Set via encode-demo-html gulp task
    • For automated generation of cache-bundle.json
      • cache-automation.js must be fully customized for the target application
      • ACL for cache-automation.js with the context https://thin-hook.localhost.localdomain/automation.json,*

<script src="hook-callback.js?no-hook=true"></script>

  • Features
    • ACL for objects in HTML documents, SVG, Worker, SharedWorker
    • Maintain contextStack with Stack class object
      • Stack class object is a brancheable linked list with push/pop operations
        • The branching feature of Stack is not utilized for now
    • Call hook.hookCallbackCompatibilityTest()
    • Attach MutationObserver to audit URLs and elements in DOM mutations
      • Block blob: URLs except for downloading to local files
      • Block unauthorized DOM mutations suspectedly from browser extensions
        • On detection, an alert message Blocked on Browser Extensions is shown and the application hangs up
    • Hook global objects
      • Via
        • hooked = hook[name](Symbol.for('__hook__'), [[name, { random: name === 'Node' }]], 'method')
        • Object.defineProperty(_global, name, { value: hooked, configurable: true, enumerable: false, writable: false });
      • Target global object names
        • eval
        • setTimeout
        • setInterval
        • Node
        • Element
        • HTMLScriptElement
        • HTMLIFrameElement
        • HTMLObjectElement
        • HTMLEmbedElement
        • HTMLAnchorElement
        • HTMLAreaElement
        • Document
        • importScripts
    • Prohibit global object access via automation like puppeteer
      • Return undefined on prohibited global object access
      • Forced redirection to about:blank on prohibited global object access
  • Configurations
    • For ACL
      • __hook__: hook callback function
        • Object.defineProperty(_global, '__hook__', { configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false, value: hookCallbacks.__hook__ });
          • hookCallbacks.__hook__: full features (acl + contextStack + object access graph)
          • hookCallbacks.__hook__acl: acl only (acl + contextStack) - default
          • hookCallbacks.__hook__min: minimal (no acl)
      • contextNormalizer and acl
        • Configurable at demo-config/policy/policy.js and included policy modules
    • For MutationObserver
      • hook.parameters.mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(observerCallback); - MutationObserver object set in demo/hook-callback.js
      • hook.parameters.mutationObserverConfig = { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, characterData: true, characterDataOldValue: true, }; - Configuration options for hook.parameters.mutationObserver.observe(options) set in demo/hook-callback.js
      • hook.parameters.innerHTMLTracker = function (node, value, processed) {} - Tracker callback to detect coming DOM mutations from setting Element.innerHTML
      • const detectDOMIntrusion = true; - Use true to detect DOM intrusion
      • const messagesOnUnauthorizedMutation = { en: 'Blocked on Browser Extensions' }; - Alert messages on DOM intrusion detection, indexed for navigator.language
    • For global object access
      • const enableDebugging = false: Use true to enable debugging by disabling forced redirection to about:blank on prohibited global object access
        • Configurable at targetConfig.mode.enableDebugging in demo-config/config.js
      • const wildcardWhitelist: Array of RegExp for Chrome browser's new Error().stack format
        • Configurable at demo-config/policy/wildcardWhitelist.js
        • Example configurations for demo
          • new RegExp('^at (.* [(])?' + origin + '/components/'), // trust the site contents including other components
          • new RegExp('^at ([^(]* [(])?' + '[.]18[.]1/vis[.]min[.]js'),
          • new RegExp('^at ([^(]* [(])?' + '[.]js'),
      • const excludes = new Set() : { 'window.Math' }: exclude Math object
        • Note: Math object properties must be wrapped with wrapGlobalProperty function

<script context-generator src="script-hashes.js?no-hook=true&service-worker-ready=false"></script>

  • Features
    • Provide list of authorized hashes for inline scripts in HTML to accelerate preprocessing in HTML Imports polyfill
    • Required in the entry page and HTML subdocuments
    • The list of authorized hashes is generated in gulp script-hashes task and inserted into cache-bundle.json with the key SCRIPT_HASHES_PSEUDO_URL https://thin-hook.localhost.localdomain/script-hashes.json
    • The list is empty if service-worker-ready=false while it is copied from cache-bundle.json if service-worker-ready=true
      • The list is stored at hook.parameters.scriptHashes
    • SRI integrity attribute requires 2 integrity values for both service-worker-ready=false and service-worker-ready=true
      • They are generated in gulp script-hashes-integrity task and inserted into the entry page, i.e., original-index.html and index.html
    • Unnecessary if HTML Imports feature is natively implemented in the browser or unused in the app
      • It is recommended to append this plugin as the behaviors without the plugin are not well verified
  • Configurations
    • Mandatory parameter service-worker-ready=false for the entry page, which is automatically converted to service-worker-ready=true after preprocessed
    • Mandatory parameter service-worker-ready=true for other HTML pages including empty-document.html
    • Required gulp tasks: script-hashes, script-hashes-integrity

<script src="content-loader.js?no-hook=true"></script>

  • Features
    • Load the target HTML without the hook infrastructure scripts after the hook infrastructure scripts are loaded in empty-document.html for iframe documents
  • Configurations
    • The container iframe element is automatically configured in preprocessing HTML contents
      • Parameter content=base64URL(encodeURIComponent(HTML))
        • HTML is written into the iframe document via document.write(HTML) after preprocessing
      • Parameter blob=encodeURIComponent(BlobURL)
        • Blob is written into the iframe document as HTML via document.write(fetch(Blob)) after preprocessing if the blob type is text/html
        • Blob is written into the iframe document as a plain text via data URL if the blob type is text/plain
        • Blob is blocked if the blob type is image/svg+xml
        • Blob with other blob types is written into the iframe document as data URL

<script src="wrap-globals.js?no-hook=true"></script>

  • Features
    • Wrap the remaining global objects which have not been wrapped in hook-callback.js
    • Put this script at the end of global API definitions after hook-callback.js
    • Use window[Symbol.for('wrapGlobalProperty')]() to wrap global objects
      • Defined in hook-callback.js
  • Configurations
    • For global object access
      • const excludes = new Set(); [ 'Math' ].forEach(name => excludes.add(name));
        • Set of excluded objects in wrapping window.*

Notes on Performance Overheads on Global Object Access

  • There are significant access performance overheads on global objects due to wrapped property getter/setter functions
  • To mitigate the overheads, define local alias objects for frequently used global objects
    • For example, const URL = window.URL, RegExp = window.RegExp, ...
  • Internal Details on the overheads:
    • If contextStack is empty, the global object is accessed outside of hooked scripts and thus new Error().stack has to be analyzed, which is an extremely heavy operation
    • If contextStack is not empty, the global object is accessed within a hooked script, whose access can be controlled via ACL
      • contextStack operations are relatively lightweight without performance degradation on deep call stack
    • If local alias objects are defined, the corresponding global object access is performed only once per object, whose overheads are insignificant

<script src="mark-parsed.js?no-hook=true"></script>

  • Features
    • Mark the parsed elements in DOM with node[Symbol.for('parsed')] = true at the end of HTML body to filter out valid DOM mutations from invalid ones
    • In iframe documents, dispatch srcdoc-load event for the containing frameElement
  • Configurations
    • Insert the script at the end of the entry page HTML body
    • Use the script in hook.parameters.bootstrap for the iframe document wrapped via hook.parameters.emptyDocumentUrl

Server-side Components

Server-side scripts and components configured for the demo but fully customizable for the target application


Back-end server for the demo. TBD


Handler for demo/errorReport.json POST requests


Used at build time to automate generation of cache-bundle.json via puppeteer


Formerly used at build time to automate uploading of cache-bundle.json via a POST request


Express middleware for demoServer.js to handle demo/postHtml. This should be unnecessary and should not be used except for verification of HTML via a POST request.


Express middleware for demoServer.js to provide integrity and double encryption of body data

  • demo-backend/whitelist.json - list of URL paths which are allowed to access without encryption
  • demo-backend/blacklist.json - list of URL paths which are not allowed to access; namely demo/index.html
    • Generated in gulp encode-demo-html task by parsing the entry page HTML


Node addon package compiled from the C++ source binding.cpp to provide the following functions

  • rsa_oaep_decrypt(ArrayBuffer encrypted, String private_key_pem) - Decrypt ArrayBuffer data by RSA-OAEP-SHA256 with a String private key in PEM format via openssl


When invoked as a CLI script, it provides the validation server for ClientIntegrity.browserHash. TBD

  • API: TBD
  • demo-backend/validation-console/dist/ is served at its HTTPS root
  • demo-keys/demoCA/${process.env["VALIDATION_HOST"]}.{key|crt} is used for HTTPS server. Defaults to localhost:8082
  • demo-keys/demoCA/client.{key|crt} are used for client certificate authentication

When imported as a package, it provides the client API for the validation server. TBD

  • demo-keys/demoCA/client.{key|crt} are used for client certificate authentication


Validation Console GUI served by demo-backend/validationService.js. TBD


Script to generate certificates in demo-keys/demoCA/


Key pairs and secret keys are stored for the application version.

  "version": "version_668", // application version
  "rsa-private-key.pem": "RSA PRIVATE KEY in PEM",
  "rsa-public-key.pem": "RSA PUBLIC KEY in PEM",
  "ecdsa-private-key.pem": "ECDSA PRIVATE KEY in PEM",
  "ecdsa-public-key.pem": "ECDSA PUBLIC KEY in PEM",
  "session-id-aes-key": "base64(random(32 bytes))",
  "session-id-aes-iv": "base64(random(12 bytes))",
  "scriptsHashHex": "hex(ClientIntegrity.scriptsHash)",
  "htmlHashHex": "hex(ClientIntegrity.htmlHash)"


NPM scripts

  "scripts": {
    "test": "wct",
    "build": "gulp",
    "demo": "run-p -l demoServer errorReportService validationService",
    "debug": "run-p -l debugServer errorReportService validationService",
    "https": "run-p -l httpsServer errorReportService validationService",
    "upload": "run-p -l buildServer cacheBundleUploadService",
    "cache-bundle": "run-p -r -l buildServer cacheBundleUploadService cacheBundleGeneration",
    "updateHtmlHash": "run-p -r -l buildServer cacheBundleUploadService loadOnly",
    "buildServer": "node demo-backend/demoServer.js -p 8080 -m build -P https -H \"localhost:8080\"",
    "demoServer": "node demo-backend/demoServer.js -p 8080 -m server -c 4 -H \"${SERVER_HOST}\"",
    "httpsServer": "node demo-backend/demoServer.js -p 8080 -m server -c 4 -P https -H \"${SERVER_HOST}:8080\"",
    "debugServer": "node --inspect-brk= demo-backend/demoServer.js -p 8080 -m debug -c 1 -H \"${SERVER_HOST}\"",
    "postHtml": "run-p -l postHtmlServer errorReportService",
    "postHtmlServer": "node demo-backend/demoServer.js -p 8080 -m server -c 4 -H \"${SERVER_HOST}\" --middleware ./postHtml.js",
    "errorReportService": "node demo-backend/errorReportService.js -p 8081",
    "validationService": "node demo-backend/validationService.js -p 8082 -m server -H \"${VALIDATION_HOST}\"",
    "integrity-service-helpers": "cd demo-backend/integrity-service-helpers && npm install",
    "validation-console": "cd demo-backend/validation-console && npm ci && npm run build",
    "demo-certificates": "cd demo-keys && ./ ",
    "clean-demo-certificates": "cd demo-keys && rm -riv demoCA",
    "cacheBundleUploadService": "node demo-backend/cacheBundleUploadService.js",
    "cacheBundleGeneration": "node demo-backend/cacheBundleGeneration.js",
    "loadOnly": "node demo-backend/cacheBundleGeneration.js loadOnly",
    "test:attack": "run-p -r -l buildServer cacheBundleUploadService puppeteerAttackTest",
    "puppeteerAttackTest": "node test/puppeteerAttackTest.js",
    "demo-frontend-modules": "cd demo/ && npm install",
    "demo-frontend-modules-locked": "cd demo/ && npm ci"

${SERVER_HOST} environment variable

HTTPS server host name for the application. Defaults to localhost

${VALIDATION_HOST} environment variable

HTTPS server host name at port 8082 for Validation Console and Validation Service API. Defaults to localhost

npm test

Run hook tests

npm run build

Build hook.min.js and the demo via gulp

npm run demo

Serve the demo from demo-frontend/ at https://${SERVER_HOST}/components/thin-hook/demo/ via nginx proxing to http://localhost:8080

npm run debug

Serve the demo from demo/ at https://${SERVER_HOST}/components/thin-hook/demo/ via nginx proxying to http://localhost:8080

npm run https

Serve the demo from demo-frontend/ at https://${SERVER_HOST}:8080/components/thin-hook/demo/ with the key pair demo-keys/demoCA/${SERVER_HOST}.{key|crt}

npm run upload

Formerly used to upload cache-bundle.json via demo-backend/cacheBundleUploadService.js at build time

npm run cache-bundle

Called from gulp cache-bundle-automation task to automate building of cache-bundle.json at build time

npm run updateHtmlHash

Called from gulp update-html-hash task to update demo-keys/keys.json for "htmlHashHex" of the entry page HTML after the integrity attribute of <script src="script-hashes.js"> is updated in gulp script-hashes-integrity task

npm run buildServer

Called from npm run cache-bundle to tonvoke demoServer.js in build mode at build time

npm run demoServer

Called from npm run demo to invoke demoServer.js in server mode without TLS

npm run httpsServer

Called from npm run https to invoke demoServer.js in server mode with TLS

npm run debugServer

Called from npm run debug to invoke demoServer.js in debug mode attached by Node.js debugger

npm run errorReportService

Called from npm run {demo|https|debug} to invoke errorReportService.js at port 8081

npm run validationService

Called from npm run {demo|https|debug} to invoke validationService.js at port 8082

npm run integrity-service-helpers

Build demo-backend/integrity-service-helpers/ as Node addon API

npm run validation-console

Build demo-backend/validation-console/ Validation Console GUI, which is served via validationService.js

npm run demo-certificates

Generate certificates for the demo

  • npm run demo-certificates -- ${hostname} - Server certificate at demo-keys/demoCA/localhost.{crt|key} ; demo-keys/demoCA/demoCA.{crt|key} if missing
  • npm run demo-certificates -- client client - Client certificate at demo-keys/demoCA/client.{crt|key|pfx}; demo-keys/demoCA/demoCA.{crt|key} if missing
    • A password has to be specified for the client certificate. The password must not be empty on some platforms.
  • Automatically called from gulp demo-certificates task
    • Notes:
      • demo-keys/demoCA/demoCA.crt must be trusted as a root CA by the local Chrome browser at build time
        • Installation on Linux: cd demo-keys; certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -n 'thin-hook demo CA' -i ./demoCA/demoCA.crt -t TCP,TCP,TCP
      • demo-keys/demoCA/client.pfx must be imported as a user certificate by the browser to open Validation Console
        • Installation on Linux: cd demo-keys; pk12util -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -i ./demoCA/client.pfx

npm run clean-demo-certificates

Clean up certificates in demo-keys/demoCA/. Each removal must be confirmed via rm -rvi

npm run cacheBundleUploadService

Called from npm run cache-bundle to invoke cacheBundleUploadService.js

npm run cacheBundleGeneration

Called from npm run cache-bundle to invoke cacheBundleGeneration.js

npm run loadOnly

Called from npm run updateHtmlHash to invoke cacheBundleGeneration.js in loadOnly mode

npm run demo-frontend-modules

Install demo/node_modules based on demo/package.json for frontend modules for the demo. demo/package-lock.json is updated.

npm run demo-frontend-modules-locked

Called from gulp demo-frontend-modules-locked to install demo/node_modules based on demo/package-lock.json

Gulp Tasks

    'build',        // build hook.min.js
    'build:test',   // build test/hook.min.js
    'examples',     // hook examples/*
    'demo'          // build demo

    'script-examples',                      // hook non-module script examples
    'module-examples',                      // hook module examples
    'module-examples-dependencies'          // save hook.parameters.moduleDependencies at examples/moduleDependencies.json

    'integrity-service-helpers',            // build demo-backend/integrity-service-helpers/
    'validation-console',                   // build demo-backend/validation-console/
    'clean-gzip',                           // clean demo/*.gz
    'get-version',                          // get version from the entry page demo/original-index.html
    'demo-certificates',                    // generate certificates in demo-keys/demoCA/ if they are missing
    'demo-keys',                            // generate key pairs and secret keys in demo-keys/keys.json
    'import-maps',                          // generate import maps for demo at demo/modules.importmap
    'browserify-commonjs',                  // build demo/browserify-commonjs.js
    'webpack-es6-module',                   // build demo/webpack-es6-module.js
    'webpack-commonjs',                     // build demo/webpack-commonjs.js
    'rollup-es-modules',                    // build demo/rollup-module1.js and demo/rollup-es6-module.js
    'policy',                               // configure demo/hook-callback.js
    'disable-devtools',                     // configure demo/disable-devtools.js
    'update-integrity-js',                  // update demo/integrity.js for the generated public keys in base64
    'update-no-hook-authorization',         // update demo/no-hook-authorization.js
    'update-no-hook-authorization-in-html', // update hook.min.js?no-hook-authorization=* in HTMLs
    'encode-demo-html',                     // generate demo/index.html from demo/original-index.html
    'cache-bundle',                         // generate demo/cache-bundle.json via puppeteer
    'integrity-json',                       // generate demo/integrity.json
    'gzip',                                 // gzip demo/cache-bundle.json and demo/integrity.json
    'demo-frontend',                        // refresh and generate `demo-frontend/`

    'demo-frontend-modules-locked',  // install demo/node_modules based on demo/package.json and demo/package-lock.json
    'generate-import-maps',          // generate import maps for demo frontend at demo/modules.importmap based on demo/node_modules/* and demo/modules-private.importmap
    'embed-import-maps',             // embed the generated import maps JSON into demo/bootstrap.js

    'get-version',                   // get version
    'dummy-integrity',               // generate dummy demo/integrity.json for build
    'cache-bundle-automation-json',  // generate dummy demo/cache-bundle.json for build
    'cache-bundle-automation',       // generate demo/cache-bundle.json via npm run cache-bundle
    'script-hashes',                 // add script hashes to demo/cache-bundle.json
    'script-hashes-integrity',       // update integrity attributes of script-hashes.js script element in the entry page
    'update-html-hash'               // update "htmlHashHex" in demo-keys/keys.json via npm run updateHtmlHash


  • Refine API
  • Hook Coverage
    • Hook Web Worker Scripts
    • Hook Native APIs
  • Consistent Contexts
  • Track Asynchronous Calls
  • Security Policies
    • Framework for Access Control Policies
    • Framework for Context Transition Policies
    • Modularization of Policies
  • Test Suites
  • Demo
  • Performance Optimization

