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Grammar production for Ukrainian

Alex edited this page Jun 27, 2019 · 10 revisions

Low-level grammar categories

The leaves of the generated syntactic tree will define parts of speech of a word. So that first level will always look like this:

Том <- Noun
побачив <- Verb
неймовірно <- Adverb
гарну <- Adjective
дівчину <- Noun

These POSes can be united to some low-level grammar categories. For example, "неймовірно гарна" phrase consists of two words but still functions as a description of a noun "дівчина", so it can be considered as the modifier. Here's the full list of such categories.

Name Code Ukrainian name Description
Modifier MOD Означення A group of related adjectives or/and determiners.
Adverbial ADV Обставина A group of related adverbs or a combination of adposition and entity.

Middle-level grammar categories

Middle-level categories are those which can produce basic low-level ones. Here's the list of them and some suggestions for their structure.

Name Code Ukrainian name Structure
Subject group SBJ Група підмета Subject of the sentence and the set of related modifiers. Is unique for every sentence. The noun produced by this category is the subject while all other are objects.
Predicate group PRD Група присудка Predicate of the sentence and the set of related adverbials. Is unique for every sentence. The verb produced by this category is the predicate.
Entity group ENT Група сутності Noun and the set of related modifiers.
Verbial group ACT Група дієслова Verb and the set of related adverbials.

High-level grammar categories

Every sentence might be split to subsentences. These are "high-level entities". Here's the list of possible entities.

Name Code Ukrainian name Description
Sentence S Речення The most general entity, which represents the sentence itself.
Compound sentence w/ conjunctions CQS Складносурядне речення A compound sentence, which consists of two or more independent simple sentences connected by conjunctions.
Compound sentence w/ no conjunctions NCS Безсполучникове речення A compound sentence, which consists of two or more independent simple sentences without any conjunctions.
Complex sentence SBS Складнопідрядне речення A sentence, which consists of a main and subordinate clause.