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An application made with React that has simple drawing features, as well as some interesting filter and brush options.

but more importantly, you can also make some quick, simple animations!

try it here:

current look:
current look of funSketch

animation demo:
animation demo


You'll notice with the color wheel there are 2 white color options.
2 different white color options

The one to the right has an alpha value of 128 whereas the other has an alpha value of 255.
Because of the way I have things set up, the white with alpha as 128 can be used to create an opaque white color when the layers are merged to create a final frame.

Otherwise, any white color with 255 as the alpha value is treated as transparent (so those pixels are ignored when merging layers). By default, every canvas is filled with rgba(255,255,255,255).


You'll need node.js and npm. cd into this repo and run npm install to install all the dependencies. Then run npm run serve to serve the application (with hot reload!). To run the tests, run npm test.

For end-to-end testing I tried using WebdriverIO with ChromeDriver. Make sure that the chromedriver version in package.json matches the local version of Chrome on your computer.

Alternatively, you can run npm run dev to build a development bundle in the /dist directory and then node server.js.


thanks to William Malone's fantastic tutorial, which much of this work is based on.

thanks to Johan Nordberg's gif.js library, which I use to generate the output for an animation.

thanks to mr.doob's harmony project for some brush ideas.

and much thanks to the many authors of various blogs, StackOverflow posts and other sources of related information I referred to, which helped save me a ton of time :).