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StrawHat.Map CI Status Code Coverage

Map and addresses management.



StrawHat.Map requires an Ecto repository with Geo.PostGIS.Extension extension enabled.

You need to create or extend your current PostgreSQL types:

  [Geo.PostGIS.Extension] ++ Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.extensions()

Then make sure that you add the types to your repository connection.

# In your config files

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
  # ...
  types: MyApp.PostgresTypes

Use cases

All the APIs are contain in the business use cases are under Use Cases documentation section. Check the available modules and the public API.

You should be able to comprehend the API by reading the type spec and the function name. Please open an issue or even better make pull request about the documation if you have any issues with it.


Since this library does not have any repository, it does not run any migration. You will need to handle the migrations on your application that contains the repository.

The migrations directory contains a series of migrations that should cover the common use cases.


Each migration module has a Created at timestamp, this information is useful to decide when and the order on which the migrations should be run.

Using migrations

After creating an Ecto migration in your project you could call one of the migrations from your change callback in your module.

defmodule MyApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateCountriesTable do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do