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ScoredTests.jl is a tiny package providing

  • @scoredtest expr [award] [penalty] [name] macro;
  • and ScoredTestSet([description]).

The macro evaluates an expression giving result of the test: was it passed, failed or errored during testing.

When a test is passed, it gives award, when failed or errored it takes penalty.

Tests (and testsets) can be grouped into ScoredTestSet-s via *= orepand.


julia> using ScoredTests
julia> ts = ScoredTestSet("Basic math");
julia> ts2 = ScoredTestSet("Trigonometry");
julia> ts2 *= @scoredtest sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 == 1;
julia> ts2 *= @scoredtest sin(10)^2 + cos(10)^2 == 1;
julia> ts2 *= @scoredtest sin(-1) / cos(-1) == tan(-1) name="Tangent definition";
julia> ts *= ts2;
julia> ts3 = ScoredTestSet("Quadratic polynomials");
julia> ts3 *= @scoredtest (1 + 2)^2 == 1^2 + 2*1*2 + 2^2 name="Square of sum" award=5;
julia> ts3 *= @scoredtest (1 - 2)^2 == 1^2 + 2*1*2 + 2^2 name="Square of difference";
julia> ts3 *= @scoredtest 3^2 - 4^2 == (3 - x)(3 + x) penalty=2;
julia> ts *= ts3;

julia> printsummary(ts)
Basic math

No.   Result  Score  [Name]  [Error]
   1       E     -1  Error occured: UndefVarError(:x)
   2       ✓      1
   3       ✗     -1  Tangent definition

Quadratic polynomials
No.   Result  Score  [Name]  [Error]
   4       ✓      5  Square of sum
   5       ✗     -1  Square of difference
   6       E     -2  Error occured: UndefVarError(:x)

  Passed 2 test(s) of 6 [33.3%] and 2 of test(s) throw(s) exception(s)
  Achieved 1 point(s) of 10 [10.0%]

Use case

Originally, the package is supposed to be used by teachers and student in the following manner

Teacher perspective

  • Create a repo (or template) of package, containing task and scored testset.

Student perspective

  • Clone the repo, complete task, check score via julia --project=Project.toml test/runtests.jl or from REPL pkg> mode.