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=== Head, Footer and Post Injections ===
Tags: header, footer, ads, analytics, facebook pixel, amp
Tested up to: 6.1
Stable tag: 3.3.0
Donate link:
Contributors: satollo

Head and Footer plugin let you to add html code to the head and footer sections of your blog page, inside posts... and more!

== Description ==

About WordPress SEO and Facebook Open Graph: I was very unpleased by Yoast invitation to
remove my plugin, and it's not the case. 
[Read more here](

= Head and Footer Codes =

Why you have to install 10 plugins to add Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, custom
tracking code, Google DFP code, Google Webmaster/Alexa/Bing/Tradedoubler verification code and so on...

With Header and Footer plugin you can just copy the code those services give you
in a centralized point to manage them all. And theme independent: you can change your theme
without loosing the code injected!

= Injection points and features =

* in the <head> page section where most if the codes are usually added
* just after the <body> tag as required by some JavaScript SDK (like Facebook)
* in the page footer (just before the </body> tag)
* recognize and execute PHP code to add logic to your injections
* distinct desktop and mobile injections

= AMP =

A new AMP dedicated section compatible with [AMP plugin]( lets you to inject specific codes in
AMP pages. Should be ok even with other AMP plugins. 

= Post Top and Bottom Codes =

Do you need to inject a banner over the post content or after it? No problem. With Header and
Footer you can:

* Add codes on _top_, _bottom_ and in the _middle_ of posts and pages
* Differentiate between _mobile_ and _desktop_ (you don't display the same ad format on both, true?)
* Separate post and page configuration
* Native PHP code enabled
* Shortcodes enabled

= Special Injections =

* Just after the opening BODY tag
* In the middle of post content (using configurable rules)
* Everywhere on template (using placeholders)

= bbPress =

The specific bbPress injections are going to be removed. Switch to my
[Ads for bbPress](, which is more flexible and complete.

= Limits =

This plugin cannot change the menu or the footer layout, those features must be covered by your theme!

Official page: [Header and Footer](

Other plugins by Stefano Lissa:

* [Hyper Cache](
* [Newsletter](
* [Include Me](
* [Thumbnails](
* [Ads for bbPress](

= Translation =

You can contribute to translate this plugin in your language on [WordPress Translate](

== Installation ==

1. Put the plugin folder into [wordpress_dir]/wp-content/plugins/
2. Go into the WordPress admin interface and activate the plugin
3. Optional: go to the options page and configure the plugin

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

FAQs are answered on [Header and Footer]( page.

== Changelog ==


* Add wp_body_open() support with a fallback
* Add per post-type injection configuration
* Add support for Smarty templating engine to be used in place of PHP
* Choose a more meaning name for this plugin...

= 3.3.0 =

* Code completely reorganized for better maintenance
* Deprecated (but still usable) mobile injections
* Compatibility check with WP 6.1
* Optimized performances and removed obsolete files
* Removed (temporarily) the per-post injection options (apparently not working, anyway)

= 3.2.5 =

* Removed obsolete code
* Escaped added to fixed and translated strings

= 3.2.4 =

* Possible security fix

= 3.2.3 =

* Updated meta information

= 3.2.2 =

* Fixed a couple of links in readme.txt
* Updated compatibility with WP 5.7

= 3.2.1 =

* Fixed a PHP notice on admin side when creating a new page

= 3.2.0 =

* Restored controls of per post injection
* Compatibility check with latest WP
* Moved to PHP 5.6 syntax

= 3.1.6 =

* Fixed check_admin_referrer action

= 3.1.5 =

* Fixed wrong injection in amp pages

= 3.1.4 =

* Performance optimization
* Removed obsolete code
* Improved AMP support
* (Temporary) removed metaboxes (they were not working anyway)

= 3.1.3 =

* General compatibility check with latest WP

= 3.1.2 =

* Fixed a debug notice

= 3.1.1 =

* Privacy section in the readme.txt

= 3.1.0 =

* Removed the Facebook setting (move to a specialized plugin to have the Facebook Open Graph Meta) 
* Removed bbPress setting (please use bbpress ads)
* Label fix
* Removed notices
* 5 post injections and 5 generic injections

== Privacy and GDPR ==

This plugin does not collect or process any personal user data.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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