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Collection of realistic Web benchmark implementations


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Rust Go


This web benchmark suite focuses on a realistic SSR use-case, when the data is read from a database, and rendered as an html page. Then this page is served to the client.

Only first 100 records are fetched from the Sakila Sample Dataset - film table.

Frontend html uses PicoCSS, which is served from CDN. There might be some minor differences inside the templates, due to different templating languages. But the rendered output must be identical.


  • Compression is enabled as the payload * rps was exceed the 1Gbps link capacity.
  • Number of connections from Oha, increased to 5000


All tests are running with Oha for 30 seconds, and 5000 connections:

$ oha -z30s -c5000 http://machine:3000/?name=Oha
Implementation Result Throughput Relative Performance Latency p10/p50/p99 (sec)
(node-sveltekit-sqlite) (603.4693 rps) (9.02 MiB/s) (0.06x) 1.79/5.83/25.56 s
go-fiber-sqlite 2445.2853 rps 5.66 MiB/s 0.24x 0.08/0.74/12.83 s
go-gin-sqlite 2820.5934 rps 4.78 MiB/s 0.28x 0.06/0.59/11.96 s
rust-axum-askama-sqlx 3227.3343 rps 5.52 MiB/s 0.32x 1.47/1.53/2.29 s
python-uvicorn-fastapi-sqlite 3810.3847 rps 6.48 MiB/s 0.37x 0.58/1.22/2.36 s
node-fastify-handlebars-sqlite 3842.0419 rps 6.59 MiB/s 0.38x 0.21/0.46/6.09 s
cpp-crow-sqlite 6770.7954 rps 11.61 MiB/s 0.67x 0.63/0.66/0.85 s
go-fiber-mustache-postgres 8374.6098 rps 19.44 MiB/s 0.83x 0.02/0.19/6.28 s
rust-axum-askama-rusqlite 10031.8862 rps 17.17 MiB/s 1.0x 0.06/0.09/3.63 s
cpp-drogon-sqlite 10745.5820 rps 18.55 MiB/s 1.07x 0.20/0.23/0.29 s
go-gin-templ-postgres 11648.3316 rps 19.33 MiB/s 1.16x 0.02/0.13/4.97 s

Current implementations:

Rust: axum + sqlite via sqlx + askama

cd rust-axum-askama-sqlite/
cargo run --release

Rust: axum + sqlite via rusqlite + askama

cd rust-axum-askama-rusqlite/
cargo run --release

Python: uvicorn + fastapi + sqlite

cd python-uvicorn-fastapi-sqlite/
pip -r requirements.txt
uvicorn serve:app --port 3000 --host '::' --workers 4 --log-level critical

Go: go-gin + sqlite3

cd go-gin-sqlite/
GIN_MODE=release go run main.go

Node: node + sveltekit + sqlite3

cd node-sveltekit-sqlite/
npm install
npm run build
node build/index.js

Node: node + fastify + handlebars + sqlite3

cd node-fastify-handlebars-sqlite/
npm install
node app.js

Go: go-fiber + sqlite3

cd go-fiber-sqlite/
go run main.go

Go: go-fiber + sqlx (postgres)

cd go-fiber-postgres/
go run main.go

Go: go-gin + templ + sqlx (postgres)

NOTE: Templ needs a pregeneration step.

cd go-gin-templ-postgres/
templ generate -f index.templ
go run main.go index_templ.go

Creating the test SQLite database

To create the test SQLite database in the root folder:

sqlite> .open db.sqlite3
sqlite> .read db/sqlite-sakila-db/sqlite-sakila-schema.sql
sqlite> .read db/sqlite-sakila-db/sqlite-sakila-insert-data.sql
sqlite> .exit

Creating the test Postgres database (docker)

docker run --name db -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> -d postgres
psql -h localhost -U postgres
psql> CREATE DATABASE sakila;
psql> \c sakila;
psql#sakila> \i db/postgres-sakila-db/postgres-sakila-schema.sql
psql#sakila> \i db/postgres-sakila-db/postgres-sakila-insert-data.sql

Test setup

Client machine: Ryzen 5900X / RAM 32GB

Server machine: Intel i3-8100T / RAM 12GB

Client is connected to the server with a 1GBps connection via switch in a homelab setup.


  • - Add CPU/Memory usage plot per implementation
  • - Rust
  • - Golang
  • - C++
  • - Bun
  • - Deno
  • - Node
  • - Python
  • - Common chart plotting all versions