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SQLite Cloud Client SDK for Go v1.0.2

The SQLite Cloud Client SDK for Go (sqlitecloud/go-sdk) is the Go Programming Language application programmer's interface to SQLite Cloud. It is a set of library functions that allow client programs to pass queries and SQL commands to the SQLite Cloud backend server and to receive the results of these queries. In addition to the standard SQLite statements, several other commands are supported.

Getting Started

Use the SQLite Cloud Client SDK in your Go code

  1. Import the package in your Go source code:

    import sqlitecloud ""
  2. Download the package, and run the go mod tidy command to synchronize your module's dependencies:

    $ go mod tidy 
    go: downloading v1.0.0
  3. Connect to a SQLite Cloud database with a valid connection string:

    db, err := sqlitecloud.Connect("sqlitecloud://user:[email protected]:port/dbname")
  4. Execute queries using a method defined on the SQCloud struct, for example Select:

    result, _ := db.Select("SELECT * FROM table1;")

The following example shows how to print the content of the table table1:

package main

import (

    sqlitecloud ""

const connectionString = "sqlitecloud://admin:[email protected]:8860/dbname.sqlite"

func main() {
    db, err := sqlitecloud.Connect(connectionString)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Connect error: ", err)

    tables, _ := db.ListTables()
    fmt.Printf("Tables:\n\t%s\n", strings.Join(tables, "\n\t"))

    result, _ := db.Select("SELECT * FROM t1;")
    for r := uint64(0); r < result.GetNumberOfRows(); r++ {
        id, _ := result.GetInt64Value(r, 0)
        value, _ := result.GetStringValue(r, 1)
        fmt.Printf("\t%d: %s\n", id, value)

Get a connection string

You can connect to any cloud database using a special connection string in the form:

sqlitecloud://user:[email protected]:port/dbname?timeout=10&key2=value2&key3=value3

To get a valid connection string, follow these instructions:

API Documentation

The complete documentation of the sqlitecloud/go-sdk library is available at:


Official repository for SQLite Cloud go modules







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