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Contributing Dialect Changes

Barry Pollard edited this page Dec 28, 2023 · 26 revisions

One of the best ways that SQLFluff users can improve SQLFluff for themselves and others is in contributing dialect changes.

Users will likely know their syntax much better than the regular maintainers and will have access to an instance of that SQL dialect to confirm changes are valid SQL in that dialect.

If you can fix your own issues then that's often the quickest way of unblocking any issues preventing you from using SQLFluff! The maintainers are all volunteers doing this in our spare time and (like you all I'm sure!), we only have so much time to work on this.

How SQLFluff reads (or parses) SQL

SQLFluff has a lexer and parser which is built in a very modular fashion that is easy to read, understand, and expand on without any core programming skills or deep knowledge of Python or how SQLFluff operates. For more information see the Architecture documentation, but will cover that briefly here to give you enough to start contributing.

We also have a robust Continuous Integration pipeline in GitHub where you can gain confidence your changes are correct and will not break other SQLFluff users, even before a regular maintainer reviews the code.

SQLFluff defines the syntax it will used in dialect files (more on this later). If you look at the file you will see it has syntax like this:

class SelectClauseSegment(BaseSegment):
    """A group of elements in a select target statement."""

    type = "select_clause"
    match_grammar = StartsWith(
        Sequence("SELECT", Ref("WildcardExpressionSegment", optional=True)),

    parse_grammar = Ref("SelectClauseSegmentGrammar")

This says the SelectClauseSegment starts with SELECT or SELECT * and ends when it encounters a FROM, WHERE, ORDER...etc. line.

The match_grammar is what is used primarily to try to match and parse the statement. It can be relatively simple (as in this case), to quickly match just the start and terminating clauses. If that is the case, then a parse_grammar is needed to actually delve into the statement itself with all the clauses and parts it is made up of. The parse_grammar can be fully defined in the class or, like above example, reference another class with the definition.

The match_grammar is used to quickly identify the start and end of this block, as parsing can be quite intensive and complicated as the parser tries various combinations of classes and segments to match the SQL (particularly optional ones like the WildcardExpressionSegment above, or when there is a choice of statements that could be used).

For some statements a quick match is not needed, and so we can delve straight into the full grammar definition. In that case the match_grammar will be sufficient and we don't need the optional parse_grammar.

Here's another statement, which only uses the match_grammar and doesn't have (or need!) an optional parse_grammar:

class JoinOnConditionSegment(BaseSegment):
    """The `ON` condition within a `JOIN` clause."""

    type = "join_on_condition"
    match_grammar = Sequence(

You may have noticed that a segment can refer to another segment, and that is a good way of splitting up a complex SQL expression into its component parts to manage and handle them separately.

Segment grammar options

There are a number of options when creating SQL grammar including:

Grammar Used For Example
"KEYWORD" Having a raw SQL keyword "SELECT"
Sequence Having a set of Keywords or Segments Sequence("SELECT", Ref("SelectClauseElementSegment"), "FROM"...)
AnyNumberOf Choose from a set of options which may be repeated "SELECT", AnyNumberOf(Ref("WildcardExpressionSegment"), Ref("ColumnReferenceSegment")...)...
OneOf A more restrictive from a set of AnyNumberOf limited to just one option OneOf("INNER","OUTER","FULL"), "JOIN"
Delimited Used for lists (e.g. comma-delimited - which is the default) "SELECT", Delimited("SelectClauseElementSegment"), "FROM"...
Bracketed Used for bracketed options - like function parameters Ref("FunctionNameSegment"), Bracketed(Ref("FunctionContentsGrammar")

Some of the keywords have extra params you can give them, the most commonly used will be optional=True. This allows you to further define the make up of a SQL statement. Here's the DeleteStatementSegment definition:

    parse_grammar = Sequence(
        Ref("WhereClauseSegment", optional=True),

You can see the WHERE clause is optional (many's a head has been shaken because of deletes without WHERE clauses I'm sure, but that's what SQL syntax allows!).

Using these Grammar options, it's possible to build up complex structures to define SQL syntax.

Segments and Grammars

A Segment is a piece of the syntax which defines a type (which can be useful to reference later in rules or parse trees). This can be through one of the functions that creates a Segment (e.g. NamedParser, SegmentGenerator...etc.) or through a class.

A Grammar is a section of syntax that can be used in a Segment. Typically these are created to avoid repeating the same code in multiple places. Think of a Grammar as an alias for a piece of syntax to avoid you having to type out the same code again and again and again.

The other good thing about Grammars is it allows other dialects to override a specific part of a Segment without having to redefine the whole thing just to tweak one small part. For example ansi defines this:

NotOperatorGrammar=StringParser("NOT", KeywordSegment, type="keyword")

whereas mysql overrides this to:

        StringParser("NOT", KeywordSegment, type="keyword"),
        StringParser("!", CodeSegment, name="not_operator", type="not_operator"),

This allows MySQL to use ! in all the places that NOT was used (providing they use NotOperatorGrammar rather than hardcode the NOT keyword of course). This makes it much easier to customise syntax to a particular dialect without having to copy and paste (and maintain) nearly identical code multiple times just to add the extra ! syntax that MySQL supports to mean NOT.


A lot of SQL is the same no matter which particular type of SQL you are using. The basic SELECT.. FROM... WHERE statement is common to them all. However lots of different SQL dialects (Postgres, Snowflake, Oracle...etc.) have sprung up as different companies have implemented SQL, or expanded it, for their own needs.

For this reason, SQLFluff allows creating dialects, which can have different grammars from each other.

SQLFluff has all the dialects in the src/sqlfluff/dialects folder. The main dialect file (that every other dialect ultimately inherits from) is the file.

In SQLFluff, a dialect is basically a file which inherits everything from the original ANSI dialect, and then adds or overrides parsing segments. If a dialect has the exact same SELECT, FROM and WHERE clauses as ANSI but a different ORDER BY syntax, then only the ORDER BY clause needs to overridden so the dialect file will be very small. For some of the other dialects where there's lots of differences (T-SQL!) you may be overriding a lot more.


I kind of skipped this part, but before a piece of SQL can be parsed, it is lexed - that is split up into symbols, and logical groupings.

An inline comment, for example, is defined as this:

            segment_kwargs={"trim_start": ("--", "#")},

That is, anything after -- or # to the newline. This allows us to deal with that whole comment as one lexed block and so we don't need to define how to parse it (we even give that a parsing segment name here - CommentSegment).

For simple grammar addition, you won't need to to touch the lexing definitions as they usually cover most common ones already. But for slightly more complicated ones, you may have to add to this. So if you see lexing errors then you may have to add something here.

Lexing happens in order. So it starts reading the SQL from the start, until it has the longest lexing match, then it chomps that up, files it away as a symbol to deal with later in the parsing, and starts again with the remaining text. So if you have SELECT * FROM table WHERE col1 = 12345 it will not break that up into S, E, L...etc., but instead into SELECT, *, FROM, table...etc.

An example of where we had to override lexing, is in BigQuery we have parameterised variables which are of the form @variable_name. The ANSI lexer doesn't recognise the @ sign, so you could add a grammar or segment for that. But a better solution, since you don't need to know two parts (@ and variable_name) is to just tell the lexer to go ahead and parse the whole thing into one big symbol, that we will then use later in the parser:

        RegexLexer("atsign_literal", r"@[a-zA-Z_][\w]*", CodeSegment),

Note the before="equals" which means we tell the lexer the order of preference to try to match this symbol. For example if we'd defined an at_sign lexing rule for other, standalone @ usage, then we'd want this to be considered first, and only fall back to that if we couldn't match this.


Most dialects have a keywords file, listing all the keywords. Some dialects just inherit the ANSI keywords and then add or remove keywords from that. Not quite as accurate as managing the actual keywords, but a lot quicker and easier to manage usually!

Keywords are separated into RESERVED and UNRESERVED lists. RESERVED keywords have extra restrictions meaning they cannot be used as identifiers. If using a keyword in grammar (e.g. "SELECT"), then it needs to be in one of the Keywords lists so you may have to add it or you might see error's like this (showing "NAN" has not been added as a Keyword in this dialect):

RuntimeError: Grammar refers to 'NanKeywordSegment' which was not found in the redshift dialect

Also if editing the main ANSI dialect, and adding the the ANSI keyword list, then take care to consider if it needs added to the other dialects if they will inherit this syntax - usually yes unless explicitly overridden in those dialects.

Where to find the grammar for your database

Now that you know about some of the tools SQLFluff provides for lexing and parsing a SQL statement, what changes will you make to it? While devising ad-hoc changes to the grammar to fix particular issues can be better than nothing, the best and most robust contributions will be created by consulting the source of truth for the grammar of your dialect when mapping it to SQLFluff segments and grammars. This will help you exhaustively find all possible statements that would be accepted by the dialect.

Many computer languages are written using venerable tools like Flex and Bison, or similar parser generators, and SQL database engines are no exception. You can refer to the parser specification in the source code of your database engine for the ultimate source of truth of how a SQL statement will be parsed: you might be surprised at what your SQL engine will parse due to gaps in the documentation!

You should also refer to the reference documentation for your SQL dialect to get a concise high-level overview of what the statement grammar looks like, as well as read of any further restrictions and intended use of the grammar that you find. If your SQL engine is closed-source, then you'll likely have only the reference documentation to work with. However, this will always be a less-accurate resource than the bison grammar that's actually used for code generation inside the database engine itself.

It is also extremely helpful to try parsing the queries that you put into the test fixtures to make sure that they are actually parseable by the database engine. They don't have to be valid queries per se (can refer to non-existing table names, etc), but you should confirm that they are parseable. We do not want to require that SQLFluff be able to parse a statement that the actual database engine would reject: overeager matching logic can create parsing issues elsewhere.

Here is a list of grammars and parsing techniques for various dialects implemented by SQLFluff:


Unfortunately, the ANSI SQL standard is not free. If you want a licensed copy of the latest standard, it must be purchased: Part 2 is the most useful section for SQLFluff since it contains the grammar. There are, however, other resources you can find on the Internet related to this standard:


Simply Googling for "pg " will often bring up the documentation for an older PG version. Please be sure you're referring to the latest version of the documentation, as well as refer to the bison grammar.


Example of contributing a syntax fix

So that's a bit of theory but let's go through some actual examples of how to add to the SQLFluff code to address any issues you are seeing. In this I'm not going to explain about how to set up your Python development environment (see the file for that), nor how to manage Git (see our Git Guide if new to that, and we use the standard “Fork, and then open a PR” workflow common to GitHub projects).

So assuming you know (or are willing to follow above guides to find out!) how to set up Python environment, and commit via Git, how do you contribute a simple fix to a dialect for syntax you want SQLFluff to support?

Example 1

If we look at issue #1520 it was raised to say we couldn't parse this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.postgres_setof_test()

and instead returned this message:

Found unparsable section: 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crw_public.po...'

This was in the postgres dialect, so I had a look at and found the code in CreateFunctionStatementSegment which had the following:

    parse_grammar = Sequence(
        Sequence("OR", "REPLACE", optional=True),
        Ref("TemporaryGrammar", optional=True),
        Sequence("IF", "NOT", "EXISTS", optional=True),
        Sequence(  # Optional function return type
                                    Ref("ParameterNameSegment"), Ref("DatatypeSegment")

So it allowed returning a table, or a datatype.

Fixing the issue was as simple as adding the SETOF structure as another return option:

    parse_grammar = Sequence(
        Sequence("OR", "REPLACE", optional=True),
        Ref("TemporaryGrammar", optional=True),
        Sequence("IF", "NOT", "EXISTS", optional=True),
        Sequence(  # Optional function return type
                                    Ref("ParameterNameSegment"), Ref("DatatypeSegment")

With that code the above item could parse.

I added a test case (covered below) and submitted pull request #1522 to fix this.

Example 2

If we look at issue #1537 it was raised to say we couldn't parse this:

select 1 from group

And threw this error:

==== parsing violations ====
L:   1 | P:  10 |  PRS | Line 1, Position 10: Found unparsable section: 'from'
L:   1 | P:  14 |  PRS | Line 1, Position 14: Found unparsable section: ' group'

The reporter had also helpfully included the parse tree (produced by sqlfluff parse):

[L:  1, P:  1]      |file:
[L:  1, P:  1]      |    statement:
[L:  1, P:  1]      |        select_statement:
[L:  1, P:  1]      |            select_clause:
[L:  1, P:  1]      |                keyword:                                      'select'
[L:  1, P:  7]      |                [META] indent:
[L:  1, P:  7]      |                whitespace:                                   ' '
[L:  1, P:  8]      |                select_clause_element:
[L:  1, P:  8]      |                    literal:                                  '1'
[L:  1, P:  9]      |            whitespace:                                       ' '
[L:  1, P: 10]      |            [META] dedent:
[L:  1, P: 10]      |            from_clause:
[L:  1, P: 10]      |                unparsable:                                   !! Expected: 'FromClauseSegment'
[L:  1, P: 10]      |                    keyword:                                  'from'
[L:  1, P: 14]      |            unparsable:                                       !! Expected: 'Nothing...'
[L:  1, P: 14]      |                whitespace:                                   ' '
[L:  1, P: 15]      |                raw:                                          'group'
[L:  1, P: 20]      |    newline:                                                  '\n'

So the problem was it couldn't parse the FromClauseSegment. Looking at that definition showed this:


So the parser was terminating as soon as it saw the GROUP and saying "hey we must have reached the end of the FROM clause".

This was a little restrictive so changing that to this solved the problem:

        Sequence("GROUP", "BY"),
        Sequence("ORDER", "BY"),

You can see we simply replaced the "GROUP" by a Sequence("GROUP", "BY") so it would only match if both words were given. Rechecking the example with this changed code, showed it now parsed. We did the same for "ORDER", and also changed a few other places in the code with similar clauses and added a test case (covered below) and submitted pull request #1546 to fix this.

Example 3

As an example of using the reference grammar to fix an existing SQLFluff grammar, PR #4744 contributed the CREATE CAST / DROP CAST statements to SQLFluff from scratch for both ANSI and PostgreSQL dialects. The first step when contributing a new statement is to check whether the statement is part of the ANSI standard. If it is, then you very likely should first start by adding a generally vendor-neutral version to the SQLFluff ANSI dialect so that other dialects can inherit from it. Every database engine deviates from the ANSI standard in practice, but by adding a reasonably standard segment to the ANSI dialect, you'll probably do a reasonable thing for most other database dialects.

In this case, CREATE and DROP CAST were indeed defined in the ANSI standard, as quickly revealed by a quick search of the document:

<user-defined cast definition> ::=
  CREATE CAST <left paren>  <source data type>  AS <target data type>  <right paren>
      WITH <cast function>

So the first step was to read this ANSI BNF grammar and use it to build a corresponding vendor-neutral CreateCastSegment in

class CreateCastStatementSegment(BaseSegment):
    """A `CREATE CAST` statement.

    type = "create_cast_statement"

    match_grammar: Matchable = Sequence(
        Ref.keyword("SPECIFIC", optional=True),
                OneOf("INSTANCE", "STATIC", "CONSTRUCTOR", optional=True),
        Ref("FunctionParameterListGrammar", optional=True),
        Sequence("FOR", Ref("ObjectReferenceSegment"), optional=True),
        Sequence("AS", "ASSIGNMENT", optional=True),

# Not shown: register the CreateCastStatementSegment in StatementSegment

As you work your way through the grammar, think about whether other parts of the SQL language might contain similar elements. For example, here we noticed that there are already segments we can reuse for data types, function names, and function parameter lists. This helped simplify our new grammar, as well as make it easy to centrally change those particular areas of the grammar in other dialects. Also consider whether there are entire new segments and grammars you should separately define in addition to the root statement segment you're writing. Introducing new and reusing existing segments adds structure to the SQLFluff parse tree that can make it easier for lint rules to analyze the tree. A strong indicator that there should be a shared segment or grammar is when the reference grammar has a symbol that is reused from multiple other symbols/statements.

After writing the ANSI segment (and corresponding tests), it was time to move on to the PostgreSQL grammar. In this case, a quick glance at the documentation shows us that there are some notable differences from ANSI SQL:

  • You can only specify FUNCTION. Other keywords like ROUTINE and PROCEDURE are rejected.
  • The SPECIFIC keyword is not supported.
  • Most importantly: PG provides some non-standard extensions which we'd like to include, like WITHOUT FUNCTION and AS IMPLICIT.

However, we should also consult the bison grammar for CREATE CAST. Bison grammars tend to be very lengthy and daunting, but the right techniques can help you quickly and easily find what you're looking for:

  • Search for a symbol by adding a : to the end of it.
  • Start with the highest level of the thing you are looking for. For example, start with the top-level statement symbol. With PostgreSQL, all statements end with Stmt. Putting it all together, if we search for CreateCastStmt:, that takes us right to the definition for it.
  • Drill down into deeper parts of the parser to learn more. For example, we see function_with_argtypes in the sequence; if we want to know what that means, search for function_with_argtypes: to find it. Examining the Bison grammar can take a few extra minutes, but it can be rewarding. You'll be surprised what you might learn. I've found entire alternate spellings of keywords in there that were not in the documentation, and which testing showed were indeed valid SQL! The grammar in PG documentation is human-maintained and not auto-generated, so there can be and are gaps between what is parseable and what is documented.

A good approach if you're still learning might be to draft a segment from the high-level documentation, and then systematically go through it with the bison grammar and verify it's correct (and that you're not forgetting anything).

One aspect of bison grammars to be aware of is that the tend to be very recursive, because it doesn't have the high-level constructs such as AnyOf, Delimited, Bracketed, and so on that SQLFluff provides. On the other hand, SQLFluff doesn't scale well with recursion. Sometimes it's unavoidable and reasonable in many cases (e.g. parenthesized expression) to refer to another segment recursively. But many times the recursion is extremely trivial, and should always be rewritten using an existing high-level SQLFluff concept. For example, this bison grammar defines a bracketed comma-delimited list which would be better represented using Bracketed and Delimited in SQLFluff:

func_args:	'(' func_args_list ')'					{ $$ = $2; }
			| '(' ')'								{ $$ = NIL; }

			func_arg								{ $$ = list_make1($1); }
			| func_args_list ',' func_arg			{ $$ = lappend($1, $3); }

Example 4

As an example of using the reference grammar to fix an existing SQLFluff grammar, issue #4336 reported that array slices were not being parsed correctly in PostgreSQL. A simple SELECT statement was given that I further simplified to the following test case:

SELECT a[2:2+3];

Obviously, we know that a simple query like SELECT a; would parse, so it's surely related to the array access. I started by looking up the bison grammar for PostgreSQL's SELECT statement and drilling down into it to find an array accessor symbol; searching for SelectStmt: proved to be a lucky guess to start with:

SelectStmt: select_no_parens			%prec UMINUS
			| select_with_parens		%prec UMINUS

Drilling down into the grammar via SelectStmt --> select_no_parens --> simple_select --> target_list --> target_el show that we are dealing with an a_expr, which is the main symbol widely used to represent an expression throughout the grammar. SQLFluff implements that as ExpressionSegment (and more specifically Expression_A_Grammar). Looking further: target_el --> a_expr --> c_expr --> columnref. Which brings us to a key rule:

columnref:	<snip>
			| ColId indirection
					$$ = makeColumnRef($1, $2, @1, yyscanner);

Digging into indirection, we finally find where the array accessor is happening:

			indirection_el							{ $$ = list_make1($1); }
			| indirection indirection_el			{ $$ = lappend($1, $2); }
indirection_el: <snip>
			| '[' a_expr ']'
					A_Indices *ai = makeNode(A_Indices);

					ai->is_slice = false;
					ai->lidx = NULL;
					ai->uidx = $2;
					$$ = (Node *) ai;
			| '[' opt_slice_bound ':' opt_slice_bound ']'
					A_Indices *ai = makeNode(A_Indices);

					ai->is_slice = true;
					ai->lidx = $2;
					ai->uidx = $4;
					$$ = (Node *) ai;
			a_expr									{ $$ = $1; }
			| /*EMPTY*/								{ $$ = NULL; }

From this we observe:

  • There is a sequence of indirection elements.
  • There can be a simple array index provided, which is an expression.
  • Most importantly, and most immediate to our problem, is the observation that each slice bound is optional, and if it is present, then it is an expression.

Now that we looked up the relevant PG grammar, we can dig into the corresponding SQLFluff grammar in a similar top-down way: postgres.SelectStatementSegment --> we see it's mostly a copy of the ANSI select statement, so --> ansi.SelectStatementSegment --> remember Ref always picks the dialect-specific grammar first --> postgres.SelectClauseSegment --> ansi.SelectClauseSegment.parse_grammar --> postgres.SelectClauseSegmentGrammar --> ansi.SelectClauseElementSegment --> ansi.BaseExpressionElementGrammar --> ansi.ExpressionSegment --> ansi.Expression_A_Grammar --> ansi.Expression_C_Grammar --> ansi.Expression_D_Grammar --> notice this at the end of the sequence --> postgres.Accessor_Grammar --> postgres.ArrayAccessorSegment. As you navigate, always remember to check for dialect-specific grammar before falling back to the inherited grammar (e.g. ANSI). Finally, we have found the part of the grammar that corresponds to the indirection_el in the bison grammar!

class ArrayAccessorSegment(ansi.ArrayAccessorSegment):
    """Overwrites Array Accessor in ANSI to allow n many consecutive brackets.

    Postgres can also have array access like python [:2] or [2:] so
    numbers on either side of the slice segment are optional.

    match_grammar = Sequence(

Observing this, we can make a few observations. The most glaring are that:

  • Only numeric literals are accepted! No expressions. Clearly, that's the source of the issue that the person reported.
  • But while we are here, notice another problem we can fix: when a SliceSegment (a :) is present, you're forced to include a numeric literal either before or after the SliceSegment. You can't have [:], even though that's valid SQL that PG can parse.

At this point, it's a simple matter of simplifying & rewriting the grammar to fix these shortcomings and better align it with the bison grammar, which was done in PR #4748.

Testing your changes

So you've made your fix, you've tested it fixed the original problem so just submit that change, and all is good now?

Well, no. You want to do two further things:

  • Test your change hasn't broken anything else. To do that you run the test suite.
  • Add a test case, so others can check this in future.

To test your changes you'll need to have your environment set up (again see the file for how to do that).

Adding test cases for your changes

Adding a test case is simple. Just add a SQL file to test/fixtures/dialects/ in the appropriate dialect directory. You can either expand an existing SQL file test case (e.g. if adding something similar to what's in there) or create a new one.

I advise adding the original SQL raised in the issue, and if you have examples from the official syntax, then they are always good test cases to add as well. For example, the Snowflake documentation has an example section at the bottom of every syntax definition so just copy all them into your example file too.

You should also use the reference grammar to exhaustively test various pedantic combinations of syntax. It doesn't have to be runnable. It just needs to parse correctly into the right structure, and be a statement that can get past the parsing stage of the database engine. The documentation often includes more simple examples that might not reflect all the real-world possibilities. While referring to the reference documentation / bison grammar, try to come up with a statement that uses as much of the grammar as it can!

Be sure that you verify that the SQL statements in your test are actually parsable by the database engine! An easy way to do that is often to copy/paste the statement into the console and try running it, or use a CLI parsing tool that uses the same source code as the database engine (e.g. pgsql-parser). An error is ok (e.g. invalid column name), as long as it's not a syntax error from parsing. Check the reference section at the top of this document for dialect-specific resources.

YML test fixture files

In addition to the SQL files, we have auto-generated YAML counterparts for them. The YAML contains the parsed version of the SQL, and having these in our source code, allows us to easily see if they change, so if someone redefines a syntax, which changes how a SQL statement is parsed, then the SQL won't change but the parse tree does, so by having that in our source code, and so checking that in with any pull request, we can spot that and make sure we're comfortable the change is expected. For most cases (except adding new test cases obviously!) you would not expect unrelated YML files to change so this is a good check.

To regenerate all the YAML files when you add or edit any test fixture SQL files run the following command:

tox -e generate-fixture-yml

You can also do the following to only generate for a particular dialect, or only for new and changed files, which is often quicker:

tox -e generate-fixture-yml -- --dialect postgres
tox -e generate-fixture-yml -- --new-only

It takes a few mins to run, and regenerates all the YAML files. You can then do a git status to see any differences.

When making changes, make sure to check the post-parse structure from the test output or from the associated YAML file: check that each query element is typed correctly. Typical bugs can be that a standalone keyword (such as INTERVAL) is parsed as a function name, or that an element that should be date_part is parsed as an identifier. Typically there is no need to write assertions by hand, but it's the developer's responsibility to verify the structure from auto-generated YAML. One should not assume that everything is working just because no parsing error is raised.

Running the test suite

For the basic setup, see first: Developing and Running SQLFluff Locally.

There's a few ways of running the test suite. You could just run the tox command, but this will run all the test suites, for various python versions, and with and without dbt, and take a long time. Best to leave that to our CI infrastructure. You just want to run what you need to have reasonable confidence before submitting.

Testing a single fixture

The dialects_test is parametrized to automatically pick all files under test/fixtures/dialects/.

For example if you're adding or modifying dialects/hive/select_interval.sql, you can test that with:

tox -e py38 -- -s test/dialects/ -k hive-select_interval.sql

The -s flag for pytest enables printing of post-parse structure, which allows you to quickly check that each query element is typed correctly. Same can be seen in the generated fixture YAML file.

To run it a bit faster, you can invoke pytest directly (requires that you have activated the project venv):

pytest -s test/dialects/ -k hive-select_interval.sql

Running all dialect tests

The following command runs just the dialect tests, for all dialects:

tox -e py38 -- test/dialects/

The following command runs just the dialect tests, for a specific dialect:

tox -e py38 -- test/dialects/ -k ansi

Or, if making a dialect change to fix a rule that is incorrectly flagging, you can just run the tests for that one rule, for example to run the L048 tests:

tox -e py38 -- -k L048 test

Final checks before committing

For formatting and linting it's usually enough to rely on the pre-commit hook.

Run all tests (but only on one Python version, and without dbt):

tox -e py38

I like to kick that off just before opening a PR but does take ~10 minutes to run.

If you want also coverage & linting, run this instead (takes even more time):

tox -e generate-fixture-yml,cov-init,py38,cov-report,linting

Also it should be noted that the coverage tests require several versions to run (windows, and dbt) so can report missing coverage when run locally.

The rest can be left for the CI to check.

Regardless of what testing you do, GitHub will run the full regression suite when the PR is opened or updated. Note first time contributors will need a maintainer to kick off the tests until their first PR is merged.

Black code linting

These tools are run automatically by the pre-commit hook, but can also be run manually for those not using that.

We use flake8 to lint our python code (being a linter ourselves we should have high quality code!). Our CI, or the tox commands above will run this and flag any errors.

In most cases running black on the python file(s) will correct any simple errors (e.g. line formatting) but for some you'll need to run flake8 to see the issues and manually correct them.

Submitting your change

We use the standard GitHub workflow so simply fork the repo, clone it locally, make the change, push it to your fork, then open a pull request back to the original sqlfluff repo. There’s lots more info in our Git Guide if you’re new to Git.

Once you open the PR CI tests will run, and after 5-10mins should complete. If all green, then a maintainer will pick it up as soon as they can. Have a good, easy to understand, small PR with all the tests passing, makes it easier to review so more likely to be merged quickly.


Feel free to open up any issues on GitHub, or join the Slack channel for any quick questions to the community/maintainers.