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Releases: sparkfun/SparkFun_VL53L1X_Arduino_Library

Version 1.2.12

15 Oct 14:56
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This release:

  • Adds overloads for the SFEVL53L1X class and begin - to allow the i2cPort to be defined using begin instead of when the class is instantiated
    • This makes it easier to instantiate the class using a factory method
  • Adds a destructor to prevent memory leaks
  • Adds the method startOneshotRanging - thank you @josephduchesne
  • Adds the methods setThresholdConfig and getThresholdConfig
  • Adds new example to demonstrate one-shot ranging and detection thresholds
  • Corrects the distance mode definitions and setThresholdConfig - thank you @jimtng
  • Moves the ST driver files into their own subfolder

Fixes incorrect OR operator in previous release

20 Jan 17:08
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Fixes bitwise OR to logical OR operator in sensorID check

* rolls version

Adds alternate part ID to sensor check

20 Jan 16:48
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Improve startup time for units that are already measuring.

24 May 14:26
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Rather than delaying 103ms at every begin(), we poll dataready for at least 150ms. For units that were just powered on, this will take 103ms. For units that were already running, data ready is set much faster. This greatly improves the reset startup time when users are actively uploading new sketches.

Fixing example 5 compatibility with Apollo 3 boards.

20 May 22:56
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Merge pull request #39 from ArminJo/master

Added all Apollo3 boards and modified Example5_LCDDemo for them

Fix begin() behavior

17 May 19:40
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Begin() now correctly fails when sensor is disconnected. Begin also now checks for proper device ID. Examples upgraded as well.

Added example for Plotting and Calibration

17 Mar 16:06
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Thanks to @ArminJo for the Pull Request

Updating Examples to check if a new reading is ready

12 Feb 20:08
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Pulling in example changes courtesy of @ArminJo

Fixing ROI Function

15 Jan 21:09
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ROI Setting accidentally overwrote user setting of optical center

Adding timeout to SensorInit

06 Jan 22:18
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SensorInit now has timeout so it doesn't get stuck if the sensor fails to initialize