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DDEV Demo of TYPO3 Extension t3api

This is a demo and testing area for functionality of ext:t3api. The testing is done on model of ext:news. The extension responsible for enabling API configuration for ext:news models is ext:t3apinews.

  • Install docker
  • Install ddev

After cloning repo run:

ddev start

The API is available at:

The TYPO3 backend can be accessed with username: admin and password: password at:

You can go to backend module Admin Tools > Web API and see the Swagger admin panel that allows to do operation on API.

You can load postman collection into your local Postman client and test the API: test/postman/t3apinews.postman_collection.json

If you have no local Postman client you can run test from cli level using newman (cli agent for Postman). To do it run: ddev newman. For first run the node modules are installed (inside web container) and then tests are done.

The postman tests are also automatically run on every push to this repo using github actions.

If you feel like you made a mess while testing API you can always refresh whole project - clean database and files- with command ddev refresh-project.
