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Load test tool using aiosonic http client. For drawing charts we use matplotlib and pandas.

Usage of uvloop is highly recommended.


  • python>=3.6


pip install aioload
# optional, highly recommended, doesn't work on Windows
pip install uvloop


you need to specify your request in a settings file like config.ini

sock_read = 30
sock_connect = 3

# target url for test
url = http://localhost:8080/api/v1/something
# methods: get, post, put, delete
method = post
# use body for send body in request
# if body is json, indicate correct header in headers section
# comment body line if you're doing a get request
body = '{"foo": "bar"}'

# query params if needed, this will transform url
# in something like http://localhost:8080/api/v1/something?token=something
token = something

# headers if needed
content-type = application/json

usage example

> aioload -h
usage: aioload [-h] [-d] [-v] [-n NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS] [-c CONCURRENCY]

positional arguments:
  testfile              Test file to be executed

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           true if present
  -v, --verbose         true if present
  -n NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS, --number_of_requests NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS
                        number of requests to be done, default: 100
                        concurrency (requests at the same time), default: 10
  --plot                draw charts if present

> aioload config.ini -n 3000 -c 100 --plot -v
2019-05-29 17:20:51,662 - __init__:135 - info - 8cf56ded860f41d8a86dab2aed05218f - starting script... -
2019-05-29 17:20:55,301 - __init__:102 - info - 8cf56ded860f41d8a86dab2aed05218f - done - min=14.54ms; max=212.21ms; mean=109.36ms; req/s=600.0; req/q_std=333.7; stdev=24.65; codes.200=3000; concurrency=100; requests=3000;

You can override aioload runner methods, here is an example. Then you should execute the script you made, in this example: python sample/ conf.ini -v


Python has limits, if your applications is crazy fast like this crystal server, the test will be limited by aiosonic's client speed.


  1. fork
  2. create a branch feature/your_feature
  3. commit - push - pull request

Dependencies are handled with pip-tools

thanks :)