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A JavaScript utility to create (neo)vim colorschemes from JSON files.


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A JavaScript utility to create (neo)vim colorschemes from JSON files. This project is simply a copy/paste version of felipec/vim-felipec. I just converted it from Ruby to JavaScript and modified a little to support some extra features.


  • With Packer.nvim

Add this in your packer startup config and run PackerInstall:


Add this in your init.lua file:

local colorscheme = 'horizon'

local status_ok, _ = pcall(vim.cmd, 'colorscheme ' .. colorscheme)
if not status_ok then
  vim.notify('colorscheme ' .. colorscheme .. ' not found!')


  • Clone the repo git clone [email protected]:sh4hids/color-wheel.vim.git
  • Run npm i
  • Create a new branch
  • Copy an existing theme from src/themes and refactor as your need
  • Run npm run build
  • Push your changes to git and create a pull request

Available Themes

  • horizon

Wezterm Theme

  • With packer.nvim

To use any wezterm colorscheme from extras/wezterm folder, you should copy the desired colorscheme from $HOME/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/color-wheel.vim/extras/wezterm/desired_colorscheme.toml to $HOME/.config/wezterm/colors/desired_colorscheme.toml. After that you have to define the colorscheme in your wezterm config (i.e. color_scheme = 'desired_colorscheme').