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A GitHub Action that will update Docker image tags in a JupyterHub config


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Bump Docker image tags in a JupyterHub config file

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This is a GitHub Action that will check the tags of Docker images referenced in a JupyterHub configuration file are up-to-date with their sources in a container registry. If more recent image tags are available, the action will open a Pull Request to the host repository inserting the new image tags into the JupyterHub configuration file.

Table of Contents:

🔍 Overview

This is an overview of the steps the Action executes.

  • This Action consumes a list of JMESPath expressions that describes where Docker image are referenced in a JupyterHub configuration file.
  • It will then will read the config file from the host repository and extract the names and tags of the images located at the provided paths.
  • The Action will then check the most recent image tags pushed to a container registry (extracted from the image name) for these images.
  • If there are more recent image tags available, the Action will open a Pull Request to the host repository with the updated image tags added into the JupyterHub configuration file

A moderator should review the Pull Request before merging it and/or deploying to the JupyterHub.

🤔 Assumptions bump-jhub-image-action Makes

Here is a list detailing the assumptions that the Action makes.

  1. You have a GitHub token with enough permissions to access the GitHub API and create branches, commits and Pull Requests. The token stored in ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} will be used by default.
  2. The JupyterHub configuration file is available in a public GitHub repository, or you have a token with sufficient permissions to read/write to a private repository
  3. The Docker images are publicly available on one of the following container registries (other container registries may be supported in the future):

📥 Inputs

Variable Description Required? Default value
config_path Path to the JupyterHub configuration file, relative to the repository root. -
images_info A list of dictionaries describing each image to be bumped by the action. Each dictionary should contain a 'values_path' key containing a valid JMESPath expressions locating the image in the JupyterHub configuration file. An example is: .singleuser.profileList[0].kubespawner_override.image. If the image name and tag are in separate fields, you can provide the path to the parent key, e.g., .singleuser.image will know how to parse and .singleuser.image.tag. Optionally, a 'regexpr' key can be provided to describe the format of the tag to use from the repository. This can be useful if the image publishes a range of different styles of tags. -
github_token A GitHub token to make requests to the API with. Requires write permissions to: create new branches, make commits, and open Pull Requests. ${{github.token}}
repository A GitHub repository containing the config for a JupyterHub deployment. ${{github.repository}}
base_branch The name of the base branch Pull Requests will be merged into. main
head_branch The name of the branch changes will be pushed to and the Pull Request will be opened from. bump-image-tags/{{ config path }}/WXYZ where WXYZ will be a randomly generated ascii string (to avoid clashes)
labels A comma-separated list of labels to apply to the opened Pull Request. Labels must already exist in the repository. []
reviewers A comma-separated list of GitHub users (without the leading @) to request reviews from. []
team_reviewers A comma-separated list of GitHub teams to request reviews from. []
push_to_users_fork A GitHub account username (without the leading @) to fork the repository to and open a Pull Request from. If provided, then github_token must also be provided, and it should be a PAT owned by the account named here. None
dry_run Perform a dry-run of the action. A Pull Request will not be opened, but a log message will indicate if any image tags can be bumped. False

🔒 Permissions

This Action will need permission to read the contents of a file stored in your repository, create a new branch, commit to a branch, and open a Pull Request. The permission is granted by a token passed using the github_token input parameter. You can choose to provide a specific token if you wish, otherwise the Action will default to using the inbuilt GITHUB_TOKEN in the GitHub Actions Runner.

🔧 Configuring GITHUB_TOKEN

The default permissive settings of GITHUB_TOKEN should provide the relevant permissions.

If instead your repository is using the default restricted settings of GITHUB_TOKEN, you could grant just enough permissions to the Action using a permissions config, such as the one below:

  contents: write
  pull-requests: write
  packages: read  # Required for bumping GHCR packages

♻️ Example Usage

The simplest way to use this Action is documented below. This config features a workflow_dispatch trigger to allow manual running whenever the maintainers desire, and a cron job trigger scheduled to run at 10am every weekday.

name: Check and Bump image tags in a JupyterHub config

    - cron: "0 10 * * 1-5"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: sgibson91/bump-jhub-image-action@main
        config_path: path/to/config.yaml
        images_info: '[{"values_path": ".singleuser.image"}, {"values_path": ".singleuser.profileList[0].kubespawner_override.image"}]'

You can also optionally provide a regular expression describing the format of the image tag you'd like to action to bump to. This is particularly useful if an image is published with a range of tags, e.g., date, commit, etc.

name: Check and Bump image tags in a JupyterHub config

    - cron: "0 10 * * 1-5"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: sgibson91/bump-jhub-image-action@main
        config_path: path/to/config.yaml
        # The following regexpr will select image tags for .singleuser.image that are in
        # the form of a YYYY.MM.DD date, e.g., 2022.09.06
        images_info: '[{"values_path": ".singleuser.image", "regexpr": "[0-9]{4}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2}"}]'

🔧 Configuring the Action to push to a fork

Some people prefer not to have tokens with write permissions acting upon the parent repository. Using the token to fork a repository and open Pull Requests from the fork is considered a more secure option, since the token does not require write access to the parent repo (especially if it is public).

This Action can be configured to push to a fork by using the push_to_users_fork input and providing a valid GitHub account name (without the leading @).

⚠️ Note that when using this feature, you must also provide a token to github_token, and this should be a Personal Access Token (PAT) that belongs to the account named in push_to_users_fork ⚠️

name: Check and Bump image tags in a JupyterHub config

    - cron: "0 10 * * 1-5"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: sgibson91/bump-jhub-image-action@main
        config_path: path/to/config.yaml
        images_info: [{"values_path": ".singleuser.image"}]
        push_to_users_fork: octocat

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A GitHub Action that will update Docker image tags in a JupyterHub config




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