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Releases: sethbrasile/ember-audio

about time - v1.0.0

21 Feb 17:31
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The only change since v1.0.0-beta.1 is the version bump in package.json, otherwise identical.

Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.1...v1.0.0


20 Feb 06:06
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Safari Pre-release
  • Adds support for Safari.
  • Candidate for v1.0.0.
  • Updates all deps to modern versions
  • Adds stereo-panner-node dep as a polyfill for safari's lack of createStereoPanner
  • Adds dep ember-auto-import

No public API changes from previous version.


29 Jul 20:59
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blblbl Pre-release

Public API changes:

  • Adds XY Pad to synthesis section in demo app.
  • Adds update method to Connectable mixin. #30
  • Adds withinRange utility which allows one to set a min and max value for a number. 7eae27b
  • Filters in Oscillator class now use POJOs for settings instead of separate properties for each filter prop (lowpassFrequency becomes lowpass.frequency). Filter is disabled if corresponding property is falsey, and errors if truthy but not object. #30
  • Connectable mixin private _wireConnections is now protected wireConnections to facilitate using Playable/Connectable mixins in classes outside of Ember Audio. f6e2ad4


27 Jul 21:44
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squash'm Pre-release
  • Fixes the fact that some classes were not being imported into the consuming app. #29
  • Updates ember-cli and ember versions. Ember-cli is now 2.7.0 instead of beta. #28
  • Fixes a bug in the Playable/_stop method. isPlaying was being set to false immediately instead of scheduled. Caused a bug where scheduling a sound to stop once, then scheduling it to stop again, but sooner, would have no affect. Gratitude and apologies to @methodmedia for finding this one! d393c78


22 Jul 20:27
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Alppphhhhhaaaaa! Pre-release

Initial release. Ember Audio will probably not strictly adhere to semver until it's out of alpha!

Please alert me to bugs and/or issues in the documentation, and make suggestions on how the API could be better.

You can contact me by filing an issue in this repo, or via the Ember community slack (@sethbrasile).