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Go Environment Variable Loader

This project provides a Go lib to simplify the process of loading environment variables into a struct. The env package contains a function called LoadEnv that takes a struct as input and populates its fields with values from corresponding environment variables.


To use this lib, you need to add it to go.mod of your Go project using the following command:

go get


  1. Import the env package into your Go file:
import ""
  1. Define a struct with the desired fields and env tags:
type Config struct {
    DbHost string `env:"DB_HOST"`
    DbPort int    `env:"DB_PORT"`
    DbName string `env:"DB_NAME"`
    DbUser string `env:"DB_USER"`
    DbPass string `env:"DB_PASS"`
    // Add more fields as needed
  1. Use the LoadEnv function to populate the struct fields with environment variable values:
func main() {
    var config Config
    err := env.LoadEnv(&config)
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error loading environment variables

    // Use the config struct with populated values
    // ...

Ensure that the corresponding environment variables (e.g. DB_HOST, DB_PORT, etc.) are set in your environment before running the application.

Tag Format

The env tag follows the format `env:"<ENV_VAR_NAME>"`, where <ENV_VAR_NAME> is the name of the environment variable to be loaded into the struct field.

Error Handling

The LoadEnv function returns an error if an environment variable does not exist or its type is invalid. The supported field types are string and int.


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you encounter any issues or have ideas for enhancements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.