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Endoscopic images and clinical variables to predict the response to chemoradiation

Background and Aim

  • Accurate response evaluation is crucial to select complete responders from rectal cancer patients diagnosed and treated with neoadjuvant (chemo)radiotherapy.

  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of response prediction with deep learning methods based on endoscopic images and clinical features.

  • Present study shows clinical features are combined with endoscopic imaging features to improve the performance of the deep learning models and provide more confident clinical decisions.


  • 722 endoscopic images with clinical variables having 6 features
  • Roughly out of 722 records half of them are complete responses and half of them are non-complete responses.

During endoscopic images and combined model training

  • Basic augmentation techniques (rotation, flipping, shearing, and zooming of the original images) are applied.
  • Since endoscopic images are RGB natural images, transfer learning from ImageNet was also applied.


Proposed Combined Model Architecture


Dataset Model AUC
Clinical variables (with all 6 features) FFN 73%
Selected clinical variables (with selected top 3 features) FFN 76%
Endoscopic image (trained in endoscopic images only) EfficientNet-B2 79%
Combined model (endoscopic image and selected clinical features) EfficientNet-B2 and FFN 83%
