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Sanity Visual Block Editor with GrapesJS Integration

CMS/Studio Version: 1.1.1

Empower your Sanity Studio with a seamless visual editing experience! This project integrates GrapesJS, a powerful web builder framework, to create an intuitive, customizable editor within your Sanity Studio. Craft beautiful, responsive content with drag-and-drop ease, real-time updates, and extensive design flexibility.

Explore the Live Demo

View the Production Version Preview

Key Features

[Image/video showcasing the editor in action]

  • Visual Drag & Drop: Effortlessly design and arrange your content using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
  • Customization: Leverage GrapesJS's robust component builder to tailor the editor's look and feel to your exact specifications.
  • Real-Time Updates: Collaborate seamlessly with your team, seeing changes as they happen in real time.
  • Enhanced Security: Choose to enable client/server-side encryption to protect your sensitive content.
  • Modern Styling with TailwindCSS: Style your content with the popular TailwindCSS framework, ensuring a clean, modern aesthetic.
  • Dynamic Floating Panels: Create custom components directly within the Sanity Studio.
  • Global Components: Define reusable blocks and components accessible across your entire project.
  • Enhanced Embedding: Support for custom iframes, Google Maps, ads, and email forms (Nodemailer).

Coming Soon

  • Improved GrapesJS-Tailwind Parser: Seamless integration of your custom CSS with Tailwind styles.
  • More Powerful Features: Stay tuned for future updates with even more exciting capabilities!

Installation and Deployment (Vercel)

  1. Install Dependencies:

    pnpm install
  2. Local Development:

    pnpm dev
  3. Build and Start Locally:

    pnpm build
    pnpm start
  4. Deploy to Vercel:


Configuration (Sanity Studio)

  1. Create a new Sanity Studio project using the Sanity CLI or their web interface.
  2. Add your project's environment variables to a .env file:
  3. For Deploying and Fetching Variables: If you're using Vercel to deploy, install their CLI:
    pnpm install vercel@latest

Key changes:

  • Version Updated: Changed the version number to 1.1.1.
  • Enhanced Embedding Moved: Shifted "Enhanced Embedding" from "Current Development Focus" to "Key Features" to reflect its release status.
  • Current Development Removed: Since the previously mentioned features have been released, the "Current Development Focus" section has been removed.