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seagle0128 committed Dec 29, 2023
1 parent 08e9b16 commit 7b1e6ab
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 71 deletions.
149 changes: 78 additions & 71 deletions .zshrc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ zstyle ':fzf-tab:*' switch-group ',' '.'
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format '[%d]'
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
zstyle ':completion:complete:*:options' sort false
zstyle ':fzf-tab:complete:(cd|ls|exa|eza|bat|cat|emacs|nano|vi|vim):*' \
fzf-preview 'eza -1 --color=always $realpath 2>/dev/null || ls -1 --color=always $realpath'
zstyle ':fzf-tab:complete:(cd|ls|lsd|exa|eza|bat|cat|emacs|nano|vi|vim):*' \
fzf-preview 'eza -1 --icons --color=always $realpath 2>/dev/null || ls -1 --color=always $realpath'
zstyle ':fzf-tab:complete:(-command-|-parameter-|-brace-parameter-|export|unset|expand):*' \
fzf-preview 'echo ${(P)word}'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ export FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND="$FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND"
export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--height 40% --border'
export FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS="--preview '(bat --style=numbers --color=always {} || cat {} || tree -NC {}) 2> /dev/null | head -200'"
export FZF_CTRL_R_OPTS="--preview 'echo {}' --preview-window down:3:hidden:wrap --bind '?:toggle-preview' --exact"
export FZF_ALT_C_OPTS="--preview '(exa --tree --group-directories-first {} || tree -NC {}) | head -200'"
export FZF_ALT_C_OPTS="--preview '(eza --tree --icons --color=always --group-directories-first {} || tree -NC {}) | head -200'"

# GIT heart FZF
# @see
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,83 +251,90 @@ fi

# General
alias zshconf="$EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc; $EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc.local"
alias h='history'
alias c='clear'

# Modern Unix commands
# See
(( $+commands[exa] )) && alias ls='exa --color=auto --icons --group-directories-first'; alias la='ls -laFh'; alias tree='ls --tree'
(( $+commands[eza] )) && alias la='ls -lAFh'
(( $+commands[bat] )) && alias cat='bat -p --wrap character'
(( $+commands[fd] )) && alias find=fd
(( $+commands[btop] )) && alias top=btop
(( $+commands[rg] )) && alias grep=rg
(( $+commands[tldr] )) && alias help=tldr
(( $+commands[delta] )) && alias diff=delta
(( $+commands[duf] )) && alias df=duf
(( $+commands[dust] )) && alias du=dust
(( $+commands[sd] )) && alias sed=sd
(( $+commands[hyperfine] )) && alias benchmark=hyperfine
(( $+commands[gping] )) && alias ping=gping

# Git
alias gtr='git tag -d $(git tag) && git fetch --tags' # Refresh local tags from remote

# Emacs
alias me="emacs -Q -l $EMACSD/init-mini.el" # mini emacs
alias mte="emacs -Q -nw -l $EMACSD/init-mini.el" # mini terminal emacs
alias e="$EDITOR -n"
alias ec="$EDITOR -n -c"
alias ef="$EDITOR -c"
alias te="$EDITOR -nw"
alias rte="$EDITOR -e '(let ((last-nonmenu-event nil) (kill-emacs-query-functions nil)) (save-buffers-kill-emacs t))' && te"

# Upgrade
alias upgrade_repo='git pull --rebase --stat origin master'
alias upgrade_dotfiles='cd $DOTFILES && upgrade_repo; cd - >/dev/null'
alias upgrade_emacs='emacs -Q --batch -L "$EMACSD/lisp/" -l "init-package.el" --eval "(progn (package-initialize) (update-config-and-packages t t))"'
alias upgrade_omt='cd $HOME/.tmux && upgrade_repo; cd - >/dev/null'
alias upgrade_zinit='zinit self-update && zinit update -a -p && zinit compinit'
alias upgrade_env='upgrade_dotfiles; sh $DOTFILES/'

(( $+commands[cargo] )) && alias upgrade_cargo='cargo install-update -a' # cargo install cargo-update
(( $+commands[gem] )) && alias upgrade_gem='gem update && gem cleanup'
(( $+commands[go] )) && alias upgrade_go='GO111MODULE=on && $DOTFILES/'
(( $+commands[npm] )) && alias upgrade_npm='for package in $(npm -g outdated --parseable --depth=0 | cut -d: -f2); do npm -g install "$package"; done'
(( $+commands[pip] )) && alias upgrade_pip="pip list --outdated --format=json | python -c '
alias zshconf="$EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc; $EDITOR $HOME/.zshrc.local"
alias h='history'
alias c='clear'

# Modern Unix commands
# See
if (( $+commands[eza] )); then
alias ls='eza --color=auto --icons --group-directories-first'
alias tree='ls --tree'
elif (( $+commands[exa] )); then
alias ls='exa --color=auto --icons --group-directories-first'
alias la='ls -laFh'
alias tree='ls --tree'
(( $+commands[bat] )) && alias cat='bat -p --wrap character'
(( $+commands[fd] )) && alias find=fd
(( $+commands[btop] )) && alias top=btop
(( $+commands[rg] )) && alias grep=rg
(( $+commands[tldr] )) && alias help=tldr
(( $+commands[delta] )) && alias diff=delta
(( $+commands[duf] )) && alias df=duf
(( $+commands[dust] )) && alias du=dust
(( $+commands[sd] )) && alias sed=sd
(( $+commands[hyperfine] )) && alias benchmark=hyperfine
(( $+commands[gping] )) && alias ping=gping

# Git
alias gtr='git tag -d $(git tag) && git fetch --tags' # Refresh local tags from remote

# Emacs
alias me="emacs -Q -l $EMACSD/init-mini.el" # mini emacs
alias mte="emacs -Q -nw -l $EMACSD/init-mini.el" # mini terminal emacs
alias e="$EDITOR -n"
alias ec="$EDITOR -n -c"
alias ef="$EDITOR -c"
alias te="$EDITOR -nw"
alias rte="$EDITOR -e '(let ((last-nonmenu-event nil) (kill-emacs-query-functions nil)) (save-buffers-kill-emacs t))' && te"

# Upgrade
alias upgrade_repo='git pull --rebase --stat origin master'
alias upgrade_dotfiles='cd $DOTFILES && upgrade_repo; cd - >/dev/null'
alias upgrade_emacs='emacs -Q --batch -L "$EMACSD/lisp/" -l "init-package.el" \
--eval "(progn (package-initialize) (update-config-and-packages t t))"'
alias upgrade_omt='cd $HOME/.tmux && upgrade_repo; cd - >/dev/null'
alias upgrade_zinit='zinit self-update && zinit update -a -p && zinit compinit'
alias upgrade_env='upgrade_dotfiles; sh $DOTFILES/'

(( $+commands[cargo] )) && alias upgrade_cargo='cargo install-update -a' # cargo install cargo-update
(( $+commands[gem] )) && alias upgrade_gem='gem update && gem cleanup'
(( $+commands[go] )) && alias upgrade_go='GO111MODULE=on && $DOTFILES/'
(( $+commands[npm] )) && alias upgrade_npm='for package in $(npm -g outdated --parseable --depth=0 | cut -d: -f2); do npm -g install "$package"; done'
(( $+commands[pip] )) && alias upgrade_pip="pip list --outdated --format=json | python -c '
import json
import sys
for item in json.loads(
print(\"=\".join([item[\"name\"], item[\"latest_version\"]]))
' | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip install -U"
(( $+commands[pip3] )) && alias upgrade_pip="pip3 list --outdated --format=json | python3 -c '
(( $+commands[pip3] )) && alias upgrade_pip="pip3 list --outdated --format=json | python3 -c '
import json
import sys
for item in json.loads(
print(\"=\".join([item[\"name\"], item[\"latest_version\"]]))
' | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs -n1 pip3 install -U"
(( $+commands[brew] )) && alias upgrade_brew='brew update'; alias upgrade_brew_cask='$DOTFILES/'

# Proxy
PROXY= # ss:1088, vr:8001
SOCK_PROXY=socks5:// # ss:1086, vr:1081
alias set_polipo_proxy='ps -ef | grep polipo | grep -v grep; [ $? -ne 0 ] && polipo socksParentProxy= &'
alias showproxy='echo "proxy=$http_proxy"'
alias setproxy='export http_proxy=$PROXY; export https_proxy=$PROXY; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
alias setproxy2='set_polipo_proxy; export http_proxy=$PROXY2; export https_proxy=$PROXY2; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
alias unsetproxy='export http_proxy=; export https_proxy=; export all_proxy=; export no_proxy=; showproxy'
alias unsetproxy2=unsetproxy
alias kill_polipo_proxy='killall polipo'
alias toggleproxy='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unsetproxy; else setproxy; fi'
alias toggleproxy2='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unsetproxy2; else setproxy2; fi'
alias set_sock_proxy='export http_proxy=$SOCK_PROXY; export https_proxy=$SOCK_PROXY; all_proxy=$SOCK_PROXY; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
alias unset_sock_proxy=unsetproxy
alias toggle_sock_proxy='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unset_sock_proxy; else set_sock_proxy; fi'

# Local customizations, e.g. theme, plugins, aliases, etc.
[ -f $HOME/.zshrc.local ] && source $HOME/.zshrc.local
(( $+commands[brew] )) && alias upgrade_brew='brew update'; alias upgrade_brew_cask='$DOTFILES/'

# Proxy
PROXY= # ss:1088, vr:8001
SOCK_PROXY=socks5:// # ss:1086, vr:1081
alias set_polipo_proxy='ps -ef | grep polipo | grep -v grep; [ $? -ne 0 ] && polipo socksParentProxy= &'
alias showproxy='echo "proxy=$http_proxy"'
alias setproxy='export http_proxy=$PROXY; export https_proxy=$PROXY; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
alias setproxy2='set_polipo_proxy; export http_proxy=$PROXY2; export https_proxy=$PROXY2; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
alias unsetproxy='export http_proxy=; export https_proxy=; export all_proxy=; export no_proxy=; showproxy'
alias unsetproxy2=unsetproxy
alias kill_polipo_proxy='killall polipo'
alias toggleproxy='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unsetproxy; else setproxy; fi'
alias toggleproxy2='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unsetproxy2; else setproxy2; fi'
alias set_sock_proxy='export http_proxy=$SOCK_PROXY; export https_proxy=$SOCK_PROXY; all_proxy=$SOCK_PROXY; export no_proxy=$NO_PROXY; showproxy'
alias unset_sock_proxy=unsetproxy
alias toggle_sock_proxy='if [ -n "$http_proxy" ]; then unset_sock_proxy; else set_sock_proxy; fi'

# Local customizations, e.g. theme, plugins, aliases, etc.
[ -f $HOME/.zshrc.local ] && source $HOME/.zshrc.local

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