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crates-sgx is a monorepo of all Rust crates ported for Teaclave SGX SDK targeting Intel SGX.


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crates-sgx is a monorepo of all Rust crates ported for Teaclave SGX SDK targeting the Intel SGX platform.


The crates-sgx-example project illustrates usages of these crates for developing sgx enclave.

Here is an example of Cargo.toml.

name = "crates-sgx-example"
version = "0.3.1"
authors = ["The Universal Secure Computing Community Authors"]
edition = "2018"

name = "crates_sgx_example"
crate-type = ["staticlib", "rlib"]

default = ["mesalock_sgx"]
mesalock_sgx = [

cfg-if = { git = "", tag = "v0.3.1+sgx1.1.2" }
hex = { git = "", tag = "v0.3.1+sgx1.1.2" }

sgx_tstd = { git = "", tag = "v1.1.1", optional = true }


  • sgx1.1.2 (default): Teaclave SGX SDK 1.1.2 (Intel SGX SDK 2.9.1)
  • sgx1.1.1: Teaclave SGX SDK 1.1.1 (Intel SGX SDK 2.9)
  • sgx1.1.0: Teaclave SGX SDK 1.1.0 (Intel SGX SDK 2.7.1)
  • gh-pages: Docs of all SGX crates for the release with the latest version


Given a version number x.y.z, increment:

  • z when adding, updating, deprecating and deleting crates of crates-sgx
  • y when updating Teaclave SGX SDK
  • x when making incompatible structural/API changes of crates-sgx

For example:

  • crates-sgx 0.1.0: Teaclave SGX SDK 1.1.0 (Intel SGX SDK 2.7.1) + 10 SGX crates
  • crates-sgx 0.1.1: Teaclave SGX SDK 1.1.0 (Intel SGX SDK 2.7.1) + 20 SGX crates
  • crates-sgx 0.2.0: Teaclave SGX SDK 1.2.0 (Intel SGX SDK 2.8) + 20 SGX crates


Tags follow this convention v{x.y.z}+sgx{x.y.z}, where:

  • v{x.y.z} is the version of crates-sgx
  • sgx{x.y.z} is the version of Teaclave SGX SDK


  • Propose a crate you paln to port in issue and then port crates and corresponding tests for Teaclave SGX SDK.
  • Create a pull request stating crate name, version, license and upstream commit hash (usually a public release) which your port based on. Also, meta.txt needs to be updated.
  • Provide a diff of your changes for reviewing and auditing.
  • Add metadata in the crates section of and update


To run unit tests for all crates maintained by this repository, just run

# in simulated mode
SGX_MODE=SW make test

# or hardware mode with 'make test'


  1. Fix dependencies: add SGX related dependencies in the Cargo.toml. For example:
sgx_tstd = { git = "", tag = "v1.1.1", optional = true }

// Replace hex = "0.4.2", and pay attention to the tag
hex = { git = "", tag = "v0.3.1+sgx1.1.2" }
  1. Fix features: add a feature to enable SGX's standard library. For example:
default = ["mesalock_sgx"]
mesalock_sgx = ["sgx_tstd"]
  1. Add headers in the to enable the std. For example:
#![cfg_attr(all(feature = "mesalock_sgx",
                not(target_env = "sgx")), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(all(target_env = "sgx", target_vendor = "mesalock"),
#[cfg(all(feature = "mesalock_sgx", not(target_env = "sgx")))]
extern crate sgx_tstd as std;
  1. Fix standard library issues. For example:
// use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::sync::{Arc, SgxMutex as Mutex};
  1. Tests including unit tests and functional tests should be also ported for SGX std. Here is an example to port tests. Basically, you can use utils/sgx-tests template as a test driver for testing in SGX enclave.

  2. There are other cases like file system APIs, and untrusted calls you need to review and handle properly. Feel free to submit an issue to discussion.


See meta.txt for more information (like version, license, commit hash, etc) on these crates.


crates-sgx is provided under the Apache License 2.0. We only accept crates provided under "Apache-like" license.