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Repository files navigation

What is it

Do you have a file src/constants/routes.js? Good. This libary will help you with it. See example:

const ROUTES = {
  LOGIN: new Route({ name: "Login page", path: "/login" }),
  MAIN: new Route({
    name: "Main page",
    path: "/",
    redirect: "/main",
    payload: { ICON: SomeIcon },

// {
//   LOGIN: {
//     NAME: 'Login page',
//     PATH: '/login',
//     REDIRECT: '/login',
//     REDIRECT_PATH: '/login',
//     isCurrent: false,
//     isPrevious: false,
//     isPartOf: (string) => boolean,
//   },
//   MAIN: {
//     NAME: 'Main page',
//     PATH: '/',
//     REDIRECT: '/main',
//     REDIRECT_PATH: '/main',
//     PAYLOAD: {
//       ICON: React.component
//     }
//     ...
//   }
// }

Solves Problems

  • You do not need to store queries in redux when user left page and redirect to URL with stored queries when user comes back!
  • Is this route current?
  • Is this route previous? (WARNING! Need some actions to make it works!)
  • Page titles in one place!
  • Is this route part of that route?
  • Get routes for Breadcrumbs
  • Get routes by regExp

Main usage

Route constants

export enum Params {
  catId = 'catId',
  userId = 'userId',

export enum Paths {
  cats = 'cats',
  create = 'create',
  remove = 'remove',
  users = 'users',

export type CAT = `/${Paths.users}/:${Params.userId}/${Paths.cats}/:${Params.catId}`
export type CAT_CREATE = `/${Paths.users}/:${Params.userId}/${Paths.cats}/create`;
export type CAT_LIST = `/${Paths.users}/:${Params.userId}/${Paths.cats}`
export type CAT_REMOVE = `/${Paths.users}/:${Params.userId}/${Paths.cats}/:${Params.catId}/remove`;
export type USER = `/${Paths.users}/:${Params.userId}`;
export type USER_LIST = `/${Paths.users}`;

const ROUTES = {
  CAT: new Route<CAT>({
    name: 'User\'s cat',
    path: '/user/:userId/cats/:catId'
    name: 'Create cat',
    path: '/users/:userId/cats/:catId'
  CAT_LIST: new Route<CAT_LIST>({
    name: 'Cats',
    path: '/users/:userId/cats/:catId'
    name: 'Remove cat',
    path: '/users/:userId/cats/:catId/remove'
  USER: new Route<USER>({
    name: 'User',
    path: '/users/:userId'
  USER_LIST: new Route<USER_LIST>({
    name: 'Users',
    path: '/users'

// Well done! Now you can use it!
<Route path={ROUTES.USER.PATH}>

// Need a link href?
<Link to={ROUTES.CAT.PATH.replace(Params.userId, '33').replace(Params.catId, '77')}>

Set previous

Use function setPreviousRoute to set property isPrevious

import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
import { setPreviousRoute } from "@savchenko91/rc-route-constant";
import ROUTES from "./path/to/your/constants/routes";

function ParentComponent() {
  const location = useLocation();

  // Write "{ ...ROUTES }" if you use TS because of ERROR TS2345
  setPreviousRoute({ ...ROUTES });

  return <div>...</div>;

Additional features


You can automatically set a page title

import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
import { getCurrent } from "@savchenko91/rc-route-constant";
import ROUTES from "./path/to/your/constants/routes";

function Component() {
  useLocation(); // render on every pathname change

  // If uou use an old TS version you need to write "{ ...ROUTES }"
  document.title = `You are on page "${getCurrent({ ...ROUTES }).NAME}`;

  return <div>...</div>;


import { getListByRegExp } from "@savchenko91/rc-route-constant";
import ROUTES from "./path/to/your/constants/routes";

function ListWithAppLinks() {
  const routes = useMemo(
    () => getListByRegExp(ROUTES, /\/app\/([a-z-]+)$/),

  return (
      { => (
          <a className={route.LABEL} href={route.REDIRECT_PATH}>


import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
import { getListForEveryLocation } from "@savchenko91/rc-route-constant";
import ROUTES from "./path/to/your/constants/routes";

function Breadcrumbs() {
  const location = useLocation();

  const routes = useMemo(
    () => getListForEveryLocation(ROUTES, location.pathname),

  return (
      {, i) => (
          <a href={route.REDIRECT_PATH}>/ {route.NAME}</a>

Store queries

This is the case:

  1. You have two tabs by routes search/cats and search/users on page search
  2. You want to store search queries when user leaves the page search
  3. You want to store last opened tab when user leaves the page search

Store them into REDIRECT property!

  () => () => {
    if (ROUTES.CAR.isCurrent) {
      // Store current pathname into CLIENT.REDIRECT
      ROUTES.CLIENT.REDIRECT = location.pathname;
      // Store current tab into SEARCH.REDIRECT
    } else {
      // Store current pathname into CLIENT.REDIRECT
      ROUTES.CAR.REDIRECT = location.pathname;
      // Store current tab into SEARCH.REDIRECT

Okey. We store them all and now we want to get them back:

console.log(searchPath) // /search/cats?user=John&breed=Siamese
<Link to={searchPath}>Search page</Link>

See? You store the pathnames into ROUTES.CAT and ROUTES.USER but you get them from ROUTES.SEARCH If you want to know how it works see the code below:

get REDIRECT_PATH(): string {
  if (!this.REDIRECT) return this.PATH;

  return this.REDIRECT instanceof Route ? this.REDIRECT.REDIRECT_PATH : this.REDIRECT;

Extend it!

Sometimes you have many params in a path and you need to add some queries so you might want to extend Routes

import RcRoute from '@savchenko91/rc-route-constant';
import qs from 'qs';

export class Route<P extends string, RouteParams extends Record<string, string | undefined> = {}> extends RcRoute<P> {
  buildHref = (obj: RouteParams, queries?: Record<string, string>) => {
    const hrefWithReplacedParams = Object.entries(obj).reduce<string>((path, [key, value = '']) => {
      return path.replace(`/:${key}?`, `/${value}`).replace(`/:${key}`, `/${value}`);
    }, this.PATH);
    // Remove optional params if they exist
    const href = hrefWithReplacedParams.replace(/\/:([a-zA-Z-_])+\?/g, '');

    if (!queries) return href

    return `${href}${qs.stringify(queries, { skipNulls: true, addQueryPrefix: true })}`;

// Well done! Now you can use it!
<Link to={ROUTES.CAT.buildHref({ userId: '33', catId: '77' }, { cute: 'true' })}>