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Content Blazor Chromium Extension Sample

Build a content script chromium extension with C#!



This chromium extension sample injects "counter" Blazor WebAssembly app written by C# into a Google search result page.


  • This sample code is a "proof of concept", and is an early prototype.
  • The implementation of this extension is just injecting the Blazor WebAssembly application into the current page, forcibly.
  • This means, this extension contaminates the current page with Blazor runtime. It is not isolated.
  • This sample code can not do dotnet publish correctly at this time.
  • The output files of building this sample code contain numerous files that are unused for the chromium-browser extension.

Installation instruction of this extension


  • .NET SDK 5.0.102 or later
  • Chromium browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge) that was configured to enable developer mode of the browser extension manager.


  1. Clone this repository on your PC or Mac.
  2. Build it. (e.g. dotnet build command do that.)
  3. Load the output directory of this project (e.g. "{project folder}/bin/Debug/net5.0") to the Chromium browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge) 's extension from the "Load unpacked" button.

After doing these instruction steps, you will see the contents of this extension on a Google search result page.

Development the extension

You can build and run this project the same as a normal Blazor WebAssembly project.

You can do the dotnet run command, or open this project with Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio IDE and press ctrl + f5 to build and launch it.


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