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Gatsby starter for creating an internationalized personal blog website


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Gatsby i18lized Blog Starter

Kick off your project with this internationalized personal blog website boilerplate.


  • Supports as many languages as needed
  • Extensible so that it fits anyones needs
  • Dark mode
  • Categorizable blog posts
  • Git-hosted content that supports MDX
  • Easy navigation
  • Simple & clean look achieved with Tailwind CSS
  • Accessible & fast for great SEO and high usability
  • Easy to personalize
  • Let visitors know that you are open to work
  • Cookie consent for GDPR compliance

Live Demo

Visit to see the starter live in action.

Deploy with one click

Deployment is made simple and fast thanks to providers like Vercel or Netlify. Click on one of the buttons below to deploy in seconds.

Deploy with Vercel Deploy with Netlify

Project Structure

    ├── content                     # Markdown files used by Gatsby to generate pages
    │   ├── en                      # Content translated to English langauge
    │   └── [language-key]          # Content translated to [language-key] language
    ├── src
    │   ├── assets                  # Static assets (e.g. CSS and images)
    │   ├── components              # All React and Gatsby-friendly components
    │   ├── hooks                   # React hooks for better reusability
    │   ├── locales                 # Translations for UI components for every supported language
    │   ├── pages                   # Pages that are generated by Gatsby
    │   ├── templates               # Templates used by Gatsby to generate pages
    │   └── utils                   # Utility functions that are needed across the application
    ├── gatsby-config.js
    ├── gatsby-node.js
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── package.json
    ├── postcss.config.js
    └── tailwind.config.js


This starter supports addition of new languages right out of the box.


Firstly, you will need to follow certain rules for internationalization to work correctly. Breaking any of the following rules may cause internationalization not to work properly if at all.

  1. Keep folders names of individual articles consistent across supported languages (e.g. /content/en/blog/life-hacks/this-is-my-first-blog-post/, /content/sk/blog/life-hacks/this-is-my-first-blog-post/ and /content/si/blog/life-hacks/this-is-my-first-blog-post/)
  2. Prefix blog post folder name with it's category name (e.g. life-hacks from the example above)
  3. Use at least post_title, post_category and post_date in frontmatter of article's MD file
  4. Make post_category field inside frontmatter consistent across all blog posts in the category's folder
  5. Keep formats of post_date field inside frontmatter consistent across all blog posts
page_description: This is a super blog post 2 # Use for better SEO
post_title: Hello there
post_category: Reflections
post_date: "2020-04-05"

Suggestion: keep folders names of articles (blog posts titles in other words) and their categories in the default language (e.g. default language of the website in the example mentioned above would be English)

Note: it is not necessary to make a post translation immediately after writing a blog post in any of the supported languages

Adding Support For a New Language

Replace [language-key] with the actual language key that represents the language that is to be added.

  1. Open gatsby-config.js file

    1. Extend configuration of gatsby-plugin-intl

      • Add a new [language-key] to options.languages array
      • Add a new [language-key] to options.external.languageStrings array
    2. Extend configuration of gatsby-source-filesystem by adding the following entry

        resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
        options: {
        name: `[language-key]/blog`,
        path: `${__dirname}/content/[language-key]/blog`,
  2. Open locales folder and create a new [language-key].json file with corresponding translations

  3. Open content folder and create a new /[language-key]/blog/ folder (ideally with translated existing articles included)

  4. Extend existing GraphQL queries in the hooks folder by adding the newly added language

  5. Extend existing GraphQL page queries in post.js and category.js by adding the newly added language

  6. You are done

Change Default Language

Default language is selected at the very first load of the website if the browser language of a visitor does not match any of the supported languages or it cannot be read correctly. Execute the following steps in order to change it:

  1. Open gatsby-config.js file and navigate to the configuration of gatsby-plugin-intl
  2. Change the value of options.external.defaultLanguage key with wanted language key
  3. You are done


Make it fully yours by replacing defaults with your personal information. Firstly, open gatsby-config.js and change title, siteUrl and properties of author object inside siteMetadataobject.

Change favicon with profile picture inside header

Replace default favicon.png file.

  • resolution: square
  • format: PNG

Change header image

Replace default header_image.jpg file.

  • resolution: 1024x96
  • format: JPEG

Toggle open to work status

Set openToWork to either true or false inside gatsby-config.js.


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This project is under the MIT license which is great! Read more inside LICENSE.