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pychats is a library for modelling text conversations and extracting them from external sources, like Facebook.


>>> import pychats
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> conversation = pychats.Conversation()
>>> bob = pychats.Contact("Bob Loblaw")
>>> message = pychats.Message("Hello!", datetime(1990, 9, 28, 15, 30), bob)
>>> conversation.participants()
{<Contact: Bob Loblaw>}



pychats can be installed using pip:

$ pip3 install pychats

pychats is written for Python 3, and does not support Python 2.

If you get permission errors, try using sudo:

$ sudo pip3 install pychats


The repository for pychats, containing the most recent iteration, can be found here. To clone the pychats repository directly from there, use:

$ git clone git://


pychats requires the BeautifulSoup library, for parsing Facebook message files. pip will install this automatically when it installs pychats.


Creating ChatLogs manually

The most direct way to create pychats logs is to create the objects manually. Ultimately modules will be added to create them by parsing external data sources, such as Facebook message logs or iPhone backups, but for now this minimal interface works nicely.


The first step is to create the contacts who have messages in the chatlog. This is done with the Contact class:

>>> import pychats
>>> harry = pychats.Contact("Harry Potter")
>>> ronald = pychats.Contact("Ron Weasley")
>>> hermione = pychats.Contact("Hermione Granger")
'Harry Potter'
'Ron Weasley'
'Hermione Granger'

You can give these people 'tags' to categorise them:

>>> harry.add_tag("wizard")
>>> harry.add_tag("gryffindor")
>>> harry.tags()
{'wizard', 'gryffindor'}

Conversations and Messages

A chatlog is just a collection of conversations, which are themselves just a series of messages. You create conversations with the Conversation class:

>>> harry_conv = pychats.Conversation()
>>> ron_conv = pychats.Conversation()
>>> harry_conv
<Conversation (0 messages)>
>>> ron_conv
<Conversation (0 messages)>

You do need to pass any arguments when you create the conversation.

These are not much use without messages. These are created with the Message class, and need text, a timestamp, and a sender:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> message1 = pychats.Message("Hi Harry", datetime(1993, 1, 5, 8, 2), hermione)
>>> message2 = pychats.Message("Hi!", datetime(1993, 1, 5, 8, 7), harry)
>>> harry_conv.add_message(message1)
>>> harry_conv.add_message(message2)
>>> harry_conv
<Conversation (2 messages)>
>>> harry_conv.messages()
[<Message from Hermione Granger at 1993-01-05 08:02>, <Message from Harry Pott
er at 1993-01-05 08:07>]
>>> harry_conv.participants()
{<Contact: Hermione Granger>, <Contact: Harry Potter>}

It doesn't matter what order you add messages in, they will always be ordered by their timestamp.


ChatLogs are created with the ChatLog class:

>>> log = pychats.ChatLog("Hogwarts Data Breach")
>>> log
<'Hogwarts Data Breach' ChatLog (0 Conversations)>
>>> log.add_conversation(harry_conv)
>>> log
<'Hogwarts Data Breach' ChatLog (1 Conversation)>

Once added, conversations will know what chatlog they are in:

>>> harry_conv.chatlog()
<'Hogwarts Data Breach' ChatLog (1 Conversation)>

ChatLogs from Facebook

A far more useful feature of pychats, is the ability to create a ChatLog from a user's actual Facebook message history.

To do this you will first need to download a backup of your Facebook account. If you are logged in, Facebook lets you do this from the Facebook settings page.

Once downloaded, you will need to extract the .zip file you get, and find a file called messages.htm - this is a document containing all your Facebook messages.


This is your Facebook message history. All of it. These messages are private information - a lot of it concentrated in a single file - and presumably you don't want anyone else to see this file. Take great care of the messages.htm file, and consider deleting it when you have got the information from it that you need. And consider if you really need a JSON copy of it.

Also bear in mind that a log of a conversation between you and someone else is owned by them as much as you. Do not share a conversation without their consent.

Once this file is found, you create a ChatLog from it with one line:

>>> facebook_log = pychats.from_facebook("path/to/messages.htm")

You likely have a lot of messages, and this can take many seconds, maybe even a minute if it is very large. pychats is parsing and extracting data from a very large .html file after all.

Once done however, the log works just like the ChatLogs described above. You can save it to JSON (see below) or do whatever you want with it.

Storing ChatLogs as JSON

ChatLogs have a method which will save the while structure to file as JSON. You can call from_json to recreate the structure.

>>> recovered_log = pychats.from_json("backup.json")

Contacts, Messages, Conversations and ChatLogs all have to_json methods and from_json alternative constructors to individually convert them to and from JSON if needed.

>>> message1.to_json()
{'text': 'Hi!', 'timestamp': '1993-01-05 08:07:00', 'sender': {'name': 'Harry
Potter', 'tags': []}}


Release 2.2.0

22 August 2017

  • Added parsing of Facebook message.htm files.

Release 2.1.0

23 July 2017

  • Added JSON input and output.
  • Gave Contact objects tags.

Release 2.0.0

9 May 2017

  • Added the basic conversation classes for manual creation of chatlogs.