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Grunt for Drupal

version v2.13 Maintained by Salsa Digital.

What is this?

Grunt for Drupal is a grunt project with commonly used tasks to assists Drupal theme and module development.

Before setting up

Do you have NodeJS / NPM installed?

If not you can get it from here.

Do you have Grunt installed?

If not you can get it by running sudo npm install -g grunt-cli in command line.

Do you have PHP_CodeSniffer installed?

  1. User COMPOSER to install PHP_CodeSniffer
    1. composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=2.5.1"
    2. Versions above 2.6.0 have an issue when running within grunt
  2. Find PHP_CodeSniffer home
    1. By default: ~/.composer/vendor/bin/phpcs
    2. Use PHP_CodeSniffer location in bin option in: .local_grunt_settings.json (See below - 'How do I use my personal preferences with grunt?').
  3. Install Drupal Standard
    1. Go to here and download coder 8.x-2.*
    2. Extract and add coder_sniffer/Drupal folder to your CodeSniffer Standards folder. E.g. ~/.composer/vendor/squizlabs/php_codesniffer/CodeSniffer/Standards/Drupal

First-time setup for Grunt for Drupal

  1. Navigate to your Drupal theme root folder.
  2. Clone the repo: git clone ./grunt.
  3. Create your ./src directory (See example folder setup script below for folder structure).
  4. Add your source files (SCSS, JS, Images) in ./src sub-directories.
  5. Create a ./grunt/project_grunt_settings.json file and configure project settings.

Using Grunt for Drupal - The quick version

  1. If you need personalised settings, create a ./grunt/.local_grunt_settings.json file (see below).
  2. Use command line to navigate inside the ./grunt directory and type npm install to install necessary modules.
  3. Type grunt for a full compile (everything).
  4. Type grunt watch for an automatic compile on file change (only necessary commands will run).

What is Grunt for Drupal doing?

Within the Gruntfile.js, the following processes are run:

  • jsbeautifier
    • Formats working JS and SCSS files.
  • concat
    • Merges all JS files into 1. Allows breaking up of JS files into components.
  • sass
    • Compile the SCSS.
  • auto prefixing
    • Automatically adds -webkit- -moz- -ms- prefixes to CSS styles.
  • pngmin, svgmin, imagemin
    • Optimize images.
  • phpcs
    • Code Sniffer for Drupal PHP files.

Where do I put my theme script, styles and images?

Within the '/src' folder, place all working SCSS, JS and image files in their respective subdirectories. When run, Grunt will populate the '/dist/css', '/dist/js' and 'dist/images' folders.

An example of a src folder setup is:


An example folder setup script (for bash) to run from within the theme/grunt folder:

mkdir ../dist
mkdir ../src
mkdir ../src/sass
mkdir ../src/js
mkdir ../src/images
mkdir ../src/images/jpg
mkdir ../src/images/jpg/optimise
mkdir ../src/images/jpg/raw
mkdir ../src/images/png
mkdir ../src/images/png/optimise
mkdir ../src/images/png/raw
mkdir ../src/images/svg
mkdir ../src/images/svg/optimise
mkdir ../src/images/svg/raw

How do I use my personal preferences with grunt?

Grunt for Drupal is set to run with defaults, but each project will likely have it's own unique settings. You can use .local_grunt_settings.json and project_grunt_settings.json to add these custom settings per-project.

Create a JSON file called .local_grunt_settings.json or project_grunt_settings.json in the same directory as Gruntfile.js. When grunt runs it will use the settings from this file instead of the defaults.

The .local_grunt_settings.json file:

This file is used for defining settings specific to the environment it's being used on (your local computer). This shouldn't be a part of the repo as it relates only to you, so make sure git is set to ignore this file.

  "phpcs_bin": "/Users/salsadigital/pear/bin/phpcs"

The project_grunt_settings.json file:

This file relates to the project and should contain project-wide settings. This should be included in the repository.

  "custom_modules_directory": "../../modules/custom/",
  "profile_modules_directory": "../../modules/custom/",
  "custom_script_paths": "custom/path/**/*.js",
  "custom_beautify": [],
  "theme_directory": "../",
  "use_compass": false,
  "use_image_compression": false,
  "use_prefixer": true,
  "use_scss_filename": ["styles"],
  "prefixer_browsers": ["last 2 versions", "not ie <= 8", "iOS >= 7"],
  "drupal_version": 8

Supported Settings:

  • custom_modules_directory
    • This is the directory to your custom modules. If not defined then no custom module files will be validated.
  • profile_modules_directory
    • This is the directory to your profile modules. If not defined then no profile module files will be validated. Works the same as custom_modules_directory.
  • custom_script_paths
    • Array of any additional scripts to add that may not be in /src folder. These will be beautified and concatenated with any src/js scripts.
  • custom_beautify
    • Array of additional files to run through the beautifier. This can be used to include / exclude particular files.
  • theme_directory
    • This is the directory to your theme. If not defined, theme directory will default to one folder level above this.
  • phpcs_bin
    • This is your local system's directory to PHP Code Sniffer. If not defined, then PHPCS will not run. Note: This only works in Local Setting.
  • use_compass
    • If set to true will use compass config.rb to compile stylesheets. If not defined, will default to LibSass.
  • use_image_compression
    • If set to true will use compress SVG / PNG / JPG images in src/images folder.
  • drupal_version
    • Set an integer (e.g. 7 or 8).
  • use_prefixer
    • Use the Auto Prefixer. Set to true by default.
  • use_scss_filename
    • Set a string / array to the SCSS filename to target in the theme (e.g. styles). This will also affect the .css filename (e.g. "styles.scss" -> "styles.css").
  • prefixer_browsers
    • Define what browsers Auto Prefixer should support. Default is last 2 versions, not ie <= 8.


  • If the task is not running correctly, try grunt --verbose and search the output for issues.


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