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Implementation Notes


  • I noticed that many of the line-height values in Figma didn't match Tailwind values. Rather than creating custom values for each one of these, I rounded up or down to the closest existing value.


  • There are a few instances where spacing in Figma does not align with Tailwind values. Normally when I encounter these, I shoot a note over to the designer to see if it's intentional. In this case, I took my best guess as to whether something was intentional, or if I should round to the nearest value.

Image Gallery

  • Finding the right ARIA roles for this was challenging. It was a toss up between carousel and tablist. In the end, I went with tablist because the behaviour seemed to align a bit better, and honestly, the documentation was better. That said, I think carousel may provide a better experience for screen readers. The tablist spec uses tabs to enter the tablist, and then the keyboard to navigate from there. That didn't feel correct for my purposes, so I stuck with tab to cycle, but that may be a mistake.

  • My instinct was also to use a <nav> for the list of thumbnails, but you can't assign a <nav> the role of tablist, because it implicitly has the role of nav. This seems a bit ridiculous, because it's a far more semantic element than a div within this context.

  • ☝️ same thing applies for the wrapper element of the main image. My instinct was to use <figure> for that, but you can't assign figure a role of tabpanel, so I'm stuck throwing divs around when it seems like there's a more semantic option.

  • The images have all been optimized, and use srcset to load the proper image resolution for a given display. The initial images are preloaded with rel="preload" links in the header. I noticed after submitting that I was wrong about the potential maximum size for the images, which resulted in #52 and is fixed by #53.

Selectable Options Border Size

The image thumbnails and configuration options share nearly identical border properties. All the states except for selected & selected && focus have a 1px border, but selected options have a 2px border. Increasing the border size to 2px will cause a reflow of content and result in guaranteed jank.

There's a few ways to solve this problem:

  • Double nest the inner elements: ex) <div><div>Inner Content</div></div>. Both elements would set a 1px border, but one of them is set to transparent. When selected, it changes color without triggering a reflow. This works well when elements have no border radius. When they do, you end up with gaps between the elements. It's also not very semantic. Too many issues.

  • Use a box shadow disguised as border. This works well because box shadows don't affect the content flow. Problem is we're already using box shadow for the focus outline and the other states use shadow-sm. The box shadow property supports multiple comma separated shadow declarations, so I could create custom utility classes that combine the shadows I need to make this work.

  • Use an absolutely positioned psuedo element. I was torn between hacking the box shadows or using a psuedo element, and I settled on this approach. Both of those solutions requires writing some css, and the psuedo element seemed simpler off the get go. I also noticed that a lot of the accessibility documentation seems to really prefer psuedo elements for presentational stuff.

    After implementing, I'm still torn. It ended up being more complex than I'd hoped, and using pseudo elements makes it impossible to apply tailwind classes from a consumer to the pseudo element which would suck in a real app. If I had time, I'd probably go back and try the box-shadow hacks. I think it might end up as the simpler solution.

Configuration Options

  • The configuration options implement the ARIA radiogroup role, using the roving tabindex pattern. This pattern doesn't require setting aria-activedescendant, and instead sets the tabindex of any unselected options to -1. Tab allows you to jump focus between radiogroups, and the arrow keys are used to adjust selections within them.

  • The role="radiobutton" items throw an error in accessibility checkers: "Form elements should have a visible label". I scoured the ARIA docs for the best solution here, and turns out the official best practice example fails too, so that's fun.


  • The form factor options have different sizing than the other options:


    Note the 48px padding on the right side. This is only present on the xs screen for these options.

  • The configuration options have a subtle difference in the default state: they used border-gray-300 where the images use border-gray-200.


  • Not much to note here, other than how awesome grid works for definition lists!


  • During accessibility testing I learned that SVGs should have role="img" and <title> tags as the alternative to alt.

  • Starting price from the header doesn't match the base price in the footer when base config is selected, but I figured that's not important.

  • "Need a financing?" is in the designs. Figured it's a typo.


  • I develop in Firefox, but did a final pass in Chrome. I doubt there's any cross-browser issues, but if you notice something weird, maybe give it a go in FF.

Semantic Outline
