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The Lawn Paynes website is a proposal page for a friend who is looking to expand his small lawn care and landscaping business by showing which services he provides, examples of his work using a slideshow, and a contact page to allow customers to reach out to him. The site can be viewed at

JavaScript Functions

  1. displayMessage() file: spring.js Page: Lawn Paynes Home Page
  • This function's purpose is to insert a message into the #alert div on this project's home page that is dependent upon the date listed on the computer detected by JavaScript with the method saved into the todayDate variable in Unix Time as a date object. As well, two dates are saved as date objects in beginSpringDate (03/20/2018), the beginning of spring, and beginSummerDate (06/21/2018), the beginning of summer, that will determine the messages displayed. If the date is before the beginning of spring, the message stored in beforeSpringMessage will display in the #alert div set to an orange background. However, if the date is after the beginning of spring but before the beginning of summer, the message stored in the beforeSummerMessage will display in the #alert div set to a red background.
  • Testing Notes: To test the displayMessage() conditions for when it is before spring, please change the date on your computer to a date before 3/20/18, navigate away from the domain, and then return back to the page. You should be able to see the message "Spring is coming! Call us now to get your Lawn Paynes solved! with a orange background. If the date on the computer is set to a date between 03/20/2018 and 06/21/2018, you should see the message "Spring is here! Call us now before your Lawn Paynes are out of control!" with a red background. If the date is set past 06/21/2018, there will be no message.
  1. nameValidate(), emailValidate(), phoneValidate(), commentValidate() file: lawn_form.js Page: Contact
  • All four of these functions are called when the click event on the submit button (submitButton) occurs. These four functions validate their inputs to ensure the input fields for name, email, phone number, or comments is not blank by using the .val() method. As well the emailValidate() and phoneValidate() validate their respective inputs against regex values for email and phone that are stored in emailFormat and phoneFormat by using the .test() method against their respective inputs. If the inputs are blank or do not match a valid email or phone number format, each function sets their respective variables (doNotSubmitName, doNotSubmitEmail, doNotSubmitPhone, doNotSubmitEmail), to true, and a message is inserted in a div below each respective input advising information is needed or invalid. If any of the four variables doNotSubmitName, doNotSubmitEmail, doNotSubmitPhone, or doNotSubmitEmail are true, an error is thrown and will be shown in the console and the code for the click event will not execute any further to the $.ajax function.
  • Testing Notes: To test the validations, please leave any combination of the inputs on the Contact page blank, enter a phone number in an invalid North American phone number format, or an email in an invalid format such as just a single letter or an email without a domain. If any of these invalid inputs are submitted, messages advising input is needed or invalid will display below their respective inputs.
  1. $.ajax file: lawn_form.js Page: Contact
  • The jQuery $.ajax function is executed if the validations nameValidate(), emailValidate(), phoneValidate(), commentValidate() are successful (doNotSubmitName, doNotSubmitEmail, doNotSubmitPhone, doNotSubmitEmail are all false) after the click event on the submit button(submitButton). The AJAX request is configured as a POST request, with the serialized data from the inputs in the form (formData), and sends the request to a URL that returns a response with a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) header that bypasses the same-origin policy. If a successful response is sent, a function is called to fade out the form using the .fadeOut() jQuery method and an anonymous function is called to fade the form back in using .fadeIn() and display successMessage in the form. If the response is an error, the .errorAlert class is selected and errorMessage displays in this div above the Name input.
  • Testing Notes: To test the form, please place valid input in the input fields and submit the form. The form will fade out over 1 second, and the message contained in successMessage will fade in over 1 second. To test the error message, load the page, disconnect from your web connection, and then submit the form. Since there will be no request, an error will be returned for the request and errorMessage will display in the div above the Name input.
  1. slideShow(n), showButtons(), slideMove(n), stop(), resume() file: lawn_slide_show.js Page: Our Work
  • These 5 functions establish an automatic slide show with Previous(<), Pause, Next(>), and Resume buttons to allow a user to have control over the slideshow. As well, conditions are used to ensure the slideshow and its buttons only display on tablet-sized viewports and larger (>=640px).
    1. slideShow(n) is executed upon page load since the <script> tags are placed at the end of the HTML file of Our Work. slideShow(n) advances the slides automatically every 3 seconds as it is called every 3 seconds by slideInterval. slideShow(n) will only execute on tablet-sized viewports and larger(>=640px) by using a condition making sure that the detected viewport (viewPortWidth) is equal to or greater than 640px(targetWidth). After evaluating the condition on the viewport, parameter n is defined with a condition as slideShow(n) is called by slideInterval with n undefined and increments slideNumber by 1 with the increment operator; this will be index number of the slide to be displayed in slides. As well, conditions are used to make sure that n does not exceed the final index (3) or the first index (0) of slides as this would create an error. Next, a for loop is used to hide the current slide by setting its display to none displayed as i will always be one behind the value of slideNumber. The next slide will display by setting the index of slides determined by the value of slideNumber.
    2. showButtons() uses conditions to display the control buttons for the slideshow by using a condition to make sure that the control buttons (pauseButton, resumeButton, nextButton, & previousButton) display when the detected viewport (viewPortWidth) is equal to or greater than 640px(targetWidth) and JavaScript is active as the button selector in our_workstyle.css hides all <button> tags by setting the display to none.
    3. slideMove(n) sets the slideNumber by adding the parameter n to slideNumber and passing this as an argument to slideShow(n) to advance or move back the slide when slideShow(n) is called by slideMove(n). The slide displayed is advanced by 1 slide when slideMove(n) is called when a click event on nextButton(> Button) occurs as it passes 1 as an argument for slideMove(n), and the slides are moved back by 1 on the click event on previousButton(< Button) as -1 is passed as an argument for slideMove(n).
    4. stop() ceases the movement of the of the slideshow since slideInterval is cleared by clearInterval, and thusly slideShow(n) is no longer called every 3 seconds. stop() is called by a click event on pauseButton or on a click event on nextButton or previousButton(after slideMove(n) is called to go the next slide or the preceding slide). stop() can only called while the slideshow is playing (when showPlaying is true: on page load or after a click event on resumeButton, the Resume Button) since it sets showPlaying to false and only executes when showPlaying is true so clicks on nextButton and previousButton do not call stop() again if the slideshow has not been resumed.
    5. resume() restarts the slideshow when there is a click event on resumeButton and the show is paused (whenever there has been a click event on nextButton, previousButton, or pauseButton-all of the control buttons but the Resume Button- that sets showPlaying to false) and sets showPlaying to true so that stop() can be called whenever there is a click event on nextButton, previousButton, or pauseButton.
  • Testing Notes: To test that the controls are displayed only when JavaScript is enabled on screens larger than 640px, please disable JavaScript in your browser and refresh the page. Just above the header, there should be no control buttons visible at the end of .slide-container.

CSS Classes

  1. .slide-container file: our_workstyle.css Page: Our Work
  • The purpose of this this custom class is to set a flex container for the images displayed on small screens to stack them upon one another as well as set a limiting container the images in the slideshow on larger screens (>=640px). For all screens, this container gives depth to the page with a box-shadow style and decreases the blockiness of the container with a border-radius style of 25px in addition to providing some contrast by using a shade of blue, but with the gradient-direction reversed from the direction of the body. On smaller screens, the container almost fills the page with a 97.5% width to give it some breathing room, but ensure that the container is not small on mobile devices. For larger screens, the width is decreased so that the .slides container that contains slideshow images are not overly large, and padding is applied to allow the .slides container to breathe since the img selector for tablet sized screens fills the whole .slides container with a 100% max-width and max-height. Furthermore, the width is significantly decreased on desktops and laptops (>=1025px)to ensure that the container does not extend below the user's viewport.
  1. .contactForm file: contact.css Page: Contact
  • To set up a flex container for the contact form so that all of the inputs are stacked upon one another, I created this custom CSS class. This class as well provides contrast to the background color of the body with a white background-color style. Like the .slide-container class, depth is given to the page with a box-shadow style. As well, the base style gives it a 97.5% width for the container on small screens for maximum visibility with some breathing room of the background, since the base styles are mobile-first. Furthermore, the width decreases on the breakpoints for tablets (>=640px) and laptop and desktop screens (>=1025px) where the width is equivalent to the .main-header class to make sure that the edge of the .contactForm is aligned to the navigation and title in the header for a clean look. As well, .contactForm gives a top margin +10px of the height of the header due to the header's use of fixed positioning for a stickyheader. For balance, a bottom margin of 10px is applied as well.
  1. .slides files: our_workstyle.css & our_work_no_script.css Page: Our Work
  • This custom selector contains each of the images as well as their captions. For the slideshow that runs on devices with a viewport greater than or equal to 640px, the .slides selector uses the nth-of-type selector to hide the second .slides container and every .slides container thereafter as nth-of-type is set to 1n+2. If JavaScript is disabled by a visitor, the our_work_no_script.css file embedded in <noscript> tags reverses .slides containers 2-4 being set to none by setting them back to block.
  • Testing Notes: Please disable JavaScript on a device with a viewport greater than or equal to 640px such as a tablet or laptop, and all of the images that play on the auto-slide show will appear stacked upon one another.

Additional Testing Notes:

  1. <noscript><p>... file: contact.html Page: Contact
  • This tag contains a message to advise a visitor that the form will not function when JavaScript is disabled. The previous <p> tag and its message is hidden by the CSS selector p:nth-child(2) in contact_no_script.css. Please disable JavaScript and then reload the page to test that the message in the <p> tag that is nested in <noscript> displays rather than the previous <p> tag.