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Alt Hi. I'm @rUv

Hi. I'm @rUv

Why I started this GitHub Repository.

In the rapidly-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, we are continually discovering innovative ways to leverage technology's potential. One of the most fascinating aspects of AI models, such as the GPT-4, is the phenomenon known as hallucinations. These are instances where the AI generates previously unimagined ideas and concepts – a testament to its ability to invent, rather than simply process and analyze.

The key to harnessing the power of AI-generated hallucinations lies in the symbiotic relationship between human creativity and machine intelligence. By carefully curating the input provided to the AI, we can act as the conductor of ideas, guiding the AI towards producing valuable and actionable insights. In turn, the GPT model can refine and organize these concepts into coherent structures that can be further developed and executed upon.

The intersection between reality and AI-generated illusions presents a fertile ground for exploration and innovation. By delving into this gray area, we can uncover groundbreaking concepts, projects, and techniques that challenge our understanding of the possible. These AI-driven innovations have the potential to revolutionize industries, from healthcare and biotechnology to space exploration and clean energy.

Collaboration between humans and AI in this unique space can lead to serendipitous discoveries, pushing the boundaries of our collective imagination. As we continue to experiment with AI-generated hallucinations, we must remain open to the unexpected and be prepared to embrace the unconventional. By doing so, we are not only fostering a spirit of creativity and ingenuity but also paving the way for transformative advancements in an increasingly AI-driven world.

The potential of AI-generated hallucinations is vast and largely untapped. By embracing this new frontier and fostering collaboration between human creativity and machine intelligence, we can unlock a world of possibilities, shaping the future of innovation and redefining the boundaries of what we once thought possible.

My projects represent this space, a space of infinite possibilities only one step removed from reality.

The rUv Enterprise AI Guide

They Include:

Project Table

Project/Description GitHub
🪰 Agentic Employment Framework - Manage an adaptive network of autonomous agents Link
📑 Agentic Reports - A comprehensive Python library for generating research reports, leveraging AI models, extensive data manipulation, and real-time web data filtering. Link
📜 ai-gist - This project provides a FastAPI application to create and update GitHub gists using the GitHub API. It includes SQLite for persistence and is designed to run in a GitHub Codespace. Link
📹 ai-video - A web application that captures media streams from various sources such as a webcam, desktop, or specific applications. It captures frames at intervals and uses AI to analyze and summarize the frames. Link
🤖 Agile Agents (A2) - An open-source framework for the creation and deployment of serverless intelligent agents using public and private container repositories. The framework supports serverless AI. Link
🚀 AWS Dev - AWS development environment. Link
🤖 Bot Generator Bot - The ultimate bot generator bot prompt. Use this prompt to create powerful ChatGPT bots for anything you can imagine. Includes a collection of dozens of purpose-built bots. Link
💾 GPT Repository — A definitive catalog of tailored GPT models crafted by rUv, offering a variety of specialized GPTs for various applications. It's a hub for enthusiasts and creators to replicate or extend these models' functionalities. Includes comprehensive instructions for each GPT and OpenAPI.json files for third-party API interfacing. Link
🛡️ GuardRail Data Analysis System — An API-driven framework designed to enhance AI systems and analysis workflows. Integrates with OpenAI's GPT models for advanced data analysis and dynamic conditional completions. Features include sentiment analysis, content classification, and trend detection. Essential for content moderation, customer support, market research, and more. Link
💰 LLM Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator - A dynamic tool designed to help users estimate the total cost of ownership for various Large Language Models (LLMs). Link
📦 pipackager - A tool to manage your PyPI package, including cleaning old distributions, building new ones, uploading to PyPI, version incrementing, and more. Link
🔧 Prompt Engine - A powerful and flexible template designed to facilitate the creation and customization of interactive prompts. Link
📝 PromptLang() - A prompt-based programming language for prompts and AI interactions. Simple and human-readable syntax for easy integration with APIs and data. Link
🧠 Pygentic - An innovative system designed to enhance the capabilities of AI assistants by providing a flexible and standardized API. Link
🔭 q-space - A cutting-edge deployment wizard designed to simplify the process of setting up and managing quantum computing applications using Azure Quantum and Azure Functions. Link
✨ q-star - A reinforcement learning-based framework for intelligent agents using Microsoft AutoGen. It leverages Q-Star, a Q-learning variant, for dynamic decision-making. Ideal for developing advanced AI agents. Link
⚙️ rUv MoE Toolkit - Powering software with self-learning & auto-enhancement. Supercharging older models, drastically boosting AI performance and significantly reducing costs. Link
🛠️ rUv-dev - AI-powered development using the rUv approach. Link
📘 The rUv Enterprise AI Guide - A detailed enterprise guide to AI. Link
🎨 retro-ai-ui - A prompt building web application built in Python with a retro-style Unix web-based command line interface. Link
📚 Story Development Toolkit - This toolkit, comprising several Python libraries and custom functionalities, is designed to empower writers, creators, and enthusiasts in generating engaging and coherent stories with ease. Link
🗂️ supa-ruv - Everything you need to use Supabase + AI. Link

Recent Gists

Explore the latest gists created by Reuven Cohen (rUv) on his GitHub Gist profile. These gists cover a range of topics including AI, machine learning, and strategic AI implementation. You can find more of his work and contributions on his GitHub Gist profile.

Gist/Description GitHub
Advanced Consciousness and Memory Management - Explores the integration of advanced consciousness and memory management in AI systems, bridging technology and human cognition. Link
CARE: A Framework for Evaluating AI Prompt Responses - Introduces the CARE model for prompt evaluation, focusing on Completeness, Accuracy, Relevance, and Efficiency. Link
Comprehensive Specification for HiveMindLang (HML) - Details a robust framework for AI agents within a hive mind architecture, integrating encryption and obfuscation techniques. Link
Config for a TikTok-like Recommender on Azure - Outlines the services needed to implement a TikTok-like recommender system using Azure, including real-time data streaming and machine learning. Link
Embedding MindStudio AI Applications with UUID (Auto login) - Notebook detailing how to embed MindStudio AI applications with UUID for auto login functionality. Link
Q (Q-Star) Agent Code* - A reinforcement learning-based framework for intelligent agents using Microsoft AutoGen, leveraging Q-Star for dynamic decision-making. Link
Reuven Cohen (rUv) Resume in Hypergraph Prompt Format - Reuven Cohen's resume formatted in Hypergraph Prompt format, showcasing key skills and experiences. Link
Strategic AI Integration: A Comprehensive Guide for Enterprise CIOs (DRAFT) - A guide covering the strategic implementation of AI technologies from initial assessment to post-deployment. Link

ChatGPT Plug-ins:

  • Building a ChatGPT Plugin: AI Web Surfer
    ChatGPT plugins are a powerful way to extend the capabilities of the ChatGPT.This how to build a ChatGPT plugin called "AI Surfer" that allows ChatGPT to surf the internet, summarize articles, and limit token counts using concurrent API connections. We'll also discuss how to deploy the plugin to Replit for free or to other cloud services.

  • ChatGPT OpenAi API Plugin:
    A powerful ChatGPT plugin that integrates with the OpenAI API, enabling creative text generation, conversational AI, model fine-tuning, and more. Enhance ChatGPT's capabilities with seamless access to OpenAI's language models.

  • ChatGPT Hugging Face Plugin:
    The Hugging Face API plugin for ChatGPT is a powerful integration that allows ChatGPT to interact with the Hugging Face platform, a leading provider of natural language processing (NLP) models, datasets, and tools.


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