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KING SABRI edited this page Jan 7, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the RubyFu wiki!


This book is under CC BY-NC-SA License so we appreciate all kind of contributions, distribution and we reserve our contributors efforts, forever.

Note: The code in this book is tested on Ruby version > 2.2.0

Contribution methods

There are several kind of contributions could help this book to get the best result

  • Contribution by adding tricky code.
  • Contribution by adding more explanation for existing code.
  • Contribution by enhancing the code quality or alternatives.
  • Contribution by enhancing the book quality:
  • Structure enhancements
  • Spelling, proofreading enhancements
  • Design enhancements
  • Ideas and requests
  • Any other
  • Contribution by spread the book in social media and IS communities.
  • Twitter: @Rubyfu and hashtag #Rubyfu
  • Google+: Rubyfu page
  • Contribution by adding more resources and references.
  • Contribution by donation.

How to?

Start contributing

Please find all you need to know about GitBook and markdown editing in References section. As good start, you can refer to how to use it from official readme. You can easily use GitBook Desktop editor.

  1. Create a GitHub account.
  2. Fork RubyFu repository.
  3. Clone GitHub forked RubyFu repository git clone[YourGithubAccount]/RubyFu
  4. Create a GitBook account.
  5. Go to GitBook editor and Sign-in with your GitBook account
  6. Press Import button to import the cloned repository. Then, you'll find it in LOCAL LIBRARY tab
  7. Add forked RubyFu repository GitHub URL to GitBook Editor Toolbar >> File >> Preferences >> GIT.
  8. Start your awesome contribution.
  9. From GitBook editor, Sync your changes to forked repository.
  10. From GitHub, send a Pull Request(PR) to Master branch.

Not sure where to start helping? Go to TODO list and check the unchecked items.

Contributing with Code

Ruby code
  • Use the triple ticks ``` followed by ruby then your code in between then ``` to get ruby code highlighted. e.g.
puts "Ruby Code here"
  • Explain the main idea -with some details- of the code, if you explain every line that would be great but it's not a must.
  • Choose the correct Module.
  • Make your title clear.
  • Use Text editor/ide for code identification before pasting your code
  • Mention the source, if you copied or developed a code that created by others please mention the source in the footer. e.g.
puts "Your good code"

Source Then add the following to the footer

Your notes should be under the footer's line. Add the following to initiate the footer if it does not yet exist


  • Try to use readable code, if you have to add more tricky/skilled code then explain it well

Remember! Hacker's code =! Cryptic code


Use triple ticks to highlight your command-line. ex.


Contributing with Translation

To translate Rubyfu, make sure to

  • Create a new branch for your translation
  • add a sub-directory under Rubyfu's root directory with the name of the language will translate to.
  • Update file
  • Copy and paste the content of en/ folder to your language folder, then translate it.
  • Create a Pull Request (PR)

Please make sure that mark the repository as Watch to make your translated efforts up-to-date

General Contribution

General contribution might be topic requests, proofreading, spilling, book organization and style. All these contributions are welcome however has to be discussed on Rubyfu issues especially things regarding to topics and/or book organization and styling. At the same time don't hesitate to report even single word observation about the book, it's for you at the end of the day.

Note: Since this book is enhanced dynamically and unordered, it's hard to make the footer notes with order series of numbers for the whole book so -until I find better solution- I'll make the number order separated for each page separately.