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This is a project that we use for hiring mid-level Engineers


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  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Python 3.5
  • Flask 0.11.1
  • SqlAlchemy 1.0.15
  • Postgres 9.4
  • Knockout 3.4
  • Durandal 2.1
  • Bootstrap 3.3.7
  • Typescript 2.0.3
  • Docker 1.12.1
  • Docker-Compose 1.8.1
  • Travis
  • Sphinix
  • Auth0
  • Twilio
  • Sendgrid
  • Celery


Originally i started developing from two templates

1 - cookiecutter

2 - yo durandal2


Clone the repo:

git clone

Setting BE application

Make the enviroment file in the main path:

$ vim .env 

And add the fields:

# PostgreSQL

# Flask app

Later settings with your values into Back-End application:

$ vim flaskiwsapp/settings/

    ENV = 'prod'
    DEBUG = False
    SERVER_NAME= 'your_domain'
    AUTH0_CALLBACK_URL = 'http://%s/auth/callback' % (SERVER_NAME)
    AUTH0_CALLBACK_EMP_URL = 'http://%s/auth/callback' % (SERVER_NAME)
    AUTH0_CLIENT_ID = 'your_auth0_client_id'
    AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET = 'your_auth0_client_secret'
    AUTH0_DOMAIN = 'your_auth0_domain'
    APP_URL = 'http://web.your_domain'
    TWILIO_SID = 'your_twilio_sid'
    TWILIO_TOKEN = 'your_twilio_token'
    TWILIO_PHONE = 'your_twilio_phone_number'
    SENDGRID_EMAIL = 'your_email'
    SENDGRID_TOKEN = 'sendgrid_email_token'
    CACHE_TYPE = 'simple'

Remember setting the auth0 callback urls on

Twilio is a SMS provider, I use this provider because this let me create a free account, to send emails i used sendgrid service go to , in other hand i used a external queue service from and finally to watch the logs you can move to and login with login admin and password Admin123

Setting FE application

Open the environment file and customize with your settings

$ vim knockoutapp/app/constants/enviroment.ts

export class Constant {
    public static get AUTH_LABEL(): string { return 'Authorization'; };
    public static get AUTH_PATH(): string { return '/auth'; };
    public static get CHARACTER_PARTITION(): string { return '\\073'; };
    public static get CLIENTS_API(): string { return 'client_list'; };
    public static get DEFAULT_AUTH_URL(): string { return 'http://your_domain/auth'; };
    public static get DEVELOPMENT_ENV(): string { return 'dev'; };
    public static get DEVELOPMENT_BE_URL(): string { return 'http://localhost:5000'; };
    public static get ENV_LABEL(): string { return 'Env'; };
    public static get PAGINATE_LIMIT(): number { return 10; };
    public static get PRODUCTION_ENV(): string { return 'prod'; };
    public static get PRODUCTION_BE_URL(): string { return 'http://your_domain'; };
    public static get REQUESTS_API(): string { return 'request_list'; };
    public static get TICKETS_API(): string { return 'tickets_list'; };
    public static get TYPE_TOKEN(): string { return 'Bearer'; };
    public static get ROLE_CLIENT(): string { return 'client'; };
    public static get ROLE_EMPLOYEE(): string { return 'employee'; };
    public static get SESSION_FULL_NAME(): string { return 'full_name'; };
    public static get SESSION_EMAIL(): string { return 'email'; };
    public static get SESSION_ROLES(): string { return 'roles'; };
    public static get USERS_API(): string { return 'user_list'; };
    public static get USERS_API_ME(): string { return 'me'; };
    public static get URLS_LABEL(): string { return 'urls'; };

It is important that both applications share the same web domain, because when you login a cookie is sent from the BE.

Note: To the current test I used the subdomain "web" for the Front-End application, personally i wanted add "api" subdomain for the Back-End application, however some Flask packages do not let me assign the subdomain

Deploying with docker-compose

you need install docker and docker-compose

When you have the previous pre-requirements, from the main folder project build your containers with

$ docker-compose build

Later you can deploy the application with:

$ docker-compose up

If you want that the containers run as daemon add -d to previous sentence

To show the states from your containers use

$ docker-compose ps

finally to stop and restart your containers

$ docker-compose stop

$ docker-compose start

Starting database

Rename the folder with verions file

$ cp -r migrations/versions_ migrations/versions

Later use the flask container to migrate the models

$ docker-compose run flask ./ db upgrade

Finally initialize the database with:

$ docker-compose run flask ./ create_admin

$ docker-compose run flask ./ init_roles

You can watch all manage comands using

$ docker-compose run --help

Starting with the application

To Access at the admin application, go for the url htpp://your_domain/admin, by default the acces protocols are:

Login: [email protected]

Password: admin

With Admin application you can create users, clients, requests and tickets

User is the main role in the system, he need be activated and only the admin users can access to admin application.

Client is the person that sends requests to the Users.

Request are the main model of the system, they have target_date, ticket_url and more information provided by the clients.

Ticket is a record to track the user actions, when they checked a request

Now you can acces to the application from


You can acces with your github or gmail account or with a email and password


This is a project that we use for hiring mid-level Engineers








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  • Python 45.8%
  • TypeScript 26.0%
  • HTML 20.7%
  • JavaScript 3.2%
  • Shell 2.6%
  • CSS 1.0%
  • Other 0.7%