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Dux : a large-scale automation tool written in Rust

Our goal

Build a scalable automation tool ready to handle a massive amount of remote hosts in parallel. It comes in 2 versions :

  • scalable version : 3 components (Controller Node / Message Broker / Worker Node)
  • all-in-one version : 1 executable which does everything

Scalable version


A worker node can be either a physical/virtual machine or a container. To increase the capacity of the system, just increase the number of worker nodes or their ability to multithread (number of CPU cores basically).

All-in-one version

Usage : dux -t <tasklist.yaml> -l <hostlist.yaml> -k <SSH private key> -u <username>

with tasklist.yaml

- name: Prerequisites
    - name: 1. Test SSH connectivity

    - name: 2. Upgrade the whole system
      with_sudo: true
        upgrade: true

    - name: 3. Install git
      with_sudo: true
        state: present
        package: git
    - name: 4. Clean before clone
        content: rm -rf dux

    - name: 5. Clone a repository
       content: git clone

and hostlist.yaml


Output example

    ██████╗ ██╗   ██╗██╗  ██╗
    ██╔══██╗██║   ██║╚██╗██╔╝
    ██║  ██║██║   ██║ ╚███╔╝ 
    ██║  ██║██║   ██║ ██╔██╗ 
    ██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██╔╝ ██╗
    ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝

Host : Changed
Task : Prerequisites
│           Step            │                          Changes                          │Results                             │
│1. Test SSH connectivity   │Check SSH connectivity with remote host                    │Success : Host reachable through SSH│
│2. Upgrade the whole system│Upgrade                                                    │Success : APT upgrade successful    │
│3. Install git             │Install - git                                              │Success : git install successful    │
│4. Clean before clone      │Run command : rm -rf dux                                   │Success : Command successfull       │
│5. Clone a repository      │Run command : git clone│Success : Command successfull       │

Host : Changed
Task : Prerequisites
│           Step            │                          Changes                          │Results                             │
│1. Test SSH connectivity   │Check SSH connectivity with remote host                    │Success : Host reachable through SSH│
│2. Upgrade the whole system│Upgrade                                                    │Success : APT upgrade successful    │
│3. Install git             │Package(s) already in expected state                       │None                                │
│4. Clean before clone      │Run command : rm -rf dux                                   │Success : Command successfull       │
│5. Clone a repository      │Run command : git clone│Success : Command successfull       │

Modules available


Module Description
apt Manage packages on Debian-like distributions
command Run a single shell command on the controlled host
dnf Manage packages on Fedora-like distributions (no difference with yum)
lineinfile Manipulate lines in a file (add, delete)
ping Test SSH connectivity with remote host
yum Manage packages on Fedora-like distributions (no difference with dnf)

Have a remote host handled by Dux all-in-one version

On controlled host

As for other automation tools, Dux needs an account to use on the controlled host. Let's create a dux user on the controlled host and give it some privileges :

# Create user (set password interactively)
sudo adduser dux

# Add user to sudo group
sudo usermod -aG sudo dux

# Create a sudoers file for this user
echo "dux ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/dux

On controller host (all-in-one version or worker node)

The ideal is to have a SSH passwordless connection :

# Generate a SSH key (no passphrase for the example)
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f controller_key -N "" -q

# Have this key allowed on the controlled host
ssh-copy-id -i dux@<controlled host address>

After this, you can use dux like this from the master host

dux -t <tasklist.yaml> -l <hostlist.yaml> -u dux -k <path to controller_key>


Want to write a new module ?

Because it can be tricky to integrate a new module in the codebase, a script will do that for you !

Let's create a lineinfile module :

cd lib/taskexec/src/modules
./ lineinfile

A file is created in lib/taskexec/src/modules. Now you only have to care about this file. The integration is done. It is a template in which you will find explanations and guidelines. When you are done with this file, just cargo build and try using your new module in a TaskList !

Want to talk about this project ?

Open to suggestions, feedback, requests and any contribution ! Let's talk here !

Todo list

  • All: introduce variabilization in TaskLists
  • All: introduce configuration files
  • HostList: introduce aliases
  • HostList: introduce parameters (per all/group/host)
  • HostList: add JSON format handling
  • TaskExec: modules need to produce a standardized JSON result
  • CLI: checks and argument need to be adapted between all-in-one, controller and worker exec
  • RabbitMQ: turn connections parts into a crate
  • RabbitMQ: add resiliency mechanisms (lost connection...etc)
  • All: add unit tests and integration tests
  • Pipeline: add tests
  • Pipeline: remove previous package if run with same version number (overwrite)
  • Worker: create Docker image to allow scaling it
  • Connection: introduce compatibility with QUIC, SSH3, other protocol ?


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A large-scale automation tool written in Rust








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