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The BitGenericItem interface class represents a generic item (either inside or outside an archive).

#include <bit7z/bitgenericitem.hpp>

List of all members

Public Members

Return type Name
uint32_t=0 attributes() const
bool=0 isDir() const
bool=0 isSymLink() const
BitPropVariant=0 itemProperty( BitProperty property ) const
tstring=0 name() const
tstring=0 path() const
uint64_t=0 size() const

Member Function Documentation

[pure virtual] auto attributes() const -> uint32_t = 0

Returns the item attributes.

[pure virtual] auto isDir() const -> bool = 0

Returns true if and only if the item is a directory (i.e., it has the property BitProperty::IsDir).

[pure virtual] auto isSymLink() const -> bool = 0

Returns true if and only if the item is a symbolic link.

[pure virtual] auto itemProperty( BitProperty property ) const -> BitPropVariant = 0

Gets the specified item property.


  • property: the property to be retrieved.

Returns the value of the item property, if available, or an empty BitPropVariant.

[pure virtual] auto name() const -> tstring = 0

Returns the name of the item, if available or inferable from the path, or an empty string otherwise.

[pure virtual] auto path() const -> tstring = 0

Returns the path of the item.

[pure virtual] auto size() const -> uint64_t = 0

Returns the uncompressed size of the item.

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