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A CLI to create, edit and promote releases in Replicated


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Replicated Vendor CLI

This repository provides a Go client and CLI for interacting with the Replicated Vendor API.


Mac Install

brew install replicatedhq/replicated/cli

Linux Install

curl -o -sSL
sudo bash ./

Getting Started

You can use the replicated CLI command (i.e. $ replicated --help).

(Pre-requirement) Config the CLI to have access to the Replicated Vendor portal

To use the CLI you need a user API Token to connect. You can create one by clicking on New User API Token in your Account Settings.

Then, you can set the following environment variable to avoid passing it as an argument to each command

$ export REPLICATED_API_TOKEN=<Your new User API Token>

Now, let's check an example

We will check all Applications available and the distribution channels:

To list the applications available run replicated app ls, i.e.:

$ replicated app ls  
ID                             NAME     SLUG              SCHEDULER
2FOfwth3fHauBqCvsZ1OaBAr7MU    test     test-rodent       kots
2FOvdw6IR0oewVPVCcmH12tSRoL    nginx    nginx-sheepdog    kots

Then, to check the channels run replicated channel ls --app <Your APP SLUG OR ID>, i.e.:

$ replicated channel ls --app 2FOfwth3fHauBqCvsZ1OaBAr7MU
ID                             NAME        RELEASE    VERSION
2FOfwru7Rq1plkqyZFLH6MLR1fk    Stable      1          0.0.1
2FOfwu2zcDbqR24BVPSjjnkVwIe    Beta        1          0.0.1
2FOfwreTFbmkXtf9bukwh8s1ewb    Unstable    1          0.0.1


  • If you do not export the environment variable above then, you must pass your User API token via the flag --token <Your new User API Token>
  • You can also, set via environment variable your app slug or ID (i.e. export REPLICATED_APP=<Your APP SLUG OR ID>). So that, the above command would be simply replicated channel ls.

CI Example

Creating a new release for every tagged build is a common use of the replicated command.

Assume the app's yaml config is checked in at replicated.yaml and you have configured TravisCI or CircleCI with your REPLICATED_APP and REPLICATED_API_TOKEN environment variables.

Then add a script to your project something like this:


# Create a new release from replicated.yaml and promote the Unstable channel to use it.
# Aborts if version tag is empty.

set -e


if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
echo "No version; skipping replicated release"

# install replicated
sudo bash ./

cat replicated.yaml | replicated release create --yaml - --promote Unstable --version "$VERSION"
# Channel ee9d99e87b4a5acc2863f68cb2a0c390 successfully set to release 15

Now you can automate tagged releases in TravisCI or CircleCI:

# .travis.yml
sudo: required
  - ./ "$TRAVIS_TAG"
# circle.yml
    tag: /v.*/
    owner: replicatedcom
      - ./ "$CIRCLE_TAG"



package main

import (


func main() {
	token := os.Getenv("REPLICATED_API_TOKEN")
	appSlugOrID := os.Getenv("REPLICATED_APP")

	api := platformclient.New(token)

	app, err := api.GetApp(appSlugOrID)
	if err != nil {

	channels, err := api.ListChannels(app.Id)
	if err != nil {
	for _, c := range channels {
		fmt.Printf("channel %s is on release %d\n", c.Name, c.ReleaseSequence)


make build installs the binary to $GOPATH/bin The models are generated from the API's swagger spec.



  • REPLICATED_API_ORIGIN may be set to override the API endpoint
  • VENDOR_USER_EMAIL and VENDOR_USER_PASSWORD should be set to delete apps created for testing
  • REPLICATED_REGISTRY_ORIGIN may be set to overrride the registry endpoint


Releases are created on Travis when a tag is pushed. This will also update the docs container.

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First release" && git push upstream v0.1.0

Regenerating Client Code

When the swagger definitions change, you can regenerate the Client code from the swagger spec with

make get-spec-prod gen-models

models for the v2 api isn't really working yet, need to find the URL for that OpenAPI spec.

Usage Recipes

Make a new release by editing another

replicated release inspect 130 | sed 1,4d > config.yaml
vim config.yaml
cat config.yaml | replicated release create --yaml -