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Remko Popma edited this page May 25, 2019 · 34 revisions

Annotation Processor

This release includes the first cut of an annotation processor that can build a model from the picocli annotations at compile time rather than at runtime.

Use this if you’re interested in:

  • Compile time error checking. Some combinations of annotations and attributes are invalid. The annotation processor will show compile time errors immediately, instead of runtime errors when you run your tests, resulting in shorter feedback cycles.
  • Graal native images. The annotation processor generates and updates Graal configuration files for reflection, resources and dynamic proxies under META-INF/native-image/picocli-generated/$project during compilation, to be included in the application jar. By embedding these configuration files, your jar is instantly Graal-enabled. In most cases no further configuration is needed when generating a native image.

Enabling the Annotation Processor

Since Java 6, annotation processing is part of the standard javac compiler, but many IDEs and build tools require something extra to enable annotation processing.


This page shows the steps to configure Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA to enable annotation processing.


In Maven, the simplest is to specify the picocli-codegen module on the classpath as a provided dependency. This prevents it from being a transitive dependency included in the artifact the module produces.



This is simple but won’t let you configure any options to the processor. See Processor Options below.


Use the annotationProcessor path in Gradle 4.6 and higher:

dependencies {
    compile 'info.picocli:picocli:4.0.0-beta-1'
    annotationProcessor 'info.picocli:picocli-codegen:4.0.0-beta-1'

For Gradle versions prior to 4.6, use compileOnly, to prevent the picocli-codegen jar from being a transitive dependency included in the artifact the module produces.

dependencies {
    compile 'info.picocli:picocli:4.0.0-beta-1'
    compileOnly 'info.picocli:picocli-codegen:4.0.0-beta-1'

Picocli Processor Options

The picocli annotation processor supports the options below.

Recommended Options

  • project - output subdirectory

The generated files are written to META-INF/native-image/picocli-generated/${project}.

The project option can be omitted, but it is a good idea to specify the project option with a unique value for your project (e.g. $groupId/$artifactId) if your jar may be shaded with other jars into an uberjar.

Other Options

  • other.resource.patterns - comma-separated list of regular expressions matching additional resources to include in the image
  • other.resource.bundles - comma-separated list of the base names of additional resource bundles to include in the image
  • other.proxy.interfaces - comma-separated list of the fully qualified class names of additional interfaces for which to generate proxy classes when building the image
  • disable.proxy.config - don’t generate proxy-config.json
  • disable.reflect.config - don’t generate reflect-config.json
  • disable.resources.config - don’t generate resources-config.json


To pass an annotation processor option with javac, specify the -A command line option:

javac -Aproject=org.myorg.myproject/myapp -cp ...

The -A option lets you pass options to annotation processors. See the javac documentation for details.


To set an annotation processor option in Maven, you need to use the maven-compiler-plugin and configure annotationProcessorPaths and compilerArgs sections.

        <!-- minimum 1.6 -->

See for details.

Graal Example

To set an annotation processor option in Graal, add these options to the options.compilerArgs list in the compileJava block.

compileJava {
    // minimum 1.6
    sourceCompatibility = ${java-version}
    targetCompatibility = ${java-version}
    options.compilerArgs += ["-Aproject=$group/$name"]

See the Gradle documentation for details.